Bit of a fille chapter, tying up some of the ends for a while. Yet, you couldn't end the chapter without a cliffhanger.Why doesn't that surprise me any more.
House elves on the loose... beware! Wicked little creatures, they are :D
Baldyfart's plans are set into motion. Mission "DE rescue" has started. Yay me. Can't stop reading now, can I?
Wellcome to the wonderful world of cliffies. HE!HE!HE!
Yeah, this is where old Baldie Valdie starts sticking his nonexistant nose into EVERYBODY'S business. Bella's goning to supply you with some laughs, too, the insane bi . . witch!
Breaking the news, Bill vs Veela - a tie...and a wedding!
“Don’t say a word, Severus... not... one.”
“I won’t... if you don’t... Remus.”
LMAO! A silent cease-fire is always better...
Your Severus is certainly more funny, more knowledgeable with women, than the canon one. I'm not sure which one I hate less :D Just joking, it's certainly a welcome change to have pictured him more human.
For some it's the feast of love, while some are preparing for the feast of hate.
Of course, the professors couldn't excuse themselves out of the snowball fight, could they, the small children as they are? Of course, being able to Apparate has its advantages...
The Dursleys were indeed "charmed" to meet so many freaks bering the big yellow "M" logo on they forehead... charmed, I bet they were...
No, they didn't use Apparation during the snowball fight as they knew ANna's neighbors ( Muggles ) were watching them. THey had even arrived by Apparating around the corner and walking to her front steps.
Petunia was still charmed, Vernon was merely fortified with some liquid courage and Harry 'topped off the tank', so to speak.
Quite dangerous, missing out on your morning coffee, ain't it? Loved the movie reference! Somehow, I can associate her with Sandra Bullock LOL
Ohm and what a party it will be...
Okay, okay, I will admit . . . .Anna's ( and Gwen's ) need for coffee in the morning is how I am.
Oh yeah, this is gonna be a great party!
I'm disappointed. What's the big deal in such a surprise visit if Vernon gets away without getting a stroke? Tsk, tsk...
Again off canon, my dear... I wasn't aware of any good childhood memories of Petunia AT ALL.
I guess I just have to wait and see what Anna'd done to Petunia, being a bad girl as she is :D
And, finally, a full-fledged cliffy. Baldyfart and Belladonna are up to something, which is good, but it will be bad :D
He didn't get away with it because Anna cut him off at the pass and he was so flummoxed, and then Harry and Gwen and Remus kept him occupied, he was flabbergasted!
In MY AU, there were just enough 'good' memories in Petunia's mind to use for Anna's purposes. Again, I didn't know the whole back story about Lily and Pentunia and Severus, because HBP hadn't come out yet and so, DEAL WITH IT!
Yeah, this is where the rot starts to set in and it goes rapidly down hill from here to the very end of the next story!
Preparations for the party in good old Anna style. I'm afraid that small house will have to be magically enlarged to fit 26 people, it doesn;t have 13 bedrooms for 13 snogging pairs! HE! HE! HE!
Lovely plan, this Harry's idea to give Vernon a heart infarct as a belated Xmas present :D I would even pay to see it LOL
I envisioned Anna and Christopher house more like a New York brownstone, but when I Googled Harley street images, I saw they weren't that wide, i.e. the staicase would be on one side and the rooms to the left or right, NOT the staircase in the middle of the house. SO . . the house IS already magically enlarged and that's that! HA!HA!
Yes you would . . . read on, dear, the 'party' has just begun!
So, my suspicion about Remus and Gwen is true. She's taken. Wait, what about Nymph... uuh, Tonks then? The canon nazi goes off-canon?
Gwen really likes the magical world :D Good part with the twins, the're always fun to read! And I'm glad the shopping spree didn't get displayed huge, I hate my wife's shopping sprees :D
Merry Xmas!... wait, it's only September LOL
I'm only a canon nazi about the absolute facts, but OCs have to be given a little slack. I figure Tonks and Charlie Weasley are sort of a couple, as - time line wise - they were probably at Hogwarts together. Besides, I wrote this WAY before we found out about Remus and Tonks, so WTH!
I don't particularily like shopping and I am always super focused on what I want, grab it and get out, as I hate spending time digging around without any idea of what I'm looking for. SO I would NOT go with Anna and Gwen, as they would drive me crazy.
The twins were fun to write, too, with their habit of finishing each others sentences . . . more later!
“Did either of you happen to notice the point at which I lost all control of my own house?” ROTFL!
God save us from overzealous hose elves :D
Methinks there's something silently going on 'tween Remus and Gwen, n'est ce pas?
Ya think?!?!?! Actually, you'll find out how much Gwen really knows as we roll along!
Again a nice OC, and I mean NICE, your Gwen. With the ease you're writing her and Anna... I wish I could...
I liked that small bit of talk between Gwen and Winky. SO natural when natural meets innatural :D
Poor Harry, now he's in for fun with two Shopaholics :D Again, do I see Ms. Ilex here? Can Remus not save him from this terrible fate?
Gwen is Anna's ace-in-the-hole in this story, as she's also well aware of the magical world and doesn't get 'spooked' by anything that's thrown at her, which proves usefull in the future.
Remus has his hands full, that's for sure, but he knows Anna ( and Gwen ) well enough to get Harry out of harms way, soon enough.
Read on, my dear!
Winky was perfect in this chapter. I laughed my butt off. I wonder how she will get away with Muggle machines and cooking utensils though :D That WILL be serious fun.
Methinks Anna's certain character parts were modelled after you :P
Also, this chapter was a vivid example of your unique, very casual, yet very entertaining narrative style.
Why, thank you, kind sir.
I have a great time with the relationship between Anna and Winky, as you'll see while you wander through my story. . . . Dobby, too. House elves are fun characters and these two can do and say a lot that the humans can't.
Anna and MOI!? Yes, she's got a smart mouth like me but that's where the similarities end, at least as far as looks and or style goes. I'm not the dress horse she is, I prefer jersey pajama pants and tee shirts around the house and I wear scrubs at work. I'm a right slob!
Glad you like my style of writing, though, because that IS the way I talk. To say nothing of the strange mind bending thought processes!
Have you ever been given any side remarks over chat-like dialogues? Well, I have, on several occasions... This style, however, has a fair use policy; it's just about the only way to have a crowd talk, just like the goodbye scenes in this chapter.
You seem to have made some research on England's geography as the highway numbers and cities passed are all correct. This was a helluva ride!!!
I wish only you'd bring my Hermione and Ginny back in the picture. Well, you can leave out Ginny :D
Well, at first, if the scene called for everyone to be talking at once, I had their remarks: "Bloody Hell!" "What the...?" "Oh my!" all on one line to denote the fact that they all were responding as a group and got called on it, so I string them out, individually now. I still don't tell you who says what, necessarily, but you can tell Ron, Hermione's and some of the other's favorite phrases, so that's the way I do that.
God bless Google maps/Mapquest. I have never gotten lost in my life, as my Fther taught me to read maps as a 10 year old on a trip to Florida, sitting on a small suitcase, beside him in the front seat, so I could see out to read the road signs. This was 1958, pre-interstate highways and I've been a map-nut ever since.
Ginny and Hermione and ALL of the kids get their bits as the story opens up - read after the Christmas holiday.
I love surprises. It seems, however, that Anna's surprises are always one to beware of.
Well, maybe not all of them. At least Harry wouldn't agree with me as he's offered to spend the Xmas of his lifetime with Anna.
making Dobby and Winky happy is just another bonus, a small episode written to death, yet, in your interpretation it's more human. Just like your Anna is.
Thanks. ANd you're right about Anna's secondary motives, but she does mean well. You'll see. ( Hold on tight!)
It's been a real long talk, but Harry's been brought up to date with the events of the last 15 years.
I felt so sorry for Neville and his parents and I'm really glad that at least a little progress is made with them. I'm curious if they can be healed fully, after all, autism is also a condition which will follow you throughout your life.
I'm a big believer in miracles and so, there is always hope. Your mind has a great many ways of defending itself against attack, even if you need help resurfacing. . . . all will be revealed. . . . "patience, you must learn patience'.
Talk part 2. The continuation of "catching up with the dead" and learning about your past.
Two important things learned: the abouts of the Twigg-Malfoy hate-hate relationship and the Twigg-Snape love-hate relationship.
There's more to come, I'm afraid...
Well, I never said it would be easy, did I?
And, of course, we're talking about Anna Twigg-Jones, here, aren't we?
SO, it was, necessarily, a bit of a twisted tale.
First part of the Talk, no, not about girls, just catching up with relatives Harry hadn't known.
Even if Ms. Canon allows herself some frredon this time, it's a fancy little picture. Just a friendly chitchat on a rainy day.
One lump or two, dear?
While action-packed and adrenaline-filled, it was the last paragraph that did it! Not for nothing are you called "Queen of Cliffies"!
* bowing deeply and muttering "I'm Unworthy" *
This was a MINOR 'cliffie'. just wait ( read on ), you'll see. *snicker, snicker*
Come on, Snake-heads, you still have way to go before you grow up to last year's DA!
I would love to see Anna's targeting practice in the next movie, it would make an awesome scene.
Consistent writing,wonderful ideas, you're doing a pretty darn good job!
Why, thank you, kind sir . . . . honey hush, you make this old broad blush!
Not only Professor Twigg-Jones is certifiably insane, but the esteemed author of this fiction piece is showing at least some of the signs of beginning corruption. I will have to consult a good thesaurus for some passing adjectives.
Honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
So, Anna was aware of the prank, the sweet revenge Malfoy was preparing. If she doesn't drag him into a broom closet to shag him cross-eyed as a reward...
Bloody hilarious, yet again. Where do you get these crazy ideas from???
No, Anna's not inteerested in younger men, but she knows s good prankster when she sees one. Girl after my ow heart.
I want, no, I request a detention with Professor Twigg-Jones! Ferret-face always gets away with it, doesn't he? Lucky bastard!
I laughed my butt of while I was reading. This was hilarious.
The only 'detention' part was Anna making him carry the cases out to the bike, otherwise, she was just trying to show him that he wasn't going to get away with things as he's used to doing.
Wonderful, wonderful. The Mugglification of Hogwarts has just begun. Not to mention the Wizardified Harley-Davidson. Arthur Weasley would be in seventh heaven just to see it :D
Just curious to see what the Slytherin would say...
Oh, Arthur gets his chance a bit later.
A good, somewhat slower chapter where rather important things happen, the DA is being resurrected. We all know what role DA had played fifth year, unfortunately this year their role will be even more important.
Continuing to enjoy the lovely interaction and dialogs between Ann and Cristopher. One of the biggest assets of the story so far.
I actually sat there and worked up a schedule, with Quidditch practice abd study hall, etc., as I had to know it WOULD work, so I could continue.
Can we say 'anal retentive - compulsive ' boys and gilrs?
Too hard to realize for the kids that they ARE already at war. I can hear gulps and whispers...
Oh, but it's waaay to cool to get lessons this way than from toadface. "Please copy down the text four times..." my butt! Hands-on! That's the way to learn!
I love how you're rasing Neville on a completely different new level, Auntie or not to back him up, DA did good to the boy, right? Got some self-confidence, at last.
I don't have to ask questions; you always answer them in your next chapter LOL
I've recently gotten fond of Neville as a character, so I openly enjoyed this chapter. Especially the grand entrance. It was bloody hilarious, not to mention Anna's reaction on Malfoy's remark.
Very nice, the subplot on the Longbottoms and the Muggle/Wizard medical cooperation part.
Finally, there's someone who could compensate Gryffindor for the House points taken away by Snape! HE!HE!HE!