Even the chapter note in the beginning caused meto burst out in laughter. "Cristopher hanging around." Literally hanging around! LOL
So, I was right. Severus and Anna used to be close to each other, for what seems an eternity ago.
Lovely interaction between a very much living witch and her deceased husband. This chapter did make me some parallels, though. For example, one related to my fic, Shadowlands. Then another one: I constantly kept thinking about Indiana Jones. "Dr Jones! Look at this!"
Curious how on Earth one could make a moving and talking, WIZARDING portrait of a Muggle.
Read on, my dear, as all will be explained . . . eventually.
Yes, Anna and Severus were close in school but never more than friends . . . . until now.
Bloody brilliant!
That's right, no analysis, no retelling the whole chapter again.
Simply bloody brilliant!
Awesome dialogue between Anastasia and Severus. Some light is being shed to events of 15 years ago. Methinks they'll have to keep up the facade, but hell, "the whole world is a stage..."
I HATE bloody angst, so I was determined to get their relationshop off to a roaring start and then the fun would be keeping it a secret in a place like Hogwarts, where everyone knows everyone's business - or thinks they do. I have people guessing about them through the whole story and there are a few memory charms placed when needed. ( for safety sake, not because of the knowledge, itself )
And THIS is where you should read that little one-shot of mine "That Day in DIagon Alley" as it'll all make more sense all around.
Thanks for the R&R, my darling Zoltan.
(He's hooked good now . . . I'll just let the story reel him in! *Snicker, snicker!* )
A chapter-long introduction of Professor Twigg-Jones, and what an introduction!
I got my answer already; she indeed knew Harry's parents, and our heroes here will have a protector around, so it seems.
I was also right in my previous review about the wrong end of her wand! Talking bipolar, huh? LOL
It will be absolutely interesting to read on and learn more about her back story with Severus. Annabelle is a complex and interesting OC and you've done an extremely good job with her. Have you had someone in mind when you created her?
Not bi-polar, just a hair-trigger BAD temper, which she does learn to contol . . . somewhat.
No, I didn't have anyone in particluar in mind when I wrote this, ANNA just came to life in my little AU.
Thanks for the R&R.
Oh, Queen of cliffhangers and puctuation, I salute thee :)
Glad to see that DD has come to common sense and he didn't even need to be shaken until his teeth rattled :) Well, unless we don't consider the events at the Ministry a proper shake-up... So the DA is legal now, will Annabella be in charge or is it still Harry?
She seems, btw, a helluva character; probably you don't want to be at the wrong end of her wand when her favourite soccer team loses the cup on penalties LOL :)
So, she's the godmother of Neville ... I wonder if - no, she must have, so I'm sure - she was friends to Harry's parents.
Zoltan, my darling,
This is a MINOR cliffhanger, as you will learn. . . . soon.
And it's ANNA not Annabelle, and yes, she is one helluva character, but with flaws, like any normal person. She was an interesting person to develop and the story developed right along with her.
Don't be put off by any not-strictly-canon bits ( ie, Remus and Tonks are NOT an item ), just read on and enjoy.
Thanks for the review.
AWH! Reconciliation with the traitor? Come on, Albus, even you can't be that optimistic :)
Nevertheless, Dumbledore is shown very much in character; as a matter of fact I wouldn't have expected from him any other behaviour. Unity is the key word, he understands that, and the DA might need any extra wand available.
Marietta's deeds can't fully be justified but were understandable, given her circumstances. Just let's hope she won't abuse the second chance she'd been given.
Forgiving Marrietta doesn't mean anything except to establish the fact that Hogwarts is the Ground Zero for second chances. Besides, this is her ( and Cho's ) 7th years, so they're not going to be around for the big battle anyway. It was just something I threw in there to get the party started.
A tearful good-bye and an intriguing prologue.
It seems, no matter how big their differences are, that at least Remus understands Anna's feelings towards Severus. I WILL have to read on, that's for sure. I'm hooked.
Winky's walking about with all of her finery is a hoot. Such a treasure she is.
So they announced they are a couple. Not much more her other than the New Year's Eve Party. What does she have up her sleeves now? A plausible excuse for what? I know, read on.
"they brothers literaly leapt over the counter" think you meant "the brothers"
"bagged Gwen choices" think you meant "Gwen's choices"
"somehow fitted the multitude of packages" should be "somehow fit the multitude"
Hmmm, meet with Remus as planned. Why do those two need to meet up I wonder.
I always enjoy the twins. You captured them well with them finishing each other's sentences. Not much more to say other than wondering about the twins part in Anna's planl.
Fixes typos, thanks fo much. "It's always SOMETHING!" ( Anna's planl ??? - HE!HE!HE! )
Adaptations of defensive items/weapons/tricks, mixing Muggle and magical . . . . you'll see! ( in more ways than one )
I can't wait to read your description of the house properly decorated by Winky. I think she'll do an excellent job and surprise everyone don't you? I'll wait and see.
So how long has Remus & Dawn been a couple? How do Anna & Christopher feel about this? Will we find out more about them in the future?
Now what project could she have for the Weasley twins. Something for the DA possibly? Dang I hate to stop reading but I have work to do and must stop for the day. I'll be back soon though so look for me!!
It's Gwen( not Dawn * snicker * ) and yes, you'll find out how they met and CHristopher does know and all is well.
Anna has quite a few things for the Weasley twins to do and they come through for the DA in a big way. You'll see.
HE!HE!HE! ( ain't I a stinker! )
Does Remus have a girlfriend?
I keep saying this but I loved this chapter. Winky is just too cute and I love the descriptions like: "came the muffled reply from inside the first box." & "gazing rapturously at teh bounty of linens" You provide alot of nice detail to every aspect of the story.
Oh, yeah, Remus has a girlfriend alright . . just wait until you meet her.
Oh, I see you've read the next chapter . . . . never mind!
Urm..."with a tottering pile of lines in her arm." At first I was thinking she was a closet coke head or something then I realized you meant "linens"
"as he grabbed top half of the pile" Should this be "as he grabbed the top half of the pile"
Now onto the review. Winky is running through that house like a woman who just bought her first home. All excited and giddy. I just loved the description of every move she made exploring her new home. Especially the "lots of dust" comment. Too funny. If Remus stays there while Anna is back at Hogwarts, Winky will be in heaven taking care of him.
Loved this chapter and a fitting name for the street she lives on: Harley Street. And look, I'm almost halfway done!!
Glad you caught those two little oopsies, I'll go fix asap I'm done this response.
I had a blast doing WInky.
The street was picked because of Tut and as it turns out, that's the street in London where all of the doctors and dentists have their offices! I had NO idea . . sheer dumb luck!
I forgot to mention on earlier review how I liked the slingshot idea. I've got two boys in Scouts and they are constantly using sling shots & air soft guns. When I go to camp with them I'm always one upping the kids and parents with my shooting skills. 9 out of 10 in the bullseye with the BB guns. I would make such a good wizard!! Ok- enough about me. Onto your review.
"patience, dear" "Anticipation, darling" I love those lines along with "Oh goody" Funny to hear those words come out of Snape's mouth. He is the flirt isn't he? My kinda guy. They must be talking awfully low for the other teachers not to hear them.
Some of your italics didn't take at the end of the story on the platform. Didn't know if you wanted to fix that.
Motor-bicycle, SNORT!!
Thanks for catching those [i] marks . . . I fixed them
Yes, they talk VERY quietly, but with the noise level in the Great Hall at meal time, it isn't all that hard to not be heard, as they lean toward each other and talk in little more than whispers.
Arthur Weasley is one of my favorite characters and his love of all things Muggle is just too good to ignore! HE!HE!HE!
Thanks for the R&R!
Snicker-doodles!! I love those!! My mom used to make them. I'm going to have to raid her recipe box and make those with my boys someday. They like to eat... I mean make cookies with me.
I'm so glad Winky is finding a good Mistress and a good home. For a second there I thought Harry was going to be her house elf following Christopher's comments.
Now Harry has a great Christmas present coming soon isn't he. I'm going to have to get some tissues handy for that chapter. I have a feeling I might cry, or laugh hysterically knowing Anna;) But hey, what about Snapes Christmas present. He's going to be disappointed if Santa doesn't leave Anna in his king sized stocking ;) hehe
Don't worry about Severus ( remember chapter 33?) THAT'S when he gets his, and I'm not just talking Christmas presents, here! HE!HE!HE!
Harry's Christmas and the following holiday happenings are mostly funny but then Baldie Voldie sticks non-existant konk into the picture and the stuff hits the fan . . . then it's Anna vs Baldie Voldie until the end of the next story!
Read on, my darling, read on!
Thanks for the faithful reading and reviewing!
I'm blushing, it's so cute the exchange between those two. Too bad Snape died in DH and never had a chance to find love again. (Big sigh)
So Voldy was the one behind Snape's parents death and imprisonment. Rotten git. A master as using his pawns. Now Snape came to the good side.
So she told Harry her little secret then removed the memory. I wonder if there is a way to magically recover any of those forgotten memories. That would be dangerous. Oh well, off for more!!
Yes, in MY story memory charms can be lifted when it's safe for the peoron to remember.
Lots of interesting stuff in this one. Anna is revealing a bit of her past to Harry, letting him know how close she was to Snape. I can't remember, did she ever reveal to any of the students previously that they were good friend?
Of course he wouldn't kill her. I'm surprised that she thought he would have. Good boy for protecting her.
I have a hard time picturing Lucius in the fight but then again he was involved in the fiasco in the Dept of Mysteries in OotP so I guess he would be.
So who killed Snape's mother? Hmmm...next chapter!!
Well, they ( the 6 kids who were there the first night ) knew that Anna and Severus had been classmates, but not how close. She thought he just might kill her as he'd been with Voldemort for 3 or 4 years and she hadn't had any contact with him and didn't know just how much he'd been influenced by old Baldie Voldie. . . so, if he killed her, so be it, at least she thought he might take a bit of pity on her and make it quick.
He wasn't fighting, just the outlook and stopping any one ( Anna's Dad) from interferring.
Well, my 'theory' was about like JKR's about SS/LE, but with Anna, he viewed James as a cad, who treated his 'best friend from the crib' rather badly, just for being friends with him (SS).
Then, on the other hand, sometimes, two people just don't/can't give each other enough of a break, on personality differences, to ever have any kind of friendship. AND they were teenaged boys, full of raging hormones and angst! Read on, you'll see more clues.
A - yes, Lucius was there, AND you'll learn all about it in the next 3 chapters, so read on!
B - they say 'ditto' and 'yes' too softly, and in Severus' case, through clenched teeth, for any of the students to hear or wonder what's up.
C - Severus will refer back to this in the 2nd half of chapter 33, but wait for it, and it'll be funnier. . . . you'll see!
Ain't I a stinker?! HE!HE!HE!
to answer your ? from 2 reviews ago: no, I've never had a food fight with the grandkids, as I don't have a house-elf and would have to clean the mess up myself . . . no, thank you.
Glad you liked the food fight.
Ditto is from "Ghost".
Slytherin house, as Severus pointed out, is a case study in "short attention span theater". But, as you'll see later in the story, Anna's not above lifting/borrowing the Slytherin's idea for the D.A. to use - all's fair in love and war. Wait and see!
Yes, Severus was in on 'it' but was ready to rein in her temper if she lost it. She's NOT reacting as he expected, but then, on the other hand, knowing her silly side, she is.
Hermione got her one shot already, but it'll all work out.
Well, YOU try carrying on a love affair in front of 400+ people, when THEY all think you can barely stand to sit next to each other and see how easy it is ( isn't )! Therefore, they devised the 'code' words and then Anna adds her brand of silliness. Everyone knows she loves to get Snape's goat, so if she can do something silly enough to get a reaction from him, that's 1 for Anna!
My son and grandson are BIG soccer ( Manchester United ) fans and so I know a bit about the skills needed, especially the goalie. Anyway, neede a reason for them to be out by the courtyard for the scene with Draco.
Yes, I'm a closet MM, but a bit long in the tooth to start riding now. I take that back, I'll ride, just not drive. HA!HA!
I want you to believe you're watching all of this from the safety of an 'Invisibility Cloak' . . . . so SHHH! and enjoy! HE!HE!HE!
I just KNEW I heard someone shulking around . . welcome back. It is always a bit of a press, finding those couple of minutes to read a bit more, so I'm glad you turned your back on everything else for some ME time, with my story! HA!HA!
Actually, being the anal-retentive/compulsive that I am, I actuall sat and figured out a full schedule, for DA practice, rescheduling, N.E.W.D.T.s practice, etc before I could go on, as I HAD to know it WOULD work out, what with Quidditch practice and study hall ,etc. to consider.
Yeah, Christopher is her balance, her steadying influence and she relies on him, even tho he's just a painting. To her, it's like he's looking over her shoulder from wherever he is and giving her his words of wisdom ( and teasing, too ).