Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 08:36 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 6 : Welcome to my world
Spectacular! I'm really getting into this and finding it hard to stop but I must or else I won't have a job!!
The intrigue is starting. I now know Dumbledore knows about their relationship. I liked how Snape greeted her-the tease.
I really like the diaglogue in this story. It sounds very realistic. I'll be back for more!
Author's Response: I just HAD to let Neville get one over on old Draco!
So, the stage is set and school can begin!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 07:45 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 5 : Secrets
Hey!! You jumped past all the lemons. Now I'll have to use my vivid imagination. The discourse between Anna & Christopher is too funny. You can tell they really loved each other and he is comfortable with her moving on and finding happiness after his death.
Pulled an all-nighter- good one!! Now I'm off to imagine Snape pulling an all nighter himself. I'd much prefer Draco or Harry in that role but for the sake of your story I will picture Snape.
Author's Response: Ahem! By "all-nighter" I meant that Anna and Severus didn't get any sleep, if you know what I mean! Made up for lost time, as it were! You'll like - I think it's chapter 33 "Do you wanna dance?". but don't read it now, work your way up to it! Ain't I a stinker?
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 06:54 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 4 : Why didn’t I see…?
Aawww. Snape's in love. I hope there will be some lemons coming up (I love that term BTW)
You caught me by surprise there. I knew she had feelings for him based on the Prologue, but I didn't know they were just acting a part.
It will be fun to hear the name calling between the two of them in future chapters for the sake of their cover in front of the students. I'm curious whether Albus is in on this or if he is an outsider. One comment you made in the chapter makes me wonder. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Onward!!!
Author's Response: She was always his BEST and ONLY friend at Hogwarts, until 7th year when it got strained, to say the least, the Prologue giving you some clue.
BUT, Anna had NO idea he loved her, and she didn't realize what she felt for him had gone beyond friendship. So this IS the beginning of their romantic relationship.
I wanted to get it started in the first couple of chapters as I knew I'd have much more fun with their efforts to hide it and trying to steal moments together. You'll see their little 'secret' phrases that they use to say "I love you" at various parts of the story.
When Anna gets to breakfast, you'll see that Albus DOES know and was expecting ( hoping ) for just that to happen. He HAD brought Anna to Hogwarts the previous week to confront Severus and vent her anger and get ALL of their collective 'baggage' out and done with, Then they concocted that little scene, for the kids sake, but Anna just thought it was to get back on an even keel with Severus as a friend. She was clueless as to his real feelings.
That explaintion was nearly as long as the chapter!
I don't do REAL lemons ( explicit scenes ) but give you just enough to realize what's been happening or what's goning to be happening behind those close doors!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 01:12 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 3 : Do I Make Myself Clear?
OK, maybe I should have rephrased that. I agree Dumbledore played each one of his chess pieces in order to achieve the end result which was the defeat of Voldemort. I can't say I agree with the manipulation but I do understand it. Even Churchill allowed Londoner's to die in order to maintain secrecy during WWII. At least that is what I remember learning in History class. The British had broken the German code but in order to maintain secrecy they didn't forewarn the citizens of certain impending attacks or else the German's would know the code was broken. (I need to look that up again for accuracy.)
Anyway, I liked the way she handled it and the way the characters accepted their role. Maybe not willingly at times but accepted it for the Greater Good. All nicely wrapped up to support Dumbledore's theory that Love was a powerful magic. But yet he manipulated that concept also. He used peoples love to obtain the end result. I wanted to let you know that I included this idea in Chapter 8 of my story. I thought your comment was too spot on not to write it somewhere. I hope I did it justice but you will have to wait until it's finished to comment whether I relayed it correctly. Remember, patience.
Author's Response: Patience . . . HE!HE!HE! . . . wait until you see who admonishes someone to 'learn patience' in this story. I hate chess, by the way, but I agree with you about Albus and his dogged determination to do everything for the 'greater good'.
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 08:04 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 3 : Do I Make Myself Clear?
What do they always say? Give a book 3 chapters before you decide whether you like it or not?
I do like it (did I scare you there?) I adore Aunt Anna and will be watching our new DADA teacher for hints of a love affair with Snape. I can see that you wrote this prior to knowing Snape's backstory with Lily Potter. I realy felt for Snape in DH when it was all revealed. I applauded his actions once it was all known. I had a feeling he wasn't that bad for Dumbledore to trust him so much. I loved how Rowling handled that. It will be interesting to see what twist you put on this story with Anna & Snape. Will he be a good guy or a bad guy? Hmmmm.
I will also be watching for Neville's improved confidences.
I'll see how much more reading I can get done today. If not then look for more comments on Monday.
Have a great weekend!!
Author's Response: Well, here we must agree to disagee . . . I think JKR had Albus manipulate and use Severus' feeling of love and guilt about Lily for 'THE GREATER GOOD". He WAS a MASTER manipulator. But ( and this is how JKR sees him, not we fans ) Snape was really a nasty, ugly, slime ball and if it hadn't been for Lily Evans, he'd have been standing shoulder to shoulder with Lucius and Bella, on Voldemort's side the whole way and Harry would never have stood a chance. JKR says she didn't like him and can't understand the fans loving him, as he's unredemable in her eyes. Go figure!
HOWEVER . . . this is MY story, MY AU and Severus is gonna be HAPPY! if it's the last thing I do . . . .oh, wait. . . .I already did!
You'll see! But watch out for those cliffies!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 06:55 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1 : Welcome to Hogwarts
Sorry, I accidentally missed this chapter. I got timed out while leaving the review on the Prologue so I had to back up, sign back in and rewrite the review. When I picked the next chapter I presumed I had already read Chapter 1 which was actually the Prologue which I had read. So I've backed up and re-read.
Once I knew the backstory of the prophecy I too thought Neville would have an important part in the end of Voldemort. I liked how Rowling gave Neville the improved confidence. It will be interesting to see how you give Neville that step up.
I'm still not far enough into the story yet. I like the explanation regarding Marietta's betrayal. I'm curious about Luna's relationship with Neville. I originally thought they would hook up but Rowling had other plans.
I'll keep reading.
Author's Response: Yeah, I thought Luna and Neville would wind up together, too. And in this story they do, sort of . . . little spats, etc.
Well, Cho got the blame in the movie, which I thought stunk! But I couldn't let the kids be mad at Marietta, especially after they found out how underhanded old Delores had been when interrogating them, so that's the reasoning behind this scene. The first 6 chpaters cover the first 24 hours , then 2 for the first DADA class, then 2 for Hogsmeade weekend, then 2 for Halloween , 2 for November and the Slytherins, then the 'talk' Anna promises Harry (3 chapters ) then the holidays and the all hell breaks loose!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 12:26 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 2 : Oh, by the way . . .
Why are you calling it the Defense Association instead of Dumbledore's Army?
I'm still reading and enjoying so far. There is alot of information to acquire so it will take some time to get into the flow and see where this is going.
Aunt Anna sounds like quite a character. It will be interesting to see what goes on with Snape. Hmmm. Obviously this is not a Marauder story at all but it was a set up to the future story to come. Hmmm.
I only have an issue with the flow of the sentence "The kids jumped up and watched the sofas..." It's probably a personal issue but I had a hard time with the flow. I'll keep reading and keep reviewing!!
Author's Response: Well, let's consider this . . . where do you live? I'm in Maryland, USA and I write like I talk, so, that's the flow of my brain waves. . . . HE!HE!HE!
As you didn't stop to review until the end of chapter 2, it seems I have you hooked! Yippee! Have fun and watch out for my cliffies - I'm a real stinker with those puppies!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 20/11/2008 10:35 pm ·
Nice beginning. I enjoyed reading this. I will continue to read bit by bit but give me time 50+ chapters, YIKES!!!
Is Anna Twig a Rowling character from Marauder period or is this one of your OC's? I think this is the first Marauder theme story I've ever read. I've been hooked on Dramione's. Some are just too juicy. My bad. So you are broadening my horizons.
Author's Response: Anna is an OC. Let me give you my reasoning for this story. I kept thinking that despite the fact that Baldie Voldie "picked & marked Harry as his equal", that didn't make Neville an less of a wizard. Despite his being a bit of a dork, he's a very powerful, smart, quick minded guy who EVERYONE has and will underestimate - to their peril . . . as BV found out when Neville sliced off Nagini's head!
ANYWAY, I was thinking ( this was right after PoA ) . . . what if Neville had a Godmother . . . and what if she'd been at school with Harry's parents but wound up an Auror and worked with Neville's parents . . . and what if, for the 6th year, Albus recruits her to be the D.A.D.A. teacher . . . and believe me, it just snowballed from there. The strangest things happened when I was writing this story, too. (I'll PM you the list!) and I came up with the EPILOGUE in the middle of writing the first story!
ALthough it's not a true Marauder's story, it brings all of those people back together - at least the survivors . . . and then some . . . you'll see. SO, take your time, enjoy and welcome to MY world!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 10:34 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 28 : A Simple Task
Well, THAT was interesting! I'm certainly hoping Vernon was mostly drunk, because he was rather out of character... but then, I see how, and it mostly makes sense. If THAT makes sense :P I also love this line: "...beaming with that ‘just one more for the road’ cheerfulness." That's GREAT! ^_^ Kudos.
Author's Response: Actually, it's Petunia that's put the fear of God in him. She' told him to behave himself and if it takes a drink or two, Harry was more than happy to help his uncle along. She reminded him of all of the clients and their awful wives she's had to entertain ove the years, so it's payback time. Plus Arthur cornering him and being SO interested in the factory, gave Vernon a perfect excuse to not have to talk to too many of 'them'.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 04:37 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 27 : Let's Get This Party Started!
:o What IS it with you and your cliffhangers-that-might-not-be-as-cliffhangery-as-they-seem? :P You always make a person want to keep going... even if it's late and they need sleep :P So this, sadly, is where I stop for tonight... but it IS very good :) Kudos!
Author's Response: There are a couple of my 'cliffies' that really are nasty . . . . not just another take-a-breath-and-turn-the-page type. Also, I have a couple, in the second story, where I jump to a different scene at the beginning of the next chapter and THEN get back to the resolution of the cliffie . . . I is a bad, bad girl, I is . . HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 03:15 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 26 : Surprise Visit
Wow! I admit, I thought there was something very off about Petunia... for a moment, I was afraid you had written her out of character, which I didn't expect of you! So I was relieved to realize it was all Anna's doing, of course ;) And - oh! A Voldie scene! Intriguing... I wonder what will happen...
Author's Response: I TOLD you he'd start showing up, slowly getting things started against Harry and all of them. It's going to be an interesting NEW YEAR. HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 02:20 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 25 : Let's Do It!
Well, that's certainly an interesting turn of events! I can imagine the result of their little outing... can't wait to read it! :D One question. Do you have a set age for Gwen? I know that since Christopher was so old, she could easily be in her thirties... just curious. ;) Nice chapter!
Author's Response: I have Gwen at about 32 or 33, but not much older than that. She was at university when Anna married her dad, so sh'e not that much younger than Anna. Christopher died at around 65, inoperable brain tumor. Ann could extend his life a bit, slow down the growth but not save him, so they made the most of his last year and he died happy and contented.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 12:25 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 24 : Happy Christmas to All
Oh, dear! Anna's just so silly. One of the most enjoyable characters I've ever read... you really do a good job with her. :) One thing I noticed... when Remus mentioned the party Anna brought to his house, you left out Peter... any reason? He was their friend, too, you know, despite the events that occurred afterward.
Author's Response: Well, Peter hung out with them at school as he was in their class, dorm and year, but when they went home, they didn't necessarily include him, besides, by that time, Sirius was living at the Potters, so it was easy for them to all wind up at Remus' house. For all we know, he {Peter}spent his vacation with Baldie Voldie as a junior Death Eater! Who knows . . . I just didn't feel like having him hanging around. He creeps me out!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 18/09/2008 11:49 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 23 : Onward!
I forgot that people in paintings can travel to different buildings! Of course they can... the one in OotP... I forgot :P But I like that, because Christopher's always fun to have around. ^_^ Great chapter... Winky never fails to be adorable :P
Author's Response: That's my Christmas tree, by the way, 7 1/2 foot, 1,200 lights, half color, half white, and about 300 ornaments from EVERYwhere and a LOT of them are trains ( my hubby's a train nut!) HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 18/09/2008 11:21 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 22 : Let's Get Started, Shall We?
Aww, poor little Winky! I can only imagine what those two rooms must have looked like, completely covered like that! :P This is a fun chapter! And I love when things like that fall into place, when Harry and Remus bought those gowns for the girls. That's so convenient :P
Author's Response: Winky's just a little too literal for her own good, but she soon get's to know her 'Missy Anna'
And Harry's no fool, so why not just grab what came in second and then he and Remus are sure that the girls will like their gifts.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 18/09/2008 04:43 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 21 : Making a List
Oh, I like Gwen! Always good to find a cool step-daughter who may or may not have something going on with our werewolf here :P Or maybe I took that completely the wrong way. :P Either way... very nice! I love Winky so much! Great job, Holly.
Author's Response: Oh, you're right about Remus and Gwen ( when I wrote this, I had no idea JKR would have Tonks and REmus wind up together, so I have Tonks and Charlie having a long distance relationshop, that's hinted at but not explored. Just know Tonks isn't a wallflower, she has a social life, too. Sharlie will be home over the holidays.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 18/09/2008 02:11 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 20 : Harley Street
I think Winky's just adorable. House elves are just so cute, and you write them very well! I also love the conversation between Remus and Anna... again, Anna's dialogue is my favorite part of the story :D Wonderful job! I'm looking forward to whatever happens next... and who's at the door? I have a guess! But we'll see...
Author's Response: Bet you DON'T know who's at the door. Yeah, Winky's gotta cheer up a bit, don't you think? NOT! HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 18/09/2008 12:07 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 19 : To London…To London
Yay, so the fun begins! I honestly can't wait for the next chapter and what's going to happen during this vacation. I liked the race, of course; Tut is so much fun. I hope my questions get answered in the next chapter, because I certainly have a lot ;) Very good!
Author's Response: I told you Tut would be back, and he shows up during the summer vacation, too AND the final battle! HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 17/09/2008 10:21 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 18 : Needed: One House-Elf
Aww, this chapter is great! First, I love the slingshot idea and am very curious as to the answer to their question ;) And I'm definitely looking forward to reading Harry and Anna's trip to London! And the way you wrote the scene with Winky is just
so cute! You make your stories so enjoyable, they're just so... FUN to read. Wonderful job!
Author's Response: I love house-elves and once JKR used her in PoA, she more or less ignored her from then on. So, I decided to give WInky a second chance . . . isn't that what Hogwarts is famous for . . second chances?
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 17/09/2008 09:36 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 17 : Now I’m beginning to understand
That's a GREAT ending conversation right there :P Like I said before, I just love the conversations Snape and Anna have. And their relationship is just very realistic to me... can't wait to see where it goes. Great job! You've done so well with this story :D
Author's Response: They tend to keep their conversations at the staff table to a minimum, as he's not supposed to be the 'chatty' type. But they can at least see each other and say a few whispered sentiments to each other without drawing attention to themselves.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 17/09/2008 09:33 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 16 : Best Kept Secrets
You tell the story very well, Holly! I like how well thought-out the events are, and Anna explains them very well. I especially like that she just jumped onto Lucius, instead of using magic; seems very true to her character ;) Nice job here!
Author's Response: Well, she's famous for her temper and Lucius just got a taste of it, first hand. HE!HE!HE!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 16/09/2008 07:18 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 15 : Afternoon Tea and Sympathy
You created her past very well, or what you’ve written of it here! I like it very much; and thank goodness she finally calms the fact that James and Sirius weren’t any worse than Harry, Ron and Hermione. It always seems so blown out of proportion, you know? And the bit about the gardens is so nice. Anyway… it's very good. I like this story so much! :D
Author's Response: She doesn't sugar coat it, but she doesn't gloify the marauders, either. "Boys will be boys"
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 16/09/2008 07:18 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 14 : Severus vs. Anna
Dun dun dunnn!!! Wow, you have a wonderful way of keeping the reader so absorbed in your story that they’re surprised when they reach the bottom of the page – at least, I was! :P This was very good, and I like the bit at the end. You’re finally revealing what, exactly, happened those years ago. I really can’t wait for more!
Author's Response: Stay tuned, you're about to find out!
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 16/09/2008 07:17 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 13 : Slytherin Dueling Society
I have to admit, I never thought that I would enjoy a chapter that was almost purely Slytherins so much. This was so fun to read, though! I love that she made Malfoy look like a fool (yet again). And I especially like the part about Nott. Very good chapter, Holly! :D
Author's Response: I really gets Draco's goat that she does that without mcuh effort . . he gives her things on a silver platter and she's no fool, she'll use every opportunity to show that she's NOThis enemy, if he'd only open his eyes.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 16/09/2008 07:15 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 12 : Just…do…this…!
I’m loving Christopher more and more. You don’t show the deepest side of him – the part that perhaps wishes Anna didn’t love Snape – much… but then, he’s just a painting. Not the real person at all. So it’s realistic, actually – and I will never stop being entertained by Anna’s craziness, as I’m sure he hasn’t. Great job!
Author's Response: Oh, he cares very deeply for Anna, but they had the portrait done, knowing he was dying and that she'd go on with her life and probably fall in love again, as Christopher had when his first wife died. He's been there, done that, so he has more understanding of the feelings she's experiencing than most.