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Reviews For Seventeenth Summer

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/09/2008 05:46 pm · Chapter: Decisions


OW, I bet THAT smarted! Ah well, nothing for it is their plan is to succeed.

A fitting ending to this little story.

And he will avenge Ciss'a death.

Won't do much for Severus' pain or his, but they'll know she didn't die in vain.

Bravo! Excellent!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/09/2008 05:38 pm · Chapter: The Plan

SOoo, Severus is to be Draco's mentor, not Lucius.

Well, that will put a burr in Lucius' butt, won't it?

Draco will go to Severus for everything and can get away with ignoring his father.  GOOD!

If it makes Baldie VOldie get his jollys making Lucius unhappey by taking his son away form h is influence, and at the same tome keeping Severus and Draco close, then he's just given the Order the edge they need.


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/09/2008 05:31 pm · Chapter: Midnight Confessions

Okay, like it or not, Severus, Draco has made up his mind and there's nothing yooucan do about it.

It'll all work out, you'll see.

Baldie Voldie just made another big mistake, having Cissa killed.  It's had the opposite effect and he'll be sorry.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/09/2008 05:23 pm · Chapter: The Price

son  - has more meaning vcoming from Severus than it EVER did coming from Lucius.

I love these little 'summer' sotries of yours and it makes a LOT more sense than JKR's version - I know that's heresy, but this is SO mcuh more fun!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/09/2008 05:18 pm · Chapter: Happy Birthday, Draco

Now 'm worried about what Lucius has been told to do.

Will Draco grab Cissa and get away?

Does Lucius want to run?

Will Severus be able to stand much more?

Onward for the answers!



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