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Reviews For Will you?

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 06/11/2008 11:45 pm · Chapter: Attempt number 1

Ok, Harry has to put it off, as per your chapter title, so this will be a continuing story.

It looks to be a good comedy of errors, so I'll stay tuned for the next installment.

Speaking of errors, I spotted a few spelling/grammar/punctuation/Canon errors in this chapter.  (Victor Krum) Have a beta check the next one and go over this one, as it breaks the flow of the story, at least for me.  IT IS A GOOD, FUNNY STORY! KEEP GOING!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 08:28 pm · Chapter: Lets Catch up...

Short, succinct & covered a lot of territory in a little space; my kind of 'catching up'!

Ron is STILL a bonehead, but bully for him in helping the Cannons!

Hermione, if she's not reading, at least she's getting paid to write things for other to read!

Ginny, following, sort of, in Bill's footsteps.  You go girl!

Where ele made sense for Harry to be.  I like the idea of him as DADA Professor, even if he is only 2 or 3 years older than the 7th years.

OK, on to the 'big scene'!


Oh, by the way, in your title banner . .  it's won, not one.


Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 04/09/2008 03:47 am · Chapter: Lets Catch up...
I liked the way you did the recap... a quick intro to set the stage for the rest of the story.  I look forward to reading more of it.

Author's Response: Thank you... I wrote this before book 7 so IMO Harry should have been the one to break the curse of the DADA job so in my mind he is LOL

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