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Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 23/09/2009 01:11 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1 : Road trip

Now I know where your email signature comes from :D

Why do I have the strange feeling that not all is going well there. For example, to whom can those prying eyes belong? There's a leak in the system, methinks.

I do think this house has to do with Severus and whoever watches this house now has some plans against him. 

It was also very important to show that Draco severed any ties with his father. Nicely done!!!

Author's Response:


Yeah, ANY excuse .. . HE!HE!HE!

I'll explain the MOO! later . . .

Anyway, You're half right about the house & the person watching Gwen, Cissa & Dobby. . . .  huummmm . . .

The bit w/Draco and the lawyers was a hoot to write, as I could see their collective jaws droping and Albus' barely contained glee. 

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 23/09/2009 11:06 am · Chapter: Prologue

Just picking up the bits and pieces where we left off. Good to see you're continuing in the same casual, easy-to-follow, easy-to-read style. Your humOUr hasn't changed as well :D

Curious what the sequel might bring to all of our heroes.

Author's Response:

Well, you've already fallen down the rabbit hole, now you get to wander through wonderland, which is where Cissa and Gwen are headed . . the new hiding place. . . with a stop or two in between . . . yOU'll see . .


Name: gnilworkj (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 11:30 pm · Chapter: Prologue
OK I will try to read that one first so I will understand this one better. Give me time to get through it all.

I know what you mean by reviews. I'm locked out of HPFF due to the crash and they haven't fixed me yet. I was just starting to get some interest but now I'm stagnant there with only 3 chapters posted. I posted here in order to get some feedback, and other than you, my most faithful reader, and my beta, no one has read my story. Boo hoo. At times I feel like giving up but I want to keep trying.

Ok enough self pity- I'll start reading.

Author's Response:

Honey, GF is the ninth site where I've posted these stories and I've only gotten a hand full of reviews on any of them and usually it was one or two "faithful" readers, like you said, who took the time.  I have one such reveiwer on HPFF and 18 of her 23 reviews were lost in the crash.  Also, at the rate they upload over there it'll be at least this time NEXT year before I'll have both stories uploaded, and I'm not even talking about the one shots!

I just love it here at Gluttony and even if I don't get a lot of reviews, that's okay, as I still get to 'talk' with the others when I review THEIR work, such as your good self!

Yes, you really do need the first story and I hope you enjoy it. I doesn't follow Canon as HBP wasn't out when I wrote it and DH wasn't out when I wrote the second one, so it's AU all the way! ( I did put bits from HBP in after Christmas, as I'd read HBP by then and shcnged the whole second half of the story to include Draco and Cissa, although Lucius was always in the story.  You'll see.  Have fun and now you'll also understand my banners!  Don't forget to read the one shot "That day in Diagon Alley " after chapter 4 or 5, I forget which  - really doesn't matter, just somewhere in there!


Name: gnilworkj (Signed) · Date: 18/11/2008 06:07 pm · Chapter: Prologue
I just saw one error in this sentence "I sure he would be willing to go with you and offer his advice." I think you meant "I'm".

Since this is just the Prologue I don't have much to say other than I'm curious what this might be all about. It sounds like Lucius is either dead or in prison. Not sure but will read on to find out.

Author's Response:

Will fix typo ASA I finish THIS!

You have to have read my first story "What goes around" or NONE of this will make any sense! (Yes, Lucius is dead)

Glad to get a review, anyway, as they are few and far between! I think people are scared off by the length, but it's all personal taste and attention span I suppose! HAHA!

Name: POTTERPHILE (Anonymous) · Date: 30/10/2008 03:48 pm · Chapter: Prologue
I enjoy you story so much. Iam very gratefull that you update so quickly.
Thank You

Author's Response:

Well, I finished these stories MONTHS/years ago, so it's just a matter of uploading them.

Thank you SO much for reviewing, as I rarely get a review, most readers do the one shots and seem to stay away from the long stories.  Looonng being the operative word, here!


Again, thanks for the review and enjoy!

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