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Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2009 01:16 pm · Chapter: How Could She Do That?
I laughed my head off at this piece! Hermione marrying Draco in a knee length dress with a corset! "We'll have to wait till it's TOS compliant." I hope you did really well in that challenge, you deserve it!

Author's Response:

Thanks! I think the challenge didn't actually have a winner - but making people laugh is the best evaluation anyway. :)

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 13/01/2009 03:14 am · Chapter: How Could She Do That?
That was freakin' hilarious!
The best of all the cliche's. I love it.

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you thought it was funny. :)

Name: Bella_Portia (Signed) · Date: 03/01/2009 07:17 pm · Chapter: How Could She Do That?

This was brilliant and hysterical.  I can't tell you how impressed I am with how consistently and methodically you hit all those point of absurdity -- all the way down to the last one (completely pointless to have sex without an accidental pregnancy: in-freaking-spired!)   The potion to speed up pregnancy, the second generation kids having exact parallels from the HP generation, Hermione and Draco's mad lust for each other played out between Rose and Scorpius:  I think you nailed it all. 

My hat is off to you.  This was a fantastic job. A+++.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, Elisabeth! I value your praise very high, as I love your writing...

Yes, I tried hard. My favourite,  though, is the one where children who are 3 monts old and speak and/or children who are 3 years old and are just learning to walk. So I tried to cover that, too.

I'm actually not sure if I've read a story when a couple sleeps together without having a child later. I just realized this goes for my novel length as well, but I swear I didn't want to have that out of wedlock child, but I had to stay canon...JKR made me cliche. :D

Thank you for your review, I really appreciate it!

Name: morgana (Signed) · Date: 29/09/2008 04:32 pm · Chapter: How Could She Do That?
This story is absolutely hilarious. I love the fact that you talk about the readers and how she would have to get pregant for the sake of the story and everything.

Really, really good effort!

Author's Response: Thank you, Morgana! I'm very glad you liked it! I tried to figure what are the authors thinking wjile writing some of the things tht bug me...:D

Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 29/09/2008 03:28 pm · Chapter: How Could She Do That?

This was very...weird, yet humorous! lol

I thought the cliches were very funny, but also just the way Rose and Scorpius were acting was very OOC as far as I can tell from reading other Next Gen fics, and also more mature for their age...which was also funny.

I thought I'd find a bit more ikyness between the characters as Hermione married Draco, so technically, Rose and Scorpius are step sister and brother! Although this isn't exactly incest, I thought you might take the characters into that 'Eww, we can't do this!'...but I laughed when Rose just burst out and says “Oh Scorpius, I love you! Will you marry me?”

LOL Thank you for adding this to the archive, it was enjoyable, even though a little weird. 

Oh, and a 4 week old baby saying 'Mummy!'??? Must be a very advanced baby!!!! ;)

Author's Response:

Well, one of my major Pet-Peeves are children acting out of age...so that is why I have Rose and Scorpius acting more mature (I've read stories when they start to date at the age of 11...) and 4 week old baby saying Mummy, as well as a three year old...but after reading a story where a 3 year old was just learning to walk, I really don't think I can top that. :D

Thank  you for the review! I'm glad you considered it funny...:)

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