Ron 'perpetually clueless' Weasly does it again!
Hermione let him off the hook ENTIRELY too easily! She should have flat out refused to go as she hadn't been consulted about the bet and it was TOTALLY barbaric of those two to disreguard her as a person, but like some teddy bear they were arguing over. Morons!
But, Draco had an alterior motive, as he couldn't very well blurt out in the hallways how he really felt about Hermione and she wouldn't have believed him in any case.
Better to have her alone and then tell her. So what if Draco likes her? Would either of them want an out-in-the-open relationship? With Ron and Pansy ready to kill them?! But it looks like Hermione is calling his bluff . . . . SOoo????
Will there be more of this little story?
It's got potential! It's got lots of possibilities! It's got READERS!!!!!!! ( all 2 of us! )
Please take it a step further, at least give Draco a chance to tell her EVERYTHING, give Hermione a chance to weigh her options.