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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2008 05:12 am · Chapter: One of Our Own by BKL8008

I'm sitting here crying; out of relief for Draco getting back to Scorpius, about Astoria getting better and mostly about Ron doing the right thing.

Bravo.  Brilliant story.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review and kind words, Holly. Sorry I made you cry! Then again, if it did that, I must have done something right? I'm glad you liked it.
When I was first drafting this story, I had Ron throwing a huge fit and his mother ripping into him. While that would certainly fit canon for Molly, it just didn't work. So I decided that Ron would finally let go of it (as Rose mentioned about the grudge) and do the right thing. ~

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2008 04:45 am · Chapter: Reverie by pookha

What a sweet, sweet little story.  I know that Luna is just mentioned in passing after the battle and I think this was a very nice way of having us 'catch up' with her and Rolf!

Okay everyone, let's give a big AWWW!


Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2008 02:20 am · Chapter: It’s a Wonderful Life by Georgia Weasley
Wow! What else is there to say?
This opens up so many possible fanfics of 'what might have been' that it's unbelievable! I loved what Dobby did for Ron. Very moving.

Author's Response: I do love those 'what happened when ?" kind of stories. There are a lot of missing moments in the stories that I sometimes try and figure out what could have ocurred during that time. Ron needed help finding his place in the world at this point, feeling very unimportant and unnecessary. Dobby, who adores Harry above all other wizards, knew that Ron was a vital part of his life and his fight against the Dark Lord. He had to step in as a service to Harry. Ron gets overlooked in a lot of fanfic, but he is an instrumental part of Harry's victory, giving him the backup and support he needs, as well as showing him a life worth fighting for. The Weasley's are really Harry's saving grace. Without them, he would never have had an inkling what a family is supposed to be like. The idea of fighting for people like them is what gave him the strength to do what needed to be done.
By the way, congrats on a great story and first place. I really need to get busy reading more of your work! ~ Georgia Weasley

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2008 02:18 am · Chapter: Journey to the North Pole by Horcrux Stealer
I was just sure when I read this that Santa was going to fall off the roof and Scorpius was going to say, "You killed him!"
Yes, I was thinking "The Santa Clause" with Tim Allen! This story is cuter, though... all except for Lucius being a jerk. I bet he got coal in his stocking! Very well done.

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2008 02:16 am · Chapter: Reverie by pookha
Ah, Luna in love!
What could be merrier? And hunting wild animals, to boot! Good story. Captures Luna to a "T".

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 11/12/2008 07:35 pm · Chapter: It’s a Wonderful Life by Georgia Weasley
I've seen this done with various fics before, but I think you've done it very, very well in this one!! Ron is underappreciated even in fan fiction, and I think your fic shows the way that he was very important. It's very plausible that Voldemort would've triumphed a lot sooner if Ron hadn't been there to join the trio together to help Harry.

Author's Response: Thanks , Jessi! I love the movie, and when this was suggested to me I just ran with it. Ron is one of my favorite characters, and I agree that people overlook him way too often. He played a vital part of the Trio, and was the first person to appreciate Harry just for himself. He didn't care, after that initial meeting, that he was 'Harry Potter', he was just his best mate. Harry needed that desperately, and the bond with another human being that he'd never had before. Without him, he would not have known about the kinds of people he later felt worth dying for. Thanks so much for the review. ~ Georgia Weasley

Name: gnilworkj (Signed) · Date: 11/12/2008 01:24 am · Chapter: It’s a Wonderful Life by Georgia Weasley
Yeah!!! Bravo!!!
I loved the reference to the sea and the shore. What a powerful comparison and one which fits Ron perfectly. I also liked how you explained the death of Harry in his first year of school. Without Ron to help him along how could he have survived? And Hermione, ooohhh, yes, I agree, very dark. I hate the idea of ethnic cleansing which has been so rampant in our society. WWII, Iraq, Harry Potter Series (yes I know it's fiction) but that is basically the premise of her book. Hitler, Hussein, Voldemort are all cut from the same mold. Scumbags, all of them, even the fictional one!! There is so much more to refer to in this story but I have 2 more to read. Great job on the HP remake of It's a Wonderful Life!!

Author's Response: Okay, you really deserve the award for this one. Without your suggestion, I never would have written it! I should send you the magnet! I didn't really set out to make the story as dark as it turned out to be, but as it went on I had to see the effects of Harry never finding the link to other good people that he had through Ron. Think of the only people he'd really been close to before then! The Dursleys were NOT a true family, and Ron introducing him to the Weasley clan opened Harry's eyes to a world full of people that deserved to be fought for. Later, he'd feel that they were important enough to die for. Without Ron there to be his support and believe in him, he didn't have a reason to fight. Easy pickings for Voldy baby, if you ask me. Thanks so much for the idea, and for the fantastic review! ~ Georgia Weasley

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 10/12/2008 05:12 am · Chapter: Journey to the North Pole by Horcrux Stealer

I laughed out loud at this, as I could see Draco sputtering and shaking his head and not believing a bit of it!

And little Scorpius is just precious, almost treating Draco  like the child for not believing what was right in front of him.  I'm also glad he got to talk to Santa and Draco didin't see him, but the proof was there to convince him.

And Lucius was his usual pompous self! Wish Narcissa would have told him to stuff it ( in his stocking ), but you can't get everything on your wish list, can you?


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 10/12/2008 04:48 am · Chapter: It’s a Wonderful Life by Georgia Weasley

I have always LOATHED "It's a Wonderful Life" with a bizarre passion. WHY?  . . . Don't have a clue, because I love Jimmy Stewart.

ANYWAY, I did love THIS version of that premise.

I'm a house-elf fan and Dobby is one wise little house-elf.

And Ronald FINALLY gets it and now the story can proceed.  Thank you very much for filling in THAT missing bit, as we now have the REAL resaon Ron came back!


Author's Response: How does anyone LOATHE 'It's a Wonderful Life"? You people astound me! Anyway, I am glad that this fits the 'missing' part of the story. I think Ron needed a push to go back and face Harry and Hermione after the way he left them. He felt like a third wheel, unimportant and unnecessary. Dobby, in trying to help Harry, came to show him how vital he truly was. I love Dobby, too. I hate that JK needed to kill him in the story. That sucked. Thanks for the review, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story! ~ Georgia Weasley

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 09/12/2008 11:39 pm · Chapter: It’s a Wonderful Life by Georgia Weasley
This is kind of dark. True to canon, but dark. At least only George Bailey's brother was dead. Ron lost a whole lot more than that! Who would have thought he'd have made that big a difference.

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 09/12/2008 11:38 pm · Chapter: Journey to the North Pole by Horcrux Stealer
Oh, how sweet! Draco probably did struggle to find his way as a father and husband. He didn't have such a hot role model. I loved his disbelief, and then acceptance. But the best was Astoria at the end. Very well done.

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 09/12/2008 11:32 pm · Chapter: Journal Notes - By Holly Ilex
Very sweet. I think you got the character of the Trio done very well. Yay for the trip. I want to be Harry's friend now, too! I wasn't bothered by Draco's and Narcissa's reaction much, but Lucius being so friendly took me by surprise. I had a hard time with it. Over all, a great Christmassy tale.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, please see the other reviews for my explaination of Lucius' actions and attitude. I, personally, LOATH Lucius Malfoy, but as my "Christmas presentn" , I cut him a break and gave him a new start toward a new way of life . . being part of the human race/wizarding world. ~ Holly Ilex

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