Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 14/04/2009 01:53 am ·
Chapter: Misunderstandings
Awwww...I really feel for Ron now :( That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?? LOL
But oh no!! *covers face* Draco came at THE wrong time...I have to read on!!!
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 14/04/2009 01:46 am ·
Chapter: Breaking News
*sniffles* Poor Ron! But...oh, well...*sigh*
At least Hermione spoke up and was honest with her friends. I guess I have to just read on to see how it goes.
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 13/04/2009 11:48 pm ·
Chapter: The Countdown
Awwww. The last lines really sum it up. After everything, the war and everything else...They deserve to be happy.
If Hermione is happy, then that is what matters. Though I am dying to see how Harry, Ron and Ginny take it..hmmmm
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 13/04/2009 11:39 pm ·
Chapter: Unfinished Business
Draco is a persistant, lil' bugger, isn't he?? LOL
I love that he knows Hermione. He doesn't have to know everything about her to know her and I find that endearing :)
Though, poor Slughorn in this Chappie. After all that cleaning up, he can't even have a go at the one responsible, cause he got buttered up instead..LOL
Fantastic chapter :)
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 13/04/2009 10:19 pm ·
Chapter: Feeling Funky
Poor Hermione!! She can argue with herself as much as she wants...But she and Draco just seem to get thrown together no matter what. So perhaps its just meant to be??
But eww...That potion sounds disgusting!! I hope Draco cleans them up!!
Another excellent chapter. Although I wish I knew what was Ron's deal, I kinda don't care. Cause the less Ron there is, the more Draco I get ;)
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 13/04/2009 01:18 pm ·
Chapter: Speaking and Sleeping
Still short, but enough to give the story :)
I enjoyed the little hiar pull when he said goodnight and I adore him being almost playful in the library. I think you are playing the characters off each other well. :)
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 12/04/2009 04:35 pm ·
Chapter: Detention For Two
Ahhh, I remember reading this while it was in the queue :) I'll review the chapters I never got to review this time :)
I liked this chapter. I think the beginning, with getting back in touch with Harry and Ron is important. They are her friends and she'd be lonely without them. Though, you are already starting to see how perhaps Hermione's thinking how Ron is her boyfriend may be too far. They very well may be, but if she has to think so much about it, then I'd question if they were really together or not.
*sigh* Then enter Draco. You can just see them together, right here...I know, I'm getting ahead of myself!!! Still, a really great chapter.
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 12/04/2009 09:27 am ·
Chapter: An Unexpected Conversation
Isn't Draco rather Draco-ish without necessarily being in Slytherin? :) I like the approach you give to him. He's changed in some respects, but not in others.
It is also quite interesting that he was being almost friendly to Hermione. It makes for a surprising change, but in a good way.
I'm very interested in finding out where this is going.
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 12/04/2009 07:05 am ·
Chapter: Out of Place
A refletive Chapter, but one that sets up the story well. I'm almost feeling sorry for Hermione, not having someone there that could relate...
But then you throw in Draco :) Someone who she can see herself relating to on some level....I like it!!!
Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 07/12/2008 06:13 am ·
Chapter: Out of Place
While I am not a major Dramione fan at all, so far you haven't made Hermione ditch her friends and become Draco's arm candy. That makes me hopeful for the rest of the story! Your writing style is lovely, and I am enjoying this so far. Maybe you'll convince me, a die-hard canon fan, to like a Dramione!
Author's Response: Believe it or not, I was a die-hard canon fan too. I just read a really bad, overly cliched Dramione one evening, and I set out to see if it was actually possible to write a believable Dramione. Now I'm addicted to the
I'm so glad you're giving this story a try and thanks so much for the kind words!
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 03/12/2008 11:28 pm ·
Chapter: Speaking and Sleeping
I just realized something. In your story, are we supposed to remember that Malfoy tried to kill the trio in the Room of Requirement? Cause I'm still ticked off at him for doing that. I know his reasons in DH for doing that (the smarmy git) but I'm wondering if I should carry over that bit of hatred into your story.
Other than that, he's still flirting...
They are using each other as a sounding board for all of their anxieties. A bit of a psychological session for the two of them. Malfoy can tell her his feelings. Will Ron?
Author's Response: Oh, you can carry over the hatred...I kept everything in the story canon up until the epilogue. Hopefully, I can get you to see past that if I'm a good enough writer..! :)
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 03/12/2008 11:18 pm ·
Chapter: Detention For Two
He's funny. A couple days detention with Draco Studboy Malfoy. Should be interesting.
Ron is her boyfriend. She seems a bit reluctant with the relationship. Will read on to see if Ickle Ronnicans will be a man. Since this is a Dramione I seriously doubt it.
Author's Response: "Draco Studboy Malfoy"...I practically choked on my hot chocolate when I read! As for Hermione's relationship with Ron, that's her main focus right now. At the moment, she just finds Malfoy slightly less annoying than usual.
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 03/12/2008 11:11 pm ·
Chapter: Trouble Brewing
Too funny. He's flirting with her. That sly little devil. Off to detention.
Author's Response: He is and he isn't. At this point they haven't fully realized that they're attracted to each other yet. We'll see what detention does..;)
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 03/12/2008 11:07 pm ·
Chapter: An Unexpected Conversation
Now this is why I love Harry so much. His life sucked and he didn't brood like Draco. I know, I'm projecting from eHPF. I'll shut up and read on.
Author's Response: Hee are funny! And don't get me wrong, I love Harry, too! I just find Draco Malfoy to be a fascinating character...and post-war Draco ONLY, mind you! Hopefully I can get you to sympathize with him a bit...
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 29/11/2008 01:26 am ·
Chapter: Dénouement
Okay, everything is hunky-dory with these two . . . for now.
But then there's Minerva to deal with . . . "oh, dear, oh, dear, we are in trouble now".
Will wait patiently for the next part of the series. This was a fun read and I know the rest will be just as enjoyable!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for giving this story a try and for taking the time out to read every chapter! I really appreciated it, even though it took me an interminable amount of time to respond to your reviews! (Life has just really gotten in my way lately.) Anyway, I enjoyed all of your reviews a great deal and I can't wait to hear what you have to say about Hogwarts Redux! :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 29/11/2008 01:20 am ·
Chapter: Determination
Draco, old boy, hell hath no fury like a woman, well not scorned in this case, but a woman pissed off!
Bloody hell, NOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN???
Better read on and find out!
(And I thought I was the cliffie champ!)
Author's Response: I don't know; I guess I have a thing for cliffies. If not anything else, it keeps you reading...heh heh..;P
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 29/11/2008 01:13 am ·
Chapter: A Discussion
I hope that, in his head, Draco said "that felt good!" ala the scene where Hermione clocked him!
Oh dear, Hermione has an idea . . . DON'T OVER THINK IT, WHAT EVER IT IS!
Author's Response: At this point, Hermione might be just a little too worked up to over-think her plan...remember her infamous "Centaur Plan" in OoTP? ;)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 28/11/2008 05:50 pm ·
Chapter: Misjudgements
God bless Ginny Weasley, the only one who has the common sense to see through all the twists and turns the whole day has taken. Did Ron and Draco talk after Hermione stormed off? Did Ron drag Draco into the Three Broomsticks and tell Harry and Ginny what happened or did Ron just come back in and tell them and Ginny put two and two together?
DOESN'T MATTER! ! ! ! ! . . . at least she got to Hermione and stopped her downward spiral of thoughts.
Now, can Draco be reasoned with? And by WHOM? Hermione might not be the right candidate . . .how about Harry? Storm into Draco's room and read him the riot act.
This is getting good!
Author's Response: Yep, Ginny Weasley, the voice of reason. One thing she learned during the War and having to wait for Harry was patience, and she definitely shows it here.
As for Draco...he hasn't been talking to ANYONE since school started, so having someone else try to reason with him is probably not going to work so well. We'll see what Hermione the Clever can come up with...
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/11/2008 08:47 pm ·
Chapter: Misunderstandings
If this isn't the perfect example of REALLY bad timing, then I don't know what is!
First she gets it straight with Ron AND they both are okay with everything and now she's got to deal with Draco and his obvious misunderstanding of the whole scene . . . not that I blame him, it doesn't look good, does it?
Author's Response: No, it definitely doesn't look good at almost can't blame Draco for jumping to conclusions. Gotta love teen angst!!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/11/2008 08:41 pm ·
Chapter: Breaking News
Aw crap! Well, that was really not what I was expecting . . .as a matter of fact, I was dead wrong.
NOW WHAT???????
Better stop typing and continue reading, so I can find out!
Author's Response: Yep, a lot of people weren't expecting that one! As for what's next, well, you'll just have to keep reading...heh heh...
Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 11:27 pm ·
Chapter: Out of Place
Nice start. It would only seem right for Hermione to want to finish school. And it would be a typical reaction for her character to dissect her emotions. To look inside herself and see that she isn't the same person she was before and wonder why others might not be feeling the same way. Since I know you LOVE Draco and this is a Dramione I already know who's blue eyes they were. Pitter patter goes the heart.
Very funny lines when comparing Quiddich to reading books. Typical male reaction when you ever dare to compare sports to a "normal" activity.
I will enjoy reading more of your 3 stories. Just give me time to get through them all!!!
Author's Response: I can't believe how long it took me to respond to this review, but I wanted to thank you so much for giving this story a try and for leaving reviews for me! I really have to return the favor for you...I just wish I didn't have 3 jobs and wasn't in the middle of 2 fan fics and an original novel at the moment. Thank God I get to read your stuff when I Beta or I'd be totally missing a great story!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 02:51 pm ·
Chapter: The Countdown
You go, girlfriend!
Short review as I'm DYING to get to the Hogsmeade bit!
Author's Response: I don't blame you...a lot of drama potential coming right up!
Glad you're still enjoying it! :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 02:47 pm ·
Chapter: Unfinished Business
Sheer poetry in motion, watching Draco play Slughorn like a prize trout!
But this little 'truth or dare' session to come in Hogsmeade should be a real thing of beauty to watch!
I will absolutely crack up if Ron cuts Hermione off from her 'confession ' and informs her that he's seeing someone else. And if Draco is watching and catches her as she storms out, well, won't THAT be a perfect ending to THAT 'old friendship'; Ron seeing her in Draco's arms crying and realizing what he's lost! Would serve him right!
Only way to see if your story is anything close to my fantasies is to read more. So . .
Author's Response: Heh heh...wait and see...things are not always what they seem! And I loved writing "Draco the Snake" in action. Poor Slughorn...I really should give the guy a break, but it really is fun to mess with him!!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 01:53 pm ·
Chapter: Feeling Funky
I love this see-saw you have Hermione on, as it's such fun to watch her getting her dander up at Draco only to have him bring her down off of her high horse with just a few whispered words. Giggle, giggle!
And AGAIN in trouble with old Slughorn . . . oh, the SHAME of it all!
Author's Response: I think it's fun to see that Hermione's not as in control of her emotions as she thinks. Logic will only take you so far..! She needs Malfoy to keep her from getting TOO analytical at this point. And thanks for the glad you're still reading!
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 25/11/2008 06:06 am ·
Chapter: A Clandestine Meeting
I had to re-read the first bit of the story a few times...I think I'm falling to far into this story, because I'm sitting here thinking "What are you debating about, of course you are going to meet him! Stop being stupid, Hermione!"
but then I was laughing again, because just as you get into that romantic feeling of the story wher passion is about to explode, Mrs Norris comes along and destroys it...but in the funniest way!
I was laughing along with Hermione, then WITH Hermione cause I could see her flapping her arms about before grabing her wand...It was hilarious...
Then he took her hand and they ran like something you'd see in a movie, but better!
Author's Response:'s a no-brainer for me too...Ron or Draco?? But then again, this is many years of animosity to overcome! And the Mrs. Norris part was specifically for my own amusement...the mental picture of Draco trying to kick her across the hall while Hermione is laughing hysterically and flapping her hands was too much for me to resist :D