As I mentioned in earlier post, this story made me cry from the first sentence. Even as I re-read it. Partly because I feared Harry would die in DH and was so happy he hadn't. Yet your version provides the idea that it was very possible for him to die along with Voldy. I worried that JK would kill Harry because she tended to mirror ideas from the Bible. I thought she would have him die as though sacrificed for all of us like Jesus (but I'm sure she would have heard alot of flack from the religious on that comparison ;) )
Anyway, the idea of him dying is an emotional thing for me (cause you know I LOVE him) but mainly because I worried that there would be no one to remember him. He had no family who loved him who would visit his grave. And too many times even our own loved ones are only visited on Holidays.
Ginny tried to visit often and to remember him as he requested. But even that became difficult as life moved on and visits became monthly. Maybe she misinterpreted his request. I don't believe Harry would ever intend for her to not move on in life. But maybe to just keep a bit of him in her heart and memory. Maybe that is why everyone got on her case cause they knew Harry wouldn't want her to die (inside) because of him as you state.
Seamus was a bit of a stretch for me, but hey, this is your story. Because I'm hooked on the Ginny/Harry concept it's hard to imagine her with anyone else.
Lovely, emotional exploration into Ginny's anquish. But I'm so happy that JK didn't kill him off ;)
LOL - You Canon lovers make me laugh ;)
Yes, it is true that Harry wouldn't have wanted her to hold on so tight. This was Ginny's way...Its not the only way, but I think it was just her way. Holding on to what she had and not wanting it to die. Remembering the words she was made to promise, but taking them too literally, because she can't move past his death.
Seamus...Well, I think it could be anyone aside from him, but it was nice to give Ginny someone to move on to. Not because she had to have someone, but to remind her that SHE was still alive and she could still feel and live and love and be happy.
Some times, you move on without too mcuh trouble, knowing that the one you lost is safe and okay.
SOmetimes, you never move on, but grieve eveyday, with every breath you take, Unfortunately, you also can't understand why others don't feel the same way, and you withdraw, out of anger and frustration.
And sometimes, you reach a point where you can say 'enough'.
This was a really good example of that kind of healing.
Harry would understand.
Thank you :)
And yes, Ginny was the one who had to learn how to let go and move on. When I wrote this, it wasn't long after HBP. So I also saw Giny as the kind of person who'd wait forever and a day, just to be with Harry. But taking him away from her, in this story, the way that I did, made Ginny hold on to him too tightly. To her, there was no 'moving on', but then she begins to understand...but most importantly, she understands his promise. She can love him and remember what they had AND move on with her life :)
Thank you :)
I think Harry's promise was just for her to remember him, and his love...but Ginny held onto that promise too tightly. I wanted to show a more 'possessive' way of holding onto someone, despite them being gone and I could see Ginny doing this. We all know that Harry is the type of person who would want her to move on and be happy with her life, because he isn't selfish like that.
But for Ginny...Moving on was unthinkable. She loved Harry for far too long to just 'get over' him. So that's what I was trying to show. Although he made her promise to remember, Ginny was the one who had to learn to let go and remember at the same time!