Cute drabble.
I question your song choice, but being 59 yrs old, what do I know? At least I 'got' the lyrics, even if I don't particularily like them. On the other hand, I have a hard time taking anyone named Pink seriously, but that's just me. HE!HE!
Ah, teen angst . . . THANK GOD I'M WAY PAST IT! It was a bore then and it doesn't look to have gotten any easier, or changed much, for that matter.
Word from the 'wise old broad': Don't sweat the small stuff, 'cause in the grand scheme of things, it's ALL small stuff.
Read chapter 33 "Do you wanna dance?", of my story: "What goes around... comes around... lost and found... love" I just recently figured out that the first scene ( that's the part I want you to look at ) is actually a song fic. Then find and listen to the actual recording, if you can find it and then read that scene again . . . you'll never hear "Do you wanna dance" without thinking of Snape and Anna. Ain't I a stinker?