Sure, why not use Pansy's house as their 'home'.
Sure, why wouldn't Draco and Ron come over and stay over?
now, if we can only figure out what's up with Draco's folds and get Draoc and Hermione to SPIT IT OUT!, we can finish up this little tale.
Work onit, and get back to me. . .
Let's hope Molly and Arthur are SOUND asleep!
AND Fred and George.
I'm sitting here, stunned and fighting a fit of hysterics at the picture you just put in my head.
Honey hush!
10, count 'em, 10 friggin' chapters before thsoe two FINALLY kiss!
Sweet Mary, mother of Pearl!
I've given birth in less time!
Hermione is in heaven, she's found a library! BOok smart, street stupid. No wonder she can't figure out her relationship with Draco. Bet if it was chapter 1 in a book , she'd readit, re-read it, pick it apart, think about it some more and then, BINGO, she'd get it.
Lucius is a card carrying, certified looney toon. But I like Narcissa.
Way to go, Draco. If that doesn't shift her into your arms, nothing will, mate.
Girl talk and giggles. Ah, i remember the good old days, when my friends and I did just about the same conversations about the boys we knew and/or wanted.
Memory lane time . . it's my 40 high school reunion next weekend. Jeez, time goes by like . . . that!
what is bugging Hermione.
This is getting really annoying,as I can't see anything wrong, but hermione is usually pretty good , as far a hunchs go.
By the way, Pansy winds up at the Weasleys at the end of mystory, too.
Rita Skeeter will have a field day with Pansy and Draco being part of the wedding party!
I bet they share their first kiss on the dance floor.
Whatcha wanna bet? Huh? A Galleon? DONE!
Hermione hates change, especially if it's her that has to do the changing.
What she needs is a good snog . . with Draco . . . in private. . .which isn't going to happen at the Burrow.
So . . . . as soon as the sedding is over, SNOG HER SENSELESS,DRACO!
I was in full blown ROARING hysterics over THAT little scene.
My hubby was on the phone, trying to arrange my admission to the local 'home for the mildly unhinged', until I made him read it. He didn't get why Draco and Pansy were with the other four, but he got the Lavander/Ron/Pansy part.
We're booking a double room at the 'home'. The rest will do us good.
Now, let's get Draco and Hermione together.
This whole chapter was a gigle fest, from one bit to another to another.
Laughed out loud ( my hubby is shaking his head again)
Now I have to keep going, even though it's my bedtime.
Hermoine, girlfirend, you have to just get over it. Everyone else has changed but you're still the pigheaded, know-it-all, who doesn't like change wthout picking it TOTALLY apart, looking for the flaws. LET IT GO!
You're only the odd-one-out becasue you refuse to change. Then you get angry fbecause everyone else is happy. LET IT GO!
Hermione would be an ethical journalist, wouldn't she?
Pansy, at the Prophet? Figures.
Draco changed? Okay, I'll go for that, as I believe he always wanted to bget away from the Dark Lord and dark magic.
And Narcissa DID save Harry's life, and I just love her for it, as it backed up MY idea of her, in MY story, written before DH came out. SO there!
YEAH Cissa!