Well, I THINK i followed all of the details through that conversation.
Now, where does Draco fit in and willl he be straight and sober enough to get it right before his son dies? Much less Freddie and Teddy and Jack?
We'll see.
HA! Caught red-handed and flat footed! Harry's going to read the Mauraders the riot act, I can tell! New AND old!
It was so sad about little Scorpious, but so sweet about Draco holding him and everyone seeing that side of him.
Oh lord, the new and old Marauders working together . . . Hogwarts is in such deep guacamole! This should really be fun to watch.
Any chance of Severus turning up to help Draco with the Potions portion of the story?Hint! Hint!
Only way to find out; keep on reading!
yep, keep on reading! Glad you're enjoying it.
So THAT'S what's driving Draco . . . Scorpius us sick wiht bloodburn, too. Now it all makes sense and nwo I can see where his drive to find help for Freddy is coming from and why he's almost killing himself.
son-of-a gun!
New Marauders, indeed!
Thank you!
I appreciate that. I always enjoyed your validation emails, too! I'm glad this bit worked; I was worried it wouldn't.
Thanks, Georgia. I read a thread on the HPFF forum about making up a Wizard disease, and I thought, well they get Dragonpox, so why not a variant of diabetes, only quicker and more destructive that affects their magic? You got it exactly right, in George driving home the point that he'd rather have a werewolf for a son - than have no son at all. It's a contrast to Jack Abbott's parents in every way.
As for writing what I know, well, let's just say that T-2 diabetes tore me up a bit before I got a handle on it. A LOT of folks out there don't recognize the symptoms in time. I didn't.
I'm an Aries - like Teddy - and one horoscope I read described us as " Verbal, strong willed and natural born leaders , which is a nice way of saying LOUD, pig-headed and bossy". When he was shouting and slamming around and talking back to everyone of the adults I was grinning like a fool! Teddy certainly displayed ALL of those traits in this chapter, didn't he? I giggled the whole way thru . . . you GO Teddy!
Now, on the serious side, why is Draco acting so strangely every time "Bloodburn" is mentioned; twitching and and mentally drifing off for a second or two? He's acting weird. Or is his brain just working overtime trying to come up with an answer via the blood transfusion treatment??
Will wait ( semi) patiently to find out in the chapters to come. I KNOW you got SOMETHING up your sleeve you haven't told us, but I'm sure, sooner or later, you'll reveal all.
Glad you liked the little episode that Teddy's been having. I wasn't sure how far to take it and still make it work.
As for Draco, you'll find out in the next chapter why he gets so distracted, especially now. Thanks!
Somewhere in the last chapter or two I've TOTALLY lost track of how many rules this bunch has managed to twist, mangle and out-right break into tiny pieces!!!!!
The Mauraders and the Trio COMBNED never did such outrageous things!
Is this fun, or what!
p.s. I have a theory about 'Colin', but I'll keep it to myself and see if I'm right.
Portkeys . . . portkeys glow blue. NO? damn.
That was a rip-roaring chapter and I really had a lot of fun reading the "conference" at the end.
The twists and turns are getting tighter and faster, aren't they? Like a 'dementor' rollercoaster? Get it? HA!HA!
Never mind. I'll sit and wait for the next chapter like a good little girl ( which I'm NOT! )
So the Elder wand allowed Harry to see through the the Invisibility Cloak- clever. Will it allow him to find the Stone he dropped in the Forbidden Forest? Do those nasty spiders still live in there or did Hagrid spray some insecticide? Nasty little buggers.
I loved your use of "Da" My father wanted to be called Da by the grandchildren. My kids never met him but they still refer to him as Da.
Is there something wrong with Freddie. You've made several comments about his appearance and how he never gets up in the middle of the night. Is there something to that or am I just digging too much?
And what's Nick doing in the broomshed? Is he the sentry or something else? Hmmm
I'm glad to see the kids coming around. I wonder what role Flint will play here?
I know someone previously commented on your use of question marks at certain times. I read your reply and understand why you use them. However, the more I read your story the more I notice them and think you use them a little too much. Just a personal opinion there so no using Voldy's wand on me. If I trip today, I know where it came from ;)
Now, if you keep dangling that Original Fiction in my face I'm going to have to pester you for a peek. But then you'd block me and that would be bad :(
You'll just have to keep reading...
Sorry! Yes, we're going to need Flint later, in a big way. I always liked to think Dumbledore could see through the Cloak because of the Elder Wand.
"Uncle gave this to you! One saw him pack it! A very useful thing?" He wondered, his tail wagging slowly.
WHO IS ONE? Is Argos referring to an Alpha or himself? (I've been re-reading the Twilight books)
I LOVED the way Teddy figured out how to use the map.
HUNTERS!!!! What shcmucks! Ah,weel, at least Hagrid will keep people out of the Forbidden Forest . . . or is he?
Hummmmm . . . let's wait and see . . this could get interesting.
Hagrid / forest / boys ... not to be used in the same story... hehe!
Glad you caught that. "One" is a pronoun is use in my original fiction, that is under lock and key. It was Argos who saw him.
Nice catch! And thanks so much as always.
Desecrated Colin Creevey's grave? When did this happen. Did I miss something? Point me back to that part so I can re-read it.
Interesting chapter. Is this all of the Black Wolf's doing? And it sounds like all of the boys might be having some dreams about this same wolf? So many questions, so many chapters to read before I find out.
I was waiting for the tooth repair on Flint. Interesting how you had the wand and Teddy's morph powers fix them though. He and that wand seem to have some strange powers.
I'm still curious about Nick and the handshake with Teddy from earlier chapter. Care to shed some light on that or will that be covered in future chapter?
Last comment, I'm amazed what Hagrid cooked was edible this time around. Did he take a cooking class?
My head is spinning and my little brain is trying to comprehend the whole blood cell mutation stuff. I'm going to have to read it again, and again, and probably again. Did you research this concept or just make it up? I'm presuming some research had to go into this detail as well as maybe a spin on your part. Nice thought process there. Isn't this what Lupin was worried about in regards to having a child in DH? What kind of life would there child have being half werewolf. I don't think he contemplated what could happen being half Metamorphmagus also. Clever concept on your part.
There was alot to digest in this chapter. I'm surprised Hagrid just found out there were two werewolves. I would have thought he would have known from the beginning. But then again, he never was a good one for keeping secrets was he.
I liked Malfoy's character in this one. He stayed true to form and you explained a bit of his missing years. Serves him right for getting that Dark Mark-all the pain he had to endure to get it off. Hello...that's why they invented temporary tatoos. And they have a slew of character...Spideyman, Scooby Doo...but I digress.
From what I've read in your other stories, it seems like this one ties into the future "Dust" etc in some ways. Like a long before prequel.
Allergic to the medicine. What will they do to contain him?Will Harry divulge this information to Greyback? Will Fenrir have answers for him? Will the white wolf help him through this? And what the heck was Malfoy trying to prove by revealing Teddy & Jack to the whole class? He should be canned but the need him right now I guess. I can see all the owls flying to the school right now!!
I'll keep reading
Glad you liked it! And yes, you'll find out all the answers in time.
As for Dust, this was conceived long before Dust ever came to mind. The two stories hint at one another in tiny ways, but are not really connected.
It took me a good week to work out the blood cell structure thing. As you suggested, no one stopped to consider what a hybrid Werewolf/Metamorph would 'evolve' into. As far as keeping Teddy contained, Hagrid will have the solution to that one, although it might be such a good idea! Stay tuned.
I'll work on my "Hagrid" in the future!
Teddy's 12, remember-puberty and an interest in girls is about to hit him right in the face.
Freddie didn't like that trick in front of anyone but family. It embarrassed him somewhat.
Teddy wasn't in a good mood when she hugged him, and worried. That, and tired.
Harry hadn't seen Argos in that form yet, but we'll explain later why he didn't freak out when a white wolf showed up in his class. Argos did it from canine mindset - Teddy was too freaked out to act, so Argos did.
No, the black wolf didn't bite Jack. He's much more than your garden variety werewolf. You'll find out...
I'd hate to see what you think is EXCITING!!!! I'd probably give me a coronary! HE!HE!HE!
This was a excellent chapter, full of little bits of info and lots of action and lots of fence mending and attitude shifts!
Now, who is trying to do this to the Griffindors and how far will they go?
Thanks, gnilworkj.
Hang in there, it's a LONG LONG story!
Argos got into a fight, and you'll eventually find out with whom, although he's already shown up once. Keep in mind that so far, Harry hasn't seen Argos in his "white wolf" form either, although a mix of Pyrenes and wolfhound would probably look something like it! I based this on a Pyrenes/shepherd puppy I saw once. Beautiful dog. Yes, the potion is making him sick, and for god reason, which is explained in "The Potions Master" chapter.
Holy Macanoly!
Not only was that a LONG chapter with a LOT of stuff to absorb, but it was a turning point in Harry and Draco's relationship, whether those two realize it or not!
And Teddy turning into something 'new' or is he just joining Argos' pack?
HUMMMMMM. Curious . . okay, downright nosey . . . readers ( me ) want to know! More please!
Why didn't Harry use Argos and Teddy to illustrate what familiars are and that Argos ( and Teddy ) are NOT Dark objects but NOooo, once again, Harry misses an opportunity. He never was that quick on the uptake, was he . . that was Hermione's job. . . HE!HE!HE!
And I still can't figure Draco out.
Hummmm, curious . . . alright, ANNOYING!
Author's Response: Holly, I think what you missed here is that Harry never saw Teddy and Argos together at the same time. From Harry's perspective, Teddy turned into a white wolf. Harry has never seen Argos in this form yet. Then when he went for the wolf, the wolf was replaced by Teddy. Therefore, Harry thought that Teddy was showing off the ability to change form, which shouldn't be able to do yet with no full moon. At least, that's the way I planned it. Maybe it didn't come across like that? Again, thanks as always!
OH, then I misread, I thought Harry knew about Argos and wasn't particularily fond of the fact he hung around . . or was that when he was a dirty looking old 'dog'. I'll go back and re-read, but didn't Argos just - poof- dissappear off of Harry's chest in the classroom and then he saw Teddy? Again, I'll go re-read. The poof! bit should have been a dead give-away that it wasn't Teddy.
ANYWAY, I still like Argos and know it'll all work out.
Author's Response: OK, here's how it should have went: Teddy hid under the desk. Argos appeared. Teddy crawled from desk to behind cabinet. Harry flipped the desk and saw Argos, who jumped him. Argos retreated to the cabinet with Teddy, then vansihed. Harry moved the cabinet, and got Teddy. So far, only Teddy and Freddie and have seen Argos actually change form. All Harry has seen is the clean and dirty version of Argos. But, like Harry, the boys have not gone to an adult when they discover that the family dog is a shape-shifter. Probably not a good idea, either...
OKAY, got it!
Still . . sometimes Harry's not the sharpest marble in the drawer, is he? Teddy can't shape-sift at will and he's not good enough - magic wise - to be and Animangi. THINK Harry! HE!HE!HE!
Jeez, I love this story!
Jeez, can we say "tough first day", boys and girls?
I think Lee and Ciaran will come around, especially if they get owls from their dads, laying down the law.
And we still don't know what's up with Draco . . . hummm.
That's going to bug me, that is!
I hope Hannah adopts Jack, or if she finds she IS related, even distantly, takes over guardianship of him.
Thanks, as always, Holly.
Just hang in there, you'll find out what's up.
What a delightful chapter . . I laughed in more than a few places, from the train trip to the dessert confiscations. And I KNEW Draco would show up sooner or later, and what an appropriate place for him, too. Now what's wrong with him, tho?
I love Argos, not quite sure about him or the black one, but I don't think he means Teddy any harm.
Thanks, as always, Holly. Keep in mind that sugar (and chocolate) are NOT good things for dogs to eat! As for Draco, you'll find out, and yes, he's got a serious problem; more than 1, actually. And for anyone who wants to cheat, well...we're up to Chapter XXIII on HPFF now...
Didn't Fenrir tell Harry NOT to give Teddy the potion, it would only make him sick? Harry NEVER listens, does he? Knucklehead.
Well, that little set-to on the train had to happen sometime, better sooner than later. Good thing Freddie is sticking by him.
Now, about that white wolf. I'm getting a bit confused about Argos the dog and Argos the wolf . . one and the same but disguised? Why? And who is the black dog/wolf? I have a bad feeling about this.
Guess these and other questions will be answered in future chapters, so stay tuned, boys and girls!
"Then he vanished"?????What the . . . .
Well, at least Teddy knows the truth and they all seem to be dealing well with it. I've been wondering about all the dogs/wolves that have been slinking/skulking around. But i think it's cool that Teddy can talk to them . . . do they recognize him for what he is? Hummmm . . . . .