Many things have been said already about this marvellous one-shot so it's hard to be unique in my review.
I found this kind of long for one chapter, maybe because I myself tend to write shorter chapters. It's not a big deal, really, as it reads just fine and flows really well.
I wasn't aware of Draco marrying Astoria in Canon as the books give no hints whatsoever.
I guess you have raised the term "Christmas-time story" to a much higher level. Why wasn't I even shocked with the reconciliation between these former enemies? Because it just seemed natural, the way you've written it. I was more surprised about Albus being sorted into Slytherin, but again, given that horrible Epilogue, it was to be expected.
Truly wonderful writing surpassed only by "Dust".
Thanks for the review! Glad you found the story. JKR mentioned in an interview, with some notes, that Draco married Astoria (Asteria?), but it's not quite canon, as I understand it. I didn't intend for this one-shot to get quite this long, but it just sort of ran away and it had to be a one-shot! As I recall, it was for a contest here? Yes, the epilouge at the end of DH left MUCH to be desired. I noticed right off, though, that Albus's initials are ASP - a famous snake - and James was teasing him so badly about being in Slytherin. That, and we're sort of led to believe that Albus is a copy of Harry, and that James is more "Weasley" in nature. I saw it, and figured it would fit. Then, of course, comes the obvious friendship with Scorpius, and it just goes from there, making all parents crazy! I am glad that you like this one, as well as "Dust". The entire "Dust" series, which involves this story, and the spinoff "Reality is Bleeding," took a lot out of me to write. Especially "Dust". (M) Thanks again!
Date: December 12, 2008 2:12 pm Title: One of Our Own by BKL8008
I'm sitting here crying; out of relief for Draco getting back to Scorpius, about Astoria getting better and mostly about Ron doing the right thing.
Bravo. Brilliant story.
* * * * * *
This was the review I did for the competition, but it didn't make it back to the story files, so here it is, and I still stand by what I said, as I just re-read this story and still cried! ( I'm a sentimental old fart!)
Thanks for moving the reply over, Holly. Glad you liked it.