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Reviews For One of Our Own

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 01/03/2010 04:47 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

Many things have been said already about this marvellous one-shot so it's hard to be unique in my review.

I found this kind of long for one chapter, maybe because I myself tend to write shorter chapters. It's not a big deal, really, as it reads just fine and flows really well.

I wasn't aware of Draco marrying Astoria in Canon as the books give no hints whatsoever.

I guess you have raised the term "Christmas-time story" to a much higher level. Why wasn't I even shocked with the reconciliation between these former enemies? Because it just seemed natural, the way you've written it. I was more surprised about Albus being sorted into Slytherin, but again, given that horrible Epilogue, it was to be expected.

Truly wonderful writing surpassed only by "Dust".

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review! Glad you found the story. JKR mentioned in an interview, with some notes, that Draco married Astoria (Asteria?), but it's not quite canon, as I understand it. I didn't intend for this one-shot to get quite this long, but it just sort of ran away and it had to be a one-shot! As I recall, it was for a contest here? Yes, the epilouge at the end of DH left MUCH to be desired. I noticed right off, though, that Albus's initials are ASP - a famous snake - and James was teasing him so badly about being in Slytherin. That, and we're sort of led to believe that Albus is a copy of Harry, and that James is more "Weasley" in nature. I saw it, and figured it would fit. Then, of course, comes the obvious friendship with Scorpius, and it just goes from there, making all parents crazy! I am glad that you like this one, as well as "Dust". The entire "Dust" series, which involves this story, and the spinoff "Reality is Bleeding," took a lot out of me to write. Especially "Dust". (M) Thanks again!

Name: Kreacher (Signed) · Date: 13/07/2009 06:04 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Thank you for writing this. It is amazing! I can visualize this story it is so vivid in how it is written! I have read it several times and enjoy it each time. Kind of give me a boost and hope.

Author's Response: Thanks for the kind review. I'm glad you found this one, as I put quite a lot into it. I hope you liked my "universe" well enough to read my other Albus/Scorpius works.

Name: emily (Anonymous) · Date: 22/06/2009 03:49 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
i read dust in ff.net and i love your stories they are amazing

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the glowing review! Please keep reading. Glad you've enjoyed it so far.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 13/02/2009 04:26 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

Date: December 12, 2008 2:12 pm Title: One of Our Own by BKL8008

I'm sitting here crying; out of relief for Draco getting back to Scorpius, about Astoria getting better and mostly about Ron doing the right thing.

Bravo. Brilliant story.

* * * * * *

This was the review I did for the competition, but it didn't make it back to the story files, so here it is, and I still stand by what I said, as I just re-read this story and still cried! ( I'm a sentimental old fart!)


Author's Response:

Thanks for moving the reply over, Holly. Glad you liked it.


Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 17/01/2009 09:47 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
This story was so focused and well put-together, and all the characters ring true. The mix of action, humor, and "holiday" moments works very well. Thanks for the great read.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it, and thanks so much for the glowing review!

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