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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 15/09/2008 08:17 pm · Chapter: Chapter 2

Only Hermione would wonder about the key.

I like this beginning of this version of your story a bit better than the other, as it gives us a glimpse of Draco,without really saying who he is and also of the Tallys and their involvment with Herminoe.

Okay, are you going to re-do the WHOLE bloody story or combine the two and edit and re-fit the bits you were displeased about?

I promise to read  and enjoy both versions! OOh, I have . . never mind!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 15/09/2008 08:04 pm · Chapter: Life's Little Differences

Ron Weasely is a selfish pig.

Hermione has every right to NOT trail after him, day after day, week after week, month after monthe, YEAR AFTER YEAR!

And she WASN'T asking  him to quit . . . he wasn't listening....it was about him it was about HER!



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