It's all your fault!
My hubby is about to get jumped and assaulted ( in a good way ) and the funny bit is, he won't know why!!!!
WONDERFUL end to this very insightful story . . . and I hope they have many happy years together . . . out there in HP/AU land.
Ron is DEAD!!!???!!!??? It was GEORGE!!!???!!!
I realized she'd lost the baby but I thought that's why they'd broken up or had a fight or something traumatic had caused it and she blamed Ron. OMG he's dead!
I didn't cry but I was in shock, and yes, it was well described and will cause some readers to shed a tear or two.
Now how about Draco sharing HIS memories . . . fair is fair. And then Hermione will understand HIM better, too.
Well, it's good that Draco found out for dead certain that he's over Sarah, as now he can concentrate on Hermione.
BUt, what happens . . in his COMPLETE ignorance of what's wrong with Hermione he picks the WORST gift he could have POSSIBLY gotten for her.
HOPEFULLY, Harry ( although most probably it'll be Gininy ) will explain EVERYTHING to him so he'll FINALLY understand what's wrong with Hermone and why she's acting the way she is!
Nice gift but not well thought through, if someone had given HIM the same gift, what would HE have done???????
Okay, NOW we're getting somewhere.
Harry's really the best friend in her world, isn't he? (Draco's closing in on that position, isn't he? And will probably pass him and become even more to her if she'll just let him.)
Maybe now we'll get to the bottom of all of the pain . . .and I'm STILL considering strangling Ron.
WHOA, that had a LOT of twists and turns in it. Draco and Hermione SLOWLY dropping their defenses and opening up, but still - expecially on Draco's part - learning things were not always how he'd been taught to perceive them ( Motivation and true friendship and UNselfishness )
INTENSE! but cool! ( sorry, I use cool like you young people use awesome - a wrod I truly despise - along with issues )
SO, in which way does this relationship veer off to next?
Opps, I just erased my review and your answer while trying to insert another bit . . . .
Short form: Draco's dream was encouraging him to keep trying while Hermione's nightmare/memory was NOT good ( from her standpoint ) as it's obviously leading up to WHAT HAPPENED to send her off the deep end.
Sorry about that. Besides, my first review was WAY too wordy and 'know it all'. . .HE!HE!HE!
But . . how . . Draco . . RON!!! . . .ah . . . well . . GINNY!?!? . . . but . . . . ah, CRAP! *grinds teeth in frustration* MORE . . . SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO the words POST TRAUMATIC STRESS SYNDROME ring a bell? . . and it looks as if we're talking a double dose here. First the war, and that was 7 YEARS of stress, and then what ever happened with Ron. Double trouble.
Okay, I'll wait patiently for the next chapter . . . is ti posted yet? . . . . Now? . . . . NOW? , , , damn!
Okay, so if Harry and Ginny know about Draco and Hermione, won't that lead them to back-track to why Hermione and Ron broke up and then to what REALLY happened, not just Ron's lame story and Hermione's refusal to talk about it or what she's been doing. This is assuming that Ron's even around . . . if he IS and Ginny figures out how badly he hurt Hermione, his butt will REALLY be in a sling, brother or not!
Jeez, Draco's whole life that five years has the making of a good story, too. ( can we say plot bunny, boys and girls! ) HE!HE!HE! Is Lucius in Azkaban? Good.
ANYWAY, the only way to get to the truth with Hermione would be to grab her and force Veritaserum down her throat and get her talking about everything, FROM THE BEGINNING! But Harry's too ethical to do that. Pity.
Okay about the 'no memory' bit, and yeah, it flowed, like a runaway train going downhill! MORE!!!!!
Oh, goodie, Draco is being a human instead of a twit, git, whatever his usual sneering self would have been called, if he'd caught Herminoe crying back during their school days.
There is a god and he loves me . . . I was hoping he'd be "nice' to her, but even with his "selfish" motivation aside, he's doing the right thing.
NOW, if Hermione doesn't do something totally STUPID, like throw him out, we might be getting to some kind of understanding between these two.
And I get the distinct feeling I'll be reaching into this story and gleefully strangling Ron any chapter now!
If Draco doesn't beat me to it!
Okay, now it's getting dicey . . . she was actually missing him . . and then couldn't go back to the 'old'way. Interesting. Maybe NOW they'll talk, even if it's to have a fight:
"Where were you?"
"Where did you go?"
"You were late!"
"I didn't know there was a timetable!"
Oh boy, these two really are at cross purposes, aren't they.
Hopefully Draco will be able to get her alone to talk, without getting hexed into next Thursday!
And Ron must have really "done her wrong" to make Hermione so reckless and unfeeling. Booo Ron!
Okay, now we know that they've both had something radical change their lives and that they're both 'needy' souls, but for very different reasons.
Will they be able to stay apart, or if they do get together, will it just be for the 'release' of their addiction or can they salvage a life?
Hummm, this could get good, with some nice 'lemons' as a bonus. . . . make it good lemonade, not just juice!
Oh, something REALLY bad has happened to Hermione and since Ron's not around, it must center around him and I really don't think it's going to be hearts and flowers.
Now if I'm reading this right, she's jumping to conclusions about Draco and I'll bet he doesn't go tattling on her but comes looking for her, truly concerned, thinking she's been hexed or under an 'Imperious', at the least. That should be an interesting conversation, but maybe she'd spill her guts to Draco . . . who knows . . . she's so OOC that she's likely to do just about ANYTHING!
interesting if bizarre story . . . which means I'm hooked!