Name: datbenik513 (Signed) ·
Date: 13/02/2014 02:25 pm ·
Chapter: The Waning of Love
Steph, my dearest, whoever this couple might have been, this small story was heartwrenchingly beautiful. I have the honour of having read most of your stories, I have named you once "queen of the one-shots", but you always manage to surprise me.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 04/01/2009 11:52 pm ·
Chapter: The Waning of Love
That was . . . . ( I know I'm showing my age, here, but ) . . . really cool. It could have been anyone, but we know which two you were thinking of and I thought is was a well written ( no mistakes ) little piece.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! ^_^
Name: BKL8008 (Signed) ·
Date: 04/01/2009 07:36 pm ·
Chapter: The Waning of Love
It's poignant and moving, and I didn't see any glaring grammar errors! There's only one problem that "I" had - near the end, when he says, "My sweet," the first character from the HP universe that came to mind was Filch and his cat! You might consider changing that one word, if Filch wasn't the main character.
Author's Response: I changed that! thanks for pointing it out and for reviewing!