leave it to Hermione to head to the library to find something she saw in a book YEARS ago!
I THINK I could follow all of the threads and I know who and where everyone is supposed to be in the here and now. But I'll probably have to read through the whold bloody story again to make sure . . . . someday . . . in the future . . . or will it be the past??????
Great story and will keep an eye out for any future timelines . . . we have been warned, I noticed.
Thank you for the kind review, em., I am glad you made it all the way through. ;)
Why? hehe
You'd don't have to read the mentioned story about THIS parallel universe. It's just another one that Albus has fallen into. Stay with us!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Colin and Fred!!!!!!! Holy Hippogriff!
And then . . . Sweet Mary . . Mother of Pearl!
You must have burned out a bazllion brain cells figuring THIS whole timeline out. . . . I know I've lost a bunch just READING it!
Great story and now . . boo hoo . . just the Epilogue to finish. But I'm sure there are more stories to come, so I won't despair.
Again, GREAT STORY! Good resolution and it looks like a happy future for all of those involved, EXCEPT Miles.
Yeah, Miles is gonna get it in the epilogue, just wait! Glad you stayed with it for the long, bumpy ride it was. If you haven't already done so, check out our recommendations and read "Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger," so you can see where Cormac and the Hufflepuff Timeline came from!
Neville, bless him, is and always has been, the smartest of the lot . . . even smarter than Hermione - who is book smart but street stupid. I hope he and Dobby finally find themselves in a better 'time and place' than they have been enduring.
I'm glad the next chapter is the last, I don't think this old heart could have stood much more . . . Harry, mad with power, and the rest of that group blindly following him, as the Death Eaters did old Baldie Voldie.
Okay, one more and they'll be home!
Sweet Mary, Mother of Pearl!
Now THAT, boys and girls, is called a 'cliffy'.
I love this story!
Wow! That just made my whole night! Thanks. Header's a bit rough, but the formatter hates me...
hehe. Great song, too. Stay tuned for 10 this weekend - "Dark Mirror".
How fast can Hermione read?
Just trying to process all of that made me burn out vast numbers of brains cells, so don't push it! I THINKS i've got it but, who knows!
Will have to keep reading and see!
Sounds like a plan . . . I like this Draco. ( I liked that story, too ) Well, maybe now all of the different Dracos and Harrys and Albuses and Scorpius will figure it all out.
Round and round and round we go and where the kids wind up, only Merlin knows!
Anywhere but Ravenclaw, remember?
hehe...coming up - Ravenclaw Rosie, Albus the Hufflepuff, and the ever-Slytherin Scorpius. Clench your buttocks, it's gonna be a BUMPY ride!
I really enjoyed reading this chapter. The flipping back and forth from one reality to another was seamless.
Hmmmm, a Parcelmouth? I wonder how that might come into play in this story other than with Mauser.
There are alot of little entertaining bits from Mauser to the Yellow footie PJ's. I giggled alot.
Seems like everyone is having some dreams here from Albus to Hermione. I was surprised to see her awake from her dream. Didn't expect that. I really enjoyed your description of Draco's slips into "insanity", at times sounding perfectly sane (to us as we've read Dust) and at times unhinged (especially to Astoria because she has no clue what went on).
I can't wait to read more!!
Thanks for the review.
I put a lot of effort into Draco in these, hoping he would "come out right" as being "mad". (nuts - friend in UK says 'nuts' are something squirrels eat). Albus being a Parselmouth just came to me, and is something we'll need in the chapter I'm planning called "Dead to the World." - What if our hero falls into a parallel where he doesn't exist?
Yes, I agree with Holly...that pesky dust, and that wind, seems to be an issue here.
I really enjoyed the sorting and the Hat conversing with the boys. Good expansion as well from But Dad...
Rose is a perfect carbon copy of Hermione in this story and Scorpius is already crushing on her. And I thought you didn't like mooshy?
Bad James for finally trying to be on his brothers side after all the torment. Serves him right for being a git of an older brother at times. Why do boys do that, get on little brother's cases all the time?
I see you also added a little rhyme to the sorting. Not to the length JK wrote ;) but I like the meaning you put behind it.
I also loved the character of Neville in this story. I hope we see more of him in the story cause he is such a good character. All in all a great Sorting chapter. I will read on as soon as possible. I still have to finish Teddy's story !!
Yeah, I have to finish Teddy's story, too!
Thanks for the review. Glad you liked it!
Typing error in the paragraph beginning with "He remembered sharing a compartment with Ron, and how they'd gone overboard on candy during the trip.........and a very brusque and bossy Hermione Granger n search of Trevor the toad..." I think you meant "in".
The paragraph: Actually, they'd already passed up a couple. But Rose had found fault with the occupants on sight. Albus knew. After all,......, ' maybe it's me but it doesn't seem to read right with the "Albus knew" in there twice.
I've read Dust and But Dad, He's My Friend as you know. I enjoyed you expanding a bit here and there in this story. Draco is having some issues it seems. "It's a shame that only I remember..." hehe
Albus had his first taste of a shift in reality. Will be interesting to see how you shift back and forth with this. I"ll be reading on.
I'll look those up and fix those, thanks.
I think the alternate realities he finds himself in will be interesting to you.
Holy smoke. . . . . well, NOW what can they do, there aren't any timeturners, and no way to undo the murders . . . so how or what can Lucius and Draco do to straighten all of this mess out. And what a MESS it is!
Voldedmort is still dead, though, isn't he? That'd be all we need, old Bladie Voldie showing up!
No, Voldemort is NOT coming back. That's one of my huge pet peeves - he's dead, give it up!
In the meantime, Draco will struggle for an answer, turn to Harry and Hermione for help, and Albus will continue to "trip the light fantastic" in other realms where what might have been...IS! Warning - expect a brief Dramione in Chapter 6!
Well, the fat's in the fire now, isn't it?
Holy Makanoly!
Hermione DID try to tell Draco something before he took off to "fix" things, didn't she?
Is it just a concussion of is the 'paralell' coming into play?
Hummmm, this could get VERY complicated. BUT, that's what makes a good story though, isn't it?
Thanks, as always, Holly. Glad you're staying with it.
Parallel universe/time travel stories always get involved, and are very hard to write. Yep, the fat is in the fire now that "Pimp Daddy Lucius" has figured out that Draco has done something very, very damaging, involving an illegal and stolen book. If you've paid attention, and I'm sure you have, you'll note that not only is Albus finding himself in a totally different "world" at times, but that back in "normal" time, another Albus has replaced him - one that is equally confused to find himself in the 'wrong' House with the 'wrong' friends. Stay with us...my truck is down, I'm sort of laid off, so I have some time!
Yes, the boys nightmares and Draco's unhinged ramblings are scary enough but you know what's freaking me out?
The dust.
This is a really, really good thriller and as anxious as I am to read more, I'm worried about what's going to happen.
Does that mean I won't read it? Oh, hell no, I'm right there!
And if this doesn't turn into a GoF size novel, you will find out what the Dust is, and where it came from, and what the ramifications thereof are.
The clue is in the original "Dust", very near the end. Keep in mind that the last chapter was started right after the previous was posted. This one is going to take me a while.
Again, thanks so much for your faithful reviews!
Excellent Sorting and th e 'little tlak' between the boys and the Sorting Hat was priceless!
Now it'll get rolling, won't it? Oooo, I wonder if there'll be any Howlers arriving when the 'news' get home?!?!? That could prove amusing.
Thanks, Holly. Glad you're reading this one.
Chapter 3 is almost done, in which Draco reacts badly to the Sorting news - and for good reason, as we already know.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! More of the "Dust" story!
"This is gonna be great!"
Grammar (verb tense) nazi time, boys and girls!
"I thought you'd fell out the back or something!"
Okay, it's either: You'd fallen OR you fell
That was my Mom-mom mode.
Thanks Holly.
Keep in mind that when you write "kid speak" though, grammar isn't high on the list of priorities. For example, if I read story and see James Potter (or any kid) say something like, "Oh, I thought that you might have fallen out the back," OR "Would you please pass the salt?" I'm inclined to stop reading. Kids don't use perfect grammar; trust me, I know. James would just say something like "Gimme the bloody salt!" I think...all the while elbowing his brother out of the way to reach it. ;) Glad to see you're on board for Bella's suggestion/request, though!