Name: StoryLover3095 (Signed) ·
Date: 28/02/2009 08:47 pm ·
Chapter: Transfiguration
:( My review didn't all submit. Anyway, what I said was I can't believe this is your first Sirily!! It can't be!! It was soo well written and just gorgeous, there's no way possible it can be! This has to be one of my favorite Sirily stories, and I've read a ton! I want to thank you for taking the time to write this amazing story. I LOVE YOU!!
Name: StoryLover3095 (Signed) ·
Date: 28/02/2009 08:34 pm ·
Chapter: Transfiguration
*smells rose* I LOVE YOU, TOO!!!! ALMOST AS MUCH AS I LOVE THIS STORY!! ;p I'm so sorry I've taken so long to review, but I read it the second I saw it and loved it.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 28/02/2009 07:04 am ·
Chapter: Reconciliation
La - La - La - La - Lemons . . . lovely, lovely lemons!
I was searching for clues to the Treasure hunt and stumbled across this story . . . what a nice way to end the day.
Hermione is quite a saucy little thing, isn't she? And Draco has FINALLY come to his senses and realized that he and not Ron is the perfect match for her.
La - La - La - La - Lemons!
Name: Jessi (Signed) ·
Date: 23/02/2009 03:48 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 6
OMFG, whoever wrote this is a bleeping genius. XD Omg, I laughed a LOT, just reading the first couple of sections and Draco's... issue... and then when coupled with Luna later and the angst and then the fluff... omg, dude, seriously... I love whoever the heck you are so, so, so much!! Thank you times a bajillion for this fic - you've no idea how much I love it! XD *SQUISHES* (And I seriously can't figure out who you are... and it's driving me nuts :P)
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 22/02/2009 09:40 pm ·
Chapter: Reconciliation
Sorry it has taken me so long to review! I actually read half way through the story and then kept getting distracted..GAH!
But here I am and have read this right through.
I LOVE IT!!!!! *huggles*
It made me giggle, it made me grin stupidly, it made me say 'Awwww'...It made me want to just give the characters a little 'push'....
I think you wrote this ship very well and I thank you very much (especially if you hate this ship) for writting it so well for me!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/02/2009 02:48 am ·
Chapter: The Valentine
Ahhh... I've done my job well! The more people that realize BAS the better. It really makes them so much easier to deal with when you just accept that fact ;o).
Really a very lovely story. I enjoyed reading it immensely!
Name: Horcrux Stealer (Signed) ·
Date: 17/02/2009 10:50 am ·
Chapter: Lily's Homecoming!
Omg omg omg, I love it! This is wonderful! So totally what I wanted to cheer me up on Valentine's Day. Seriously, I've read so less Scolily-s but I love this pairing and you pulled it off wonderfully. I almost squee-when they finally kissed *giggles and sighs* Thank you so much, whoever you are. You are awesome! *tacklesquishattack* And Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you too. :D
Name: PureBlood Muggle (Anonymous) · Date: 15/02/2009 12:47 am · Chapter: The Valentine
*SQUEEEEEEEE* ZOMG... *grins* I love this story... what a wonderful, fluffy Valentine's story. Really nicely done. I love it!! Can't stop grinning LOL... wheeeeeee I'm happy now. THANK YOU!!!