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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 25/03/2009 08:09 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1: 'Til Undeath Do Us Part

What a great story! Something I've not seen done before, and I've read a LOT of fanfics!

The only ? I have is . . Ron & Harry cleaning?  GET A NEW HOUSE ELF, HARRY!  HA!HA!

Okay, spelling nazi time: 

to revenge her parents ?  AVENGE perhaps?

just let him grief in silence ?  I think you meant grieve.

Otherwise, splendid!

Author's Response: Hello, my faithful reviewer :) Thanks for being a nazi...makes my English better :) I´m Hungarian by origin, so please don't hit too hard :) Harry would never get a house elf; he'd never jeopardize his friendship with Hermione Weasley, would he??? So, you liked my original character, Leticia. I liked her a lot. Unfortunately, as this fic has been written in answer to a Valentine day's challenge, and it HAD to end in a sad way, I had to kill her off. Being a 40-year old father of two, I was crying like a teenie girl and used up a box of Kleenex while writing the dying scene. How about an alternate DH/seventh-year novel with her? Chapter 1 is already done...any suggestions are welcome. Is it possible to send PM-s on this site? If not, you can drop a mail with your suggestions at datbenik513 at yahoo dot com, that would be me. More stories to come, some worse, some better, but a LOT of them! So, sharpen your pencil, grab a coffee and enjoy your reading. Thanks for your reviews again, Zoltan

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