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Reviews For Letter to Hermione

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/04/2009 06:45 am · Chapter: Chapter 1: Letter To Hermione

WHOA!  What a great little "boy, are these two missing something in the 'translation' or what?" story!

Sometimes you just want to take Ron and Hermione and shake them until their teeth come loose, just so they'll GET IT!

Cute story! And I remembered just enough of my high school french ( from 40 yrs. ago! ) to understand what was being said, which was a surprise bonus!


Author's Response:

Dearest Holly,

I'm just like ROFL every time I read your fantastic reviews. I loved your hint on that movie, which is one of my all-time favourites. Even if it marked the downfall of the very talented Scarlet Johansson, whom I loved very much in the "Girl with the Perl Earring" and in this movie. All her other roles are crap. Full stop.

Oh yes. The smartest witch of her age is not at all that smart when it comes to love affairs. And Ron, well, with his emotional range of a teaspoon and the IQ of a weasel...:) So yes, they deserve each other :)

I must admit I've never learned French. So yeah, there might be enough oddities in my French attempts. Anyway, they GOT it in the end, didn't they?

So, if you prefer, au revoir, ma cherie :)

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