Name: iceiceicebaby (Signed) ·
Date: 15/01/2015 09:22 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 20-When She Finally Snapped!
What happened to this story?
I read this on HPFF the 1st time you posted this but you kept on taking it down.
I really am curious as to how your evil Hermione plays out ...
Name: anragor (Signed) ·
Date: 16/06/2010 11:14 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 20-When She Finally Snapped!
great chapter btw
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks :)
Name: anragor (Signed) ·
Date: 16/06/2010 11:14 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 20-When She Finally Snapped!
O my god. yo have to post the next chapter, I know it's been a long time since you did but please I have tro know what happens now.
Author's Response: Thanks and I will post more very soon! :D
Name: anragor (Signed) ·
Date: 16/06/2010 10:39 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 1: A Book, Her Thoughts and Comforting Daydreams
Oh my Gosh, I love your stories. You are going to give me a heart attack if you don't update. i'm serious LOL. But in all seriousness I've never been so hooked on a fanfic.
PLZ update
Author's Response: Thanks so much and I have been away for a few months but now that I have things settling a bit, I will update again very soon. I appreciate your reviews and hope you will continue to enjoy the stories. :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 04:00 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 20-When She Finally Snapped!
You know . . . . it takes a awful lot to render ME speechless . . . but you just did . . . . I'm truly stunned.
HOLY #*#*!
but . . . .
NOW WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Author's Response: This is kind of the turning point in which the cliche' Dramione-ness of the story is stretched, broken, wadded up and thrown into the trashcan. And thus more characters have the spotlight, more plots develop and unfold and more twists appear. No wonder this story is so long lol but enough of my nutty babbling.
I know this is a shocking chapter but hopefully the chapters I post up give a bit more depth to it all. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 03:51 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 19-A Wicked Plot
I'm losing brains cells by the truck load trying to keep all of it straight in my poor old head!
Pansy is one twisted bitch is what the whole thing boils down to in the end!
NOW WHAT!?!?!?!
MUST READ MORE . . . . . . please let ther be another chapter waiting!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: It is indeed quite twisted! But yes there is another chapter. I tend to try to update in groups of chapters rather than one here and there when I can. Speaking of, I plan to post chapters 21-25 probably tomorrow night when I have some spare time. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 03:37 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 18-A Dangerous Meeting
OH, now she's torn it! She's so far up the creek in a chicken wire canoe without a paddle it's not even remotely amusing!
Sweet Mary - Mother of Pearl!
Author's Response: Well, she's got issues and she's got herself in a bit of a pinch :) I have a habit of not really making things easy for characters. :D My twisted mind sometimes gets the best of me. Thank you again for reviewing!
Oh and I realized I made a typo in my last review reply I meant to type 'her' not 'him'. I think it's because I was multitasking and writing on my other story at the same time as answering reviews. :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 03:25 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 17-Pansy's Contract
Whoa Nelly! That Pansy is one sneaky little witch . . . remind me not to even get her mad at ME!
Author's Response: She is sneaky indeed but I wanted to give him a bit more brains than she usually has in stories lol. She's certainly a witch! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 03:14 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 16-Dinner with Draco
OH, don't tell me . . . . . . Poly Juice Potion for GInny to act like Hermione and get Draco in trouble, OR cause troble between them . . . . .
This is getting good!
Author's Response: Oh yes, Polyjuice potion had to come into play hehe and you will see just what happens with it soon :) Glad you like this and thank you again for your reviews :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2009 02:58 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 15-Are You Kissable?
Well, that was an excellent study in mood shifting and reversing gears in mid strema dn all the other twists and turns that you threw in at the end.
Jeez Louise, will these two ever get it straight?
Probably not for a few dozen chapters, huh?
Author's Response: Hehe it was quite something with these two. But with them nothing is ever easy :) Thanks for reviewing and I will try to update this story as soon as I can.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 19/08/2009 07:32 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 14-The 'Soft' Side of a Slytherin
Hermione's right, Ginny is being a little bitch, but it's also understandable from Ginny's viewpoint.
Teen angst . . . ain't it just . . . sickening!?!?! ( I'm 60 years old, so I got past THAT stuff AGES ago! )
Author's Response: Yes, and Hermione and Ginny are really on opposites here. Ah yes, teen angst ran rapid when I was in school(I'm 31, almost 32) and had/saw my share of it.
However, the good thing about this story is there is more to it than the trials and tribulations of teen angst and who gets the guy! hehehe! Thanks for reviewing and I've currently updated three more chapters.:)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 17/08/2009 04:25 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 13-Harry's Choice
Well, that settled that, don't you think!
Now's your chance, Draco, old boy!
Author's Response: Oh yes, that settled that. Though if Draco will take this opportunity will be in the next chapter :) Thanks for reading and reviewing and I'll update again soon!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 17/08/2009 04:17 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 12-Tome of the Death Eaters
WEll, THAT was interesting . . . Draco telling Hermione what was wrong with the book without condeming her, but as a friend.
Really good chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks, it's really good to see your reviews and I'm glad you liked this chapter :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 17/08/2009 03:57 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 11-Back to Normal with the Trio?
Draco grinded his teeth silently.
Draco GROUND his teeth silently.
Only mistake in an otherwise good chapter.
Author's Response: Ohh thanks! I couldn't figure out another word and grinded was the best I could come up with. I will go replace that with 'ground' thank you for helping me with that! :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 12/08/2009 12:12 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 10-A Game so Real
Really good chapter, the flashing back and forth about who was saying what and meaning what, but the whispering between Hermione and Draco in the middle there, when Draco came out of hiding was a little too long, considering Harry was standing there. But if he (Harry) was busy trying to figure out what Draco and Hermione were really doing together, maybe he didn't notice all of their whispering.
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing :) Yes I do have to admit that there was probably too much whispering there. Of course Harry was sort of mentally preoccupied so I think in this case it worked out. Though I will keep in mind time in other situations like this. :) Thank you again!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 11/08/2009 04:21 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 9-False Confessions and A Heated Argument
That's all, just . . . . OMG!
I'll get back to this tomorrow at lunchtime. Maybe then I'll be over the shock.
Author's Response: Ahh I see you have found the first small twist of the story. Yes, it is quite a shocker that Harry couldn't control his temper. I hope you can recover though because that little twist is nothing compared to the big ones yet to come.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 11/08/2009 03:54 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 8-Notice Me
That was not only amazingly schizophrenic,but hysterical at the same time. I burned out 3 of my available brain cells trying to keep track and the other 2 are gasping for breath! HA!HA!
Okay, on to the next chapter!
Author's Response: LOL Yes, I have to say that there are a lot of things in this story that makes it a bit unpredictable and rather twisted. Hehehe glad you are enjoying it, there is a lot more to come. I wrote this to be different, twisted and really not like any other Dramione out there! Yaaay glad you are back to review and I'm always happy to reply! Thank you so much.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 09/08/2009 02:34 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 7-Cooling Down and a Whisper in the Air
"If you can't see where its brains are, don't listen to it" Didn't Mr. Weasley say that at sometime? Which is why Ginny got into trouble with Tom Riddle's diary.
I have a bad feeling about this. . . .
Author's Response: Yes, hearing voices isn't normally a good thing, is it? Yes, I do believe that Arthur said something like that at one point. I'll be updating soon. Thank you so much for your reviews :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 09/08/2009 02:22 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 6-Problems in Potions Class
Why, oh why, did she do his homework for him?????
Let him get in trouble . . . serves him right, he thinks he's Snape's 'Golden Boy', let him NOT turn his homework in and deal with Snape.
What WAS she thinking???????
I can't WAIT to see how their duel turns out . . . oh, wait, there's another chapter to read! ONWARD!
Author's Response: She's certainly acting odd isn't she? Well it's funny to see that these two can keep calm heads in Potions. :D Thank you again for reviewing.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 09/08/2009 02:10 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 5- 'Granger is our Queen'
The 'Bickersons" are at it again . . . and if you know who I'm talking about you are even more ancient than I. HE!HE!HE!
Author's Response: Actually I'm not sure who the Bickersons are but they remind me for some reason of the Odd couple or Honeymooners though I may not even be close :D
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 08/08/2009 10:53 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 4-Sarcasm, Scuffles and Slytherin Greetings
Recovers quickly, doesn't he? Must know a non-verbal healing/pain relief spell.
But there was glimpses of possibilities for the future.
Interesting, very interesting.
Author's Response: Thank you, and yes he recovered a little quickly but there's more to the story hehe thanks for reading on! I'm as giddy as can be answering all these reviews. I also love that you are still going yaay. Thank you again!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 08/08/2009 10:34 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 3- Back at Hogwarts
Oh, oh, what's Ginny gotten herself into now? Sounds like blackmail, but it's hard to tell, yet. Only way to find out is to continue, so . . . ONWARD!
Author's Response: Yes, I didn't exactly write Ginny as the nicest person. I don't know I just really get tired of seeing her and Hermione as 'best friends' in most stories so I wanted to try another side of her :) Thank you again.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 08/08/2009 10:24 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 2: Beginning of a Jealous Heart
HErmione is a big enough pain in the rear normally, but with the influence of this black book, she's turning into a regular witch-on-wheels.
Heaven help Hogwarts!
Author's Response: It's true that she has a very wicked influence so close to her, and there is more to the story than the teenage angst :) Thanks for another review! Yaay! It means a lot!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 08/08/2009 10:13 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1: A Book, Her Thoughts and Comforting Daydreams
Okay, teenaged angst aside, it should prove amusing to watch Draco and Hermione trying to co-exist. For that reason alone, I'll continue.
Author's Response: Oh wow, thank you for checking out this story as well :) I hope you like it, especially once it picks up more. :) Thank you for reviewing and I'll be answering every review of yours. I always find it funny when Draco and Hermione get into fights trying to co-exist.
Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) ·
Date: 04/05/2009 06:23 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 2: Beginning of a Jealous Heart
Poor Hermione! To be ignored all summer, and then to find out why, because your best friend and your crush have paired up behind your back! Insult to injury...
Great line here: "Who does Ginny think she is? First she takes my Harry and now she's trying to take over my place in the lecturing department!"
I love the way Hermione's book is woven in with her feelings as the story progresses, that's a nice technique.
There are some typos here and there, and a few formatting hiccups. I always have difficulty getting the line breaks in correctly, as well.
Author's Response: Yeah, trying to get the right wording down was a bit tricky but glad that I made a sentence that you liked. I wanted this story to be very different from most others so that is why I put a lot of work into weaving plots together. Thank you for reviewing again and I hope you continue to enjoy the story.