This is just deliciously twisted, I don't know where to begin!
ROFL! Got to see more.
This is OMG funny! I'm still smiling and it's been a few minutes since I calmed down enough from giggling to type this.
First, I like that Draco was helping the Order , like Snape had, and that they are 'taking care of their own' so to speak.
Second, having Oliver Wood make such a dramatic re-appearance in the wizarding world is hysterical. (I love the Bird Cage, too)
Third: I'll wait patiently for the next chapter, as I can see this is going to be a really complicated, funny, devious, suspensful, eyepoppiing, jawdropping story.
Oh, GOODY! Think of the fun we'll have!
Wow! Thanks so much for the review...I'm glad you enjoyed the little trip into my head...
I'll be posting the next chapter today- the one good thing is that it is completely finished so you shouldn't be on pins and needles long between updates.
Thanks again for reading!