Name: Horcrux Stealer (Signed) ·
Date: 14/06/2009 04:27 am ·
Chapter: It Starts.
Yep, I remember reading this. When you gave me the link to this story on the SAYS blog, I read it again. And when I saw this story on your Gluttony author's page, I couldn't help but read it again. Lol. I'm always up for reading a Harry/Ginny. And The Wrong Sort is probably the first story I'm reading that breaks up the pairing. Of course, I don't mind when Draco breaks them up but I hate Harry/OC. And yet, I love The Wrong Sort. You've got a way with words and stuff. This one-shot was short and fluffy and made me smile :)
Author's Response: :) I'm glad you liked it. I had a strong urge to continue this, and may some point later in the future.