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Reviews For Elements

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 23/06/2009 02:27 am · Chapter: Elements

Sweet Mary, Mother of Pearl.

How in the Bloody Hell did you manage to pack all of that into one short story?????????????

I'm stunned. . . bloody hell . . . .


Author's Response:

Hearing so much kudos in such a short review...how did you manage to pack all of that in??? LOL

This one is a very important - albeit short - drabble for me. Effectively my first real experiment with this style of writing, and a memorial stone to everlasting and non-diminishing love.I was trying while writing the last part. Really.

Mizu, an answer to a drabble prompt at SAYS, came a day earlier and then I decided to expandi it into something, which then became "Elements", this story. I'm immensely glad you liked it. That's why I'm writing.

Thanks for your amazing review. Now I can "Ennervate" you :-D

Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 15/06/2009 02:03 pm · Chapter: Elements
I really enjoyed how you wove the theme of the piece in, using each element in turn. It's almost poetic in its layout. Character-wise, I can see Ron going toward that territory if he were to survive Hermione's murder.

Formatting notes, if I may: the spelling of "fiendfyre", and that if you use text from another language, to italicize it for clarity. Thanks for your request!

Author's Response:

Of course, you may, dear Peevsie, CC is always more than welcome. I have adopted the changes you'd suggested.

This small story is very dear to me. Never tried this type of storywriting before and I'm glad my efforts had paid off.

Thank you for your kind review and the CC.

Enjoy your guests!


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