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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 11/07/2009 06:30 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

Well, well, well, i bet old Salazar did that with his dying breath, too.  At least Helga was vindicated, also.  And so the long chain of decendants adds its first link, and so on to Tom Riddle.

You get a 10, of course, but you had 8 just for putting Sean Connery in your banner . . .WOOF! ( I'm 60 , so he's MY idea of HOT! )


Author's Response:

Yes, I definitely think he did it with one of his last breaths, thinking, "If I die and have no heir, what then?"  So even when he did it, I think he was being selfish. 

I like Sean Connery as the older Salazar, and I'm glad you did, too.  I showed the banner to my wife and she said, "Is that Sean Connery?".  I said, "Yep!" and then she said, "it must be Slytherin."  She got it immediately, which I was glad for.  I really like the job that SwissMiss did on that banner.

 Thank you again for the nice review.  Your reviews are always appreciated.


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