Very sweet . . . and although I loath Valentine's Day , this was a nice litle story for Lily/James. . . it just happensed to be Valentine's Day.
Made me realize that they both died at, what, 22 years of age? Jeez! Not much time together - at least on this plane of existance.
Very nice.
YAY FLUFF -pumps fist-
Kaityy that story made me drool over James. He is quite possibly the sweetest guy ever.
Anyway. So yeah this was wonderful! I love how you started off with your angst (couldn't avoid it could you!) but then really flipped it around without me knowing. Even when James came and said "Lily?" I thought it might not be James or something bad happened. Hahaha, I dono. But in the end, I was awing in my head like an idiot little girl, because that's just how sweet it was!
I absolutely loved the part when he talks to Harry! AH so sweet :D And that last line was just smile city :)
I'm not a huge fan Valentine's Day, or "lovey, mooshy stuff," but this quite a nice piece. It reads well and captures the feelings. Ah, young love... No insult intended; I suppose it's a guy thing? ;-)