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Reviews For Mirror, Mirror

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 22/02/2010 09:54 pm · Chapter: Look at You

Wow, for a minute there, I thought he was really about to go on stage. I can't add much to Elena's review. This was sad, and yet so well done. It's a great capture of the ravages of Time, and what senility can do to one. 10.

Author's Response:

Aw. Thank you so much. :) I'm very happy that Mr. Rastrick's senility showed through this peice.  It was difficult to write such an untrustworthy character withough doubting what was true myself.  It is a great relief that this all moved smoothly. Thanks for reading!]


Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 22/02/2010 05:04 am · Chapter: Look at You

Why have I not reviewed? *blinks*

This was a brilliant story. It makes you feel kinda sad for Xavier, but at the same time, I was believing that he was ready to go out on stage. You wrote this perfectly, allowing the images to just float through my mind, so I could 'see' this playing in my head.

The ending was sad, but not really teary sad. You managed to turn the sadness to happiness, which I think is brilliant. You gave me a man who lived a good life, wanting to continue living that life...

I really enjoyed reading this :) Thank you for sharing it with us.

Author's Response:

I'm thrilled that you have reviewed! :) Thank you so much! 

It is such a relief that this oneshot appears to be succesful.  It was very hard for me to keep reality and Xavier's reality seperate and to keep it comical but serious at the same time.  I'm so happy that you could visualize this as you read it.  That is my goal for everything that I write. 

Indeed.  I really wanted this fic to leave a bitter sweet feeling in the reader's heart.  It was sad because he was no longer the man who he once was, but happy because he was so much more.

I'm so happy that you enjoyed this! Thanks for reviewing... it means so much!


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