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Reviews For Poetry by Linda

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2010 03:44 pm · Chapter: Idiocy! and Time

Idiocy: a 'been there, done that' feeling with that one, and I think most readers will agree, we've all followed someone's smooth talking rather than our good sense at somepoint in our lives . . .or will.

Time: cool idea, reminds me of a George Carlin ( God rest his soul ) bit about people should live their lives backwards . . it would be so much fun: starting off weak and feeble minded, getting smart, healthier, then relenquishing responsibilities as we grow younger and start having more fun until we become small children and we'd end our life as an orgasm! HE!HE!HE!

Author's Response:

That would sure be something, wouldn't it? Although starting out life with dying would be a bit of a strange beginning, for sure. Thanks for reviewing!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2010 03:37 pm · Chapter: Angst

Got a title for you  "Angst"  cause this poem had the same scattershot thinking of teen angst . . . too much info to absorb and not enough experience to know what's important and what to ignore.  I liked it.

Author's Response:

Ooo, that's a perfect name! I'll have to see if there's a way to change the title. Thanks for reviewing, and for the lovely title!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2010 03:34 pm · Chapter: Comets

That's a new angle . . . a comet with attitude! HE!HE!HE!  Made me smile.

I liked it  . .  and I'm not a big poetry fan ( except limericks, which pop into my head with frightening regularity ) but not bad at all!


Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing! I know exactly what you mean about limericks. It seems like they're more catchy than any song ever could be.

Name: Gryffin_Duck (Signed) · Date: 10/05/2010 03:28 am · Chapter: Comets

This probably IS my favorite poem of yours!!!  It's just so beautifully written and I love how you worked in the theme of comets and falling.  The title tied in with the last line and I love that.  Great job! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I didn't give it a title until after it was done, and I've always liked poems that have a title that isn't mentioned in the poem until the end. Thanks for reviewing!

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