An intriguing start to an intriguing theme. I totally expect to read more about the mysterious science of wand making in the coming chapters; this is an absolutely untrodden path in fanfiction.
I was at first surprised to have seen Cho as a realtor; on second thought I could really well imagine her in such a job. Only, I would imagine her to break down and cry if a sale is unsuccessful :D Poor Ms. Hosepipe!
Also, I really want to learn more about your OC, the Johansens. You have carte blanche with them, so you can shape them at will. Well crafted, an OC can be the driving force behind a story.
Now the question and the first cliffhanger: did someone want to poison the Johansens? What will happen to Stanislav when he eats the soup? I guess I will have to read on.
Good job!
thanks for the reiew
I am working on the family background of Stanislav, But thanks for the idea about poisoning. I really was just mimicing the shrunken head from the knight bus in POA movie
I tried to figure out how the realtor worked in the ministry and what kind of charactor would work for them.Cho just came to mind.