Too lazy to sign in :P
This was lovely Leslie m'dear! I don't really have anything bad to say about this. It's wonderful! I will say that the description gets a bit muddled. But over all I absolutely love this.
I'm sooooo sorry it took me so long to get to this review. And it sucks.
Another great chapter Leslie!
I really liked your idea here of going back and developing on Allie's character a bit more prior to her kidnapping. I think it really set up the foundations and allows the reader to be more sympathetic to her. Not that they don't, but its definately heightened. I also really liked your description because it was a nice mix and not heavy.
In all, another lovely update! Well done!
This really was yet another wonderful chapter!
I thought that you really developed her family well here and really set down the foundaitions for a great story. Your use of description was also wonderful and kept the pace without taking anything away. It truely was flawless.
This was another wonderful chapter and I really must commend you on trying your hand at original fiction, you are definately succeeding!
You mentioned this in the cbox over on tgs so I thought I would drop by and read it and consequently review.
I really liked the idea of this story, I think you have set up the scene perfectly and really kicked the plot off with a bang. You have captured the darker side of this event and I really liked it!
I really want to know what happens next so update soon, this was excellent! :)
Aw, thanks so much, Kaity! This story has been brewing for almost a year now, yet I'm just not starting to really give it the attention that it so deserves and try my hand at writing it. And I am quite happy t hear that you think I've set the tone of this story as I'm quite unsure when I set out to write something dark. Thanks again! I really do appreciate your feedback!