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Reviews For Grim Fate

Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 14/07/2010 08:02 pm · Chapter: Work Woes
I like the set-up of your story very much. The next-generation characters too often fall into cliched treatment, but it looks like you have a fresh perspective. You've given a good beginning to Alice's character in particular. The only thing I can point out for improvement is that there are a few sentence fragments here and there. These were a bit distracting to me as a reader, but nothing too drastic.

I'm very interested to see more!

Author's Response:

Sentence fragments are the bane of my existence. I'll work on fixing them.

I'm really glad you like the set up of this story, it took me quite some time to figure out how I was going to write it. I agree that the Nex Gen character fall into far too many cliches and I really always try to avoid them (doesn't mean I succeed all the time, but I try). Alice is an interesting character to write for and I hope that she remains true to what I've designed for her.

I'm really glad you took the time to read and review this fic of mine, and more updates will come, just a little slowly.

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