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Name: granpa harry (Signed) · Date: 12/08/2014 03:13 pm · Chapter: I.


I really needmore to this story

whom did Neville marry?

Who was swinging in the beginning with the twins

and where are they all?


Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 01/01/2011 06:11 am · Chapter: I.

I always pictured Luna with Neville. I could hardly believe it when JKR paired  him off, if only with a comment, with Hannah Abbott. This is just a wonderful capture of everything involved in reflecting on something like a wedding reception or other important memory. So very well done with just enough little touches to make it so very easy to 'see'.

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 25/12/2010 05:55 pm · Chapter: I.

Oh, my effing Goodness!

Wait, Zoltan, take a few deep breaths. Good boy.

WHOA! This was my first, second and n-th reaction to this small literary gem of yours. It has made a very deep impression on me.

First of all, I'm a sucker when it comes down to Luna Lovegood. After Hermione, she is my all-time favourite hero and I find it a shame that she's been soooo underexploited in the books and the movies. She is a very thankful fanfic material and I do love a good story featuring her. Also, I'm guilty of writing a few Luna stories myself: "Carrot cake and Goddesses" and "Shadowlands".

I have the impression that this is only the first chapter of what seems to be one of th most amazing stories on this archive. I've read it twice, clinging on to each word, and I just can't find the adequate praising words to express how much I loved it.

All through the first half, I felt immensely sorry for her, being all alone, still looking for her place under the Sun. Day in, day out, with no one to talk to, no one to understand her and no one to wait for her at home.

Her friends, all her friends have comfortable family lives, Neville and Hannah finally sorting themselves out - I just assume it was Hannah, as with the others you were sticking to canon - and Luna is looking forward to tomorrow, when she doesn't have to be alone, albeit only for a few hours.

I loved the wedding scene and hated Harry for shaking her off like that. Well, maybe he wasn't shaking her off, maybe they talked further on th wedding, but we don't know. Pity, I always thought Harry and Luna were somewhat similar, I would have wanted to read some more of their dialogue.

Beautiful, poetic and heart-wrenching. I hope you will continue this story; I'm really curious which unexpected turns her further life will take.

I give you 10/10, unfortunately this is the max this rating system allows. Thanks for this wonderful Christmas present.

Happy writing,

Zoltan (datbenik513)

Author's Response:

*Picks jaw up off of the floor*

This review was a surprising and wonderful christmas gift.  I started writing and planning this Luna fic back in June and had written the initial scene before the flashback narrative began, but then gave up on it.  Recently (as in the day I posted this) I found what I had written on my computer and read over it.  I knew that I had to finish it.  So here is the first chapter.  :D

It is probably going to be a short story/novella depending on how long it ends up being.  Luna is a wonderful character, and the process of her changing from school-Luna to wife and mother-Luna is one that I haven't seen many versions of.  I promise that this is going to be a fluffy/happy story of self discovery and love, and so I apologize for the angsty intro.  I didn't really intend for this to be angsty, but Luna is a bit exasperatedd with her current life. 

Aye, Neville is marrying Hannah in the wedding scene.  I am a huge canon fan, so canon assumptions are safe assumptions.  Don't judge Harry, please?  I didn't intend for him to seem crappy for shaking her off.  He's just a frazzled dad taking his infant son to a wedding.  He's just a bit stressed. 

I'm very glad that you enjoyed the style of the narrative.  I was trying really hard to keep it light and airy and Luna'ish but in a Luna-is-grown-up type of a way. 

thank you very much for this review, and hope you had a great christmas.


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