Genius! I was laughing all the way through it with all the devices like the DE-hammer and the hats. I am so jealous of the way you come up with great stuff like this! ;) 10.10
The Headless Hats are, of course, JKR's invention, but they are better than a mask if you want to hide your identity. One day I'll have to write a story in which harry finds a "Verity Truth Bomb".
OK, we'll try again. I keep getting errors from the site. This is a great fill-in and supplement to DH. I love it! There's just so much packed in here, like Hannah as the barmaid, Colin calling students on the phone, which Pureblood Death Eaters would never think of! All of this security, lurking about, and knowing that they were trained well in the DA. It makes me really want to read more of this theme/timeline!
Thanks for the review. This is a three part story and I'll be submitting the second chapter very soon. This story, along with Summer of '97 and Tales of the Battle (the first part of which I'm submitting now) form a (hopefully solid) foundation on which all of my other stories are built.