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Reviews For Moon

Name: granpa harry (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2014 06:22 pm · Chapter: Occlusion

So I read them both and do hope for something to read again

the dialect takes a little getting used to but it only takes me a few tries to figure what the meanings are.

I thought maybe Lavender would have given Janey a little flick of magic on here way down the road, but now I figure it would have cost her a reprimand from the ministry for hexing a muggle. although you had mentioned Harry had helped her out on ocassion. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the reviews, I'll try to upload more stories to this site.

This was my first attempt at writing in dialect. There's a balance, and I may possible have overdone it.

Anyway, I'm about to upload chapter 2.


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