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Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 24/07/2008 03:58 am · Chapter: At the Leaky
Wow, go Hannah! She really has some fight to her. You've created a nice character out of her in this story. I pictured her more as a shy girl, who would have trouble standing up for herself, but I like how she is here.. and it's especially realistic that the war would change her. I like the line of them saying that the men picked the wrong kids to mess with. They didn't even need the Aurors to show up.. no messing with the Veterans of Hogwarts. lol.. well great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks, Jamie!  I've grown really fond of Hannah.  I think she probably *was* shy for a lot of the books, just as Neville was.  But I picture the death of her mother, and fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts as helping her to come into her own.  Thanks for reading! :o)

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 07:13 am · Chapter: Moving On
I do really like the idea of Hermione going to a Muggle/Wizarding school cross type thing. That makes a lot of sense and I like how you explain it. I like all of what you've assigned the characters to go from here. I am a bit disappointed that the pace of this has gone so quickly, but it does make sense since you weren't planning on making it such a long story. I'm enjoying this though and I'm looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Thanks!  I put a lot of time thinking about what these characters might have done in the future, and how they might have gotten there.  I know that I sped through this year, but as I said at the beginning of the story, this was not meant to be an in depth analysis, but more a way to flesh out some ideas that I had floating in my head.  One of them was my story, Hair of the Dog, so if you haven't read that one, you should give it a try.  I invision this story having 3 more chapters and that's it, just enough to set up the VoH as a regular event that continues on after school.  I will hopefully finish this story very soon now that school is out!  Thanks for reading...even if it meant passing me again in the reviews ;o).

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 07:05 am · Chapter: Boys and Their Egos
Haha.. first off, I'm with you on the comma thing. I'd like to hex that teacher of mine as well.

But onto the main review. I think you've got me addicted to this story now.. I really love it. Again, I think you've got the characters so in character that I feel like this is the exact continuation of what happened after DHs. I love the argument between Ron and Hermione and how Hermioen had to silence him in order to get him to listen. I love that Ginny knew nothing was going on, but just wanted to know why Harry was talking to Hermione and not her. I love the comparison Hermione makes between Ron and Harry as well.

Author's Response: God Bless, Twitty and her attempt to cure me of my comma addiction, lol.  Gosh, there have been times I've wished I could use that Silencio charm, lol.  And poor Ginny, she knows that Harry is faithful, but it hurts when the ones we care about don't trust us with their emotions.  I'm glad you liked the comparison between Ron & Harry, I think that that would be the most frustrating thing in having to deal with the two of them.

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 07:00 am · Chapter: Midnight Discussions
Haha.. I love the cliffhanger, and I'm glad there's more for me to read. I really like that you're showing Harry having a difficult time moving on. It really seems realistic and I like that Hermione is trying to help him through it. It seems so like Harry to be caught up in what happened and being upset about all of the deaths. And then, Hermione cleared it all up and gave him the facts - she seemed really in character as well. Anyways, I want to find out what happens, so I'm ending this review here. :)

Author's Response: Harry tends to keep the weight of the world on his shoulders whether it's supposed to be there or not.  He needs to be taken down a peg or two, and I think Hermione is just the one to put him in his place. 

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 06:56 am · Chapter: Happy Christmas
I really like how you've added Hannah to this story. Not many people use her and I'm glad to see the beginning of the Neville/Hannah relationship form. I also like that you've made Neville's character so much more confident, as he should be after he's helped out so much after that battle. I like that Hannah was also the one to get the compromise between Ron and Hermione. I also like that Hermione was fighting to go to her parents. It allows us to see how she is close to her parents and she doesn't want to give up on her relationship with them. Off to read more!

Author's Response: I was so nervous about writing Hannah, but I'm really beginning to enjoy her, and I had a lot of fun with the beginnings of this relationship.  I thought I'd try to set the stage some for Hannah becoming the proprietor of the Leaky Cauldron.  They say bartenders are like lay counselors, I thought I'd throw a little of that in ;o).  And I've often wondered how Hermione could have been separated from her parents for so much of her youth.  I just can't imagine not seeing my kids for so much of their childhood, it makes me so sad to think about it.  I wanted to show that she has a family as well, unlike Harry.  If you haven't read it already, my story Obligated is about Hermione dealing with getting her parents back from Australia.  I've only just started it, but will hopefully get through it this summer.

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 06:48 am · Chapter: Of Snogging and Snacks
I really like the idea of the Veterans of Hogwarts. I think it's nice for them to be able to gather together and to be able to get to talk about what happen. I can definitely see it taken time for people to get over that (especially Harry), and I think it's a great idea for them to form this sort of group. This story really feels like a continuation of DHs so far and I love that. I also loved how Ron and Hermione were the ones getting caught snogging in the hallways now. Hehe.. don't they know whenever one goes to snog, one gets caught. Great chapter again!

Author's Response: Hehehe...I figured it was time for Hermione to get some good snogging in ;o).  And this idea of these guys getting together on a regular basis even after school is what prompted me to write this story.  I had ideas for things that would happen at these events over the years, but I felt like I had to set the stage with the beginnings of the group before I could write them.  I'm glad you feel like it's a continuation of DH.  Thanks again.  :o)

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 06:38 am · Chapter: Settling In
Aww.. I did enjoy this chapter. I'm glad Harry's starting to settle in again. He is back home, and it's nice that he's able to return for a final year. And I'm glad to see him with Ginny again. It's nice to see them actually together, rather than him just thinking about her all of the time like he did in DHs. Once again, I enjoyed this chapter!

Author's Response: I imagine that Harry and Ginny would not have wasted much time getting back together after DH.  I'm glad you're enjoying it.  Thanks for reading.  :o)

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 10/06/2008 06:32 am · Chapter: Coming Home
I've been meaning to read this forever and I'm glad I finally have been able to start. I really like this so far and I'm looking forward to see where you take it. I know that JKR said that the trio didn't all go back to Hogwarts, but I kind of wanted to see them go back. It must be so difficult to adjust afterwards and I'd like to see how they take it. I like the little memorial and how their friendship is now. They were close before, but it seems as if they'll be close with everyone else now as well because of what everyone like Lavendar and Seamus did in the final battle. Great start!

Author's Response: Ahhh...using my own story against me in the review-a-thon...not fair! ;o)  I'm glad you liked the beginning of this.  I think I've said it before, but you can't go through a life altering event like these kids did and not have a bond between you.  Thanks for reading (even if I now have to stay up late to catch up again, lol).

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 30/04/2008 04:17 am · Chapter: Moving On
Ah, the goblin rebellion, I believe Snape is supposed to be somewhat of an expert on that. I can't remember if that's fan fic talking or cannon. I'm really impressed with this concept (VOH) and enjoyed reading the chapters. I also liked that Ginny and Hermoine are going to get a flat together, so they can have uninterrupted snogging sessions when they are able to see there men. Great Job!

Author's Response: Thanks again! Now I can't wait for you to read Hair of the Dog, lol. I think I see about 3 more chapters for this story, to round it out to an even 10. We have to finish off the year of Hogwarts, have the first VoH alumni meeting, and then send the boys off to Auror training. I spent a lot of time researching this chapter setting the foundation for the futures of all these characters and trying to make things as authentic as possible. I love the idea of Ginny and Hermione living together, but you'll see in HotD that they have a few issues, lol. Thanks for reading...I think I need to spend some time on this story this weekend, along with getting ready for game night!

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 28/04/2008 05:05 am · Chapter: Boys and Their Egos
That was too funny and too true! My favorite part was Hermoine using the silencing charm on Ron. Boy, wouldn't that be nice to have in a heated discussion. I also like how she forgot she had used it and as she waited for Ron to respond. But in the end I think, like you said, the moral of the story is BAS. Well done!

Author's Response: LOL...yes BAS...but we love them anyway. Oh what I wouldn't give to be able to use the Silencio charm...mostly on my kids though ;o) Thanks again! :o)

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 28/04/2008 04:12 am · Chapter: Midnight Discussions
I liked how you subtly hinted about psychology and therapy. Hermoine would be the one smart enough to have sought it out. They really did go through a lot and would have a lot of healing to do. That is one of the things I like best in all the stories I have read by you, you take into consideration the aftermath of what happened and it's emotional reprecutions in a very realistic way. (Sorry for all the spelling errors, I'm hopeless without spell check). Can't wait to see what happens next in your BAS chapter!

Author's Response: These guys have a lot of healing to do. It's not that it won't happen, it'll just take time. Thanks for reading! :o)

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 24/04/2008 05:13 pm · Chapter: Happy Christmas
Yea, Neville. I love his character and it's so nice how you put him together with someone. He deserves a wonderful girl and your portrayl of Hannah shows her as one.

Author's Response: I adore Neville, and I've had so much fun writing him (and I avoided him for a while because I didn't think I could do him justice...or maybe it was because I felt I had to put him with Luna and she terrifies me, lol). I was nervous about writing Hannah, too, I think because we know so little about her. But I realized, she's virtually a blank slate for me, so I've been making her my own, and she's turning out to be the perfect match for Neville! Thanks for reading, Ginny! :o)

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 14/04/2008 12:58 am · Chapter: Of Snogging and Snacks
Yea, pudding! You sure do remember what Luna likes to eat.

I liked your kitchen segment with the house elves. And I especially liked how Kreatcher called Ron 'the Weasely'.

Author's Response: LOL...I guess Luna's favorite foods stick out in my mind...I never really made that connection. But I don't think I have Luna talking about much of anything else besides food, lol. God bless Kreacher. He really turned himself around, right. Thanks again! :o)

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 13/04/2008 06:29 pm · Chapter: Settling In
I love the line about honoring the people who died by living life to the fullest and not getting bogged down in the past... That was very fitting and is also true for life in general. Great job.

Author's Response: Thanks. It's hard sometimes not to dwell on all that's been lost, but really if we don't move on we won't ever live. I'm glad you're enjoying the story! :o)

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 13/04/2008 06:22 pm · Chapter: Coming Home
What a good story. I can't wait to read the rest. You write Luna well, too. I forgot about plimpy soup.

Author's Response: Welcome to Gluttony, Ginny! Thanks so much for reading. I'm glad you like it. I can only do Luna in small doses, lol. I can only do "out there" for so long. :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 06:22 pm · Chapter: Moving On
It seems as if you've moved time by pretty fast so far... How long of a time period does this story span? I think the pace you are moving at works. I can feel Ginny's and Hermione's worries about being away from their men for so long. That would be tough, especially after all that the group has gone through together. Again, I'm loving the Neville/Hannah! :) It's funny (and good) that Ginny is making Harry stay virtuous at the moment. I also like the setup of Ginny and Hermione sharing a flat... very nice! I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yes, this story has been more of an overview of the relationships over the course of the year, rather than a detailed account of it. This chapter would be taking place in May/June. The next chapter will probably be the last one at Hogwarts, and then there will be a few of them getting together here and there afterward. Thanks so much for reading. I'm hoping to get some more done on this story over the weekend. :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 06:06 pm · Chapter: Boys and Their Egos
I'm glad that they sorted everything out... I can see how Ginny would be jealous that he was confiding emotionally in Hermione. I can definitely see him putting up walls with those he's closest to.. Since he's not in a relationship with Hermione, it makes her safer to confide in as well... And Ron ... I thought the way Hermione dealt with him is hilarious, and it makes me like that ship a bit more. It's one I just can't handle sometimes, but I like them the way you've written them so far.

Author's Response: Oh how I wish I could use "silencio" on a daily basis, lol. And Ginny knows that Harry has no romantic feelings for Hermione, but feeling shut out, like he's always done to her, that hurts. Thanks for all your thoughts!

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 06:01 pm · Chapter: Midnight Discussions
I think this is my favorite chapter so far because it's starting to delve into the the negative aftershock of what has happened. Hermione having bad dreams. Harry being so guilt-ridden about the whole thing that he can't sleep. I really glad that Hermione got to have a talk with him, which was definitely lacking probably with her new relationship with Ron. She really supported him a lot during the books as well. Oh, and Ron walking in and seeing them... of COURSE he's going to understand it was nothing but some friendly counseling advice... Oh, and I'd think that almost all the main characters would have Post-traumatic stress to some degree... That's probably why Ron came downstairs in the first place....

Author's Response: It was time to put a little reality into this fluffy piece, and it was time for Harry to be taken down a peg or two, lol. Hermione was just the one to do it, too. They've shared so much, and she's always been the one to tell Harry what was what. Thanks! :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 05:53 pm · Chapter: Happy Christmas
I like getting to see the relationships bloom... I think you have Ron and Hermione down.. I really see them as acting that way when they're together. And I'm normally not ALL that big of a fan of Neville/Hannah (out of character for me, I know), but I really do like the way you've put them together in this fic. Very cute and sweet! :)

Author's Response: Thank you! I was/am a big Neville/Luna fan, but as I am trying to stay close to JK's vision (even if I am taking a few creative licenses with it) I thought I'd try to figure out how those two ended up together. This is my take on it. And I've written a lot of Ron and Hermione, they come easier to me than any of the others, lol.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 05:47 pm · Chapter: Of Snogging and Snacks

Yay! I'm glad you have things returning somewhat to normal for them as far as how they are treated at Hogwarts. I just keep thinking it would be hard for the teachers to not feel sorry for them in some way and treat them differently. I guess they have a lot to catch up on, though. Also, it's nice that the relationships are there but not fully formed yet. The VOH group sounds really interesting and like something that really WILL help each person, not to mention just fun at times.

Author's Response: This VoH group was my whole purpose for this story. I don't plan on tackling much outside of this group. Other people have written more in depth stories, but I'm focusing more on these relationships with this story. Thanks again! :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 05:39 pm · Chapter: Settling In
I agree with the last paragraph of this - Hogwarts is a central place in Harry's life, one I believe which would help him move on. During the feast, I thought McGonagall's speech was really heartfelt and moving.. I mean, what WOULD you say to the students, most of whom had friends dead from the Battle? It makes me realize how strange it would have been for the four of them going back - it'd be like they were constantly under a microscope. Hopefully, people will give them space to deal with their grief and issues associated with it. Oh, and I forgot - now that the trio + Ginny have their relationships sorted out, things may start ... happening???

Author's Response: Hogwarts was the first place to ever feel like a home to Harry. I'm sure that while still difficult it's still holds some comfort for him. Thanks again for reviewing. :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 04:41 pm · Chapter: Coming Home
This is an interesting prospect. I know JKR has said that only Hermione went back to Hogwarts, but I have been insanely interested in seeing what it would be like if they ALL went back... There are definitely going to be some strange/awkward/annoying moments in store for all of them. I wondering how they're going to get through the celebrity status of being "veterans." I think the thestral scene was a very good idea to bring out some of the changes that have happened to them.

Author's Response: I haven't read too many of the interviews and didn't realize she has specifically said that Hermione was the only one who went back. That said, I've tried to keep the story as close to book canon as possible. I'm glad you commented on the thestrals. It's sad that it will be years before there are children returning to Hogwarts that won't be able to see them :o(. Thanks so much for the review! :o)

Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) · Date: 02/04/2008 09:41 pm · Chapter: Moving On
Taryn, I adore this chapter! Really, each one seems to be better than the last! I really like your characterisation of Hannah and the scene with Harry and Ginny was gorgeous! It was also nice to sea the girls on their own together! :) !0 - obviously! :D x x x

Author's Response: Thank you, love! I've been working on Hannah, we don't know much about her, but I've been trying to put some of the accepting Hufflepuff characteristics into her as well as some hints to what she'll be down the road as proprietor of the Leaky Cauldron. Thanks for reading! *huggles* :o)

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 01/04/2008 07:12 pm · Chapter: Moving On
Once again, Taryn, you've written a wonderful chapter. There are any number of specific things I could mention that I particularly like, but really it's the sum and substance, the friendship and hope, that I find so appealing.

Being a big kid, I like Harry Potter stuff, and Star Trek stuff, and superhero stuff, etc. But the thing that I usually end up liking most is the relationships that develop within those worlds. And that's what I like most about your stories; they focus on people. The fact that they exist in a magical world helps to make it fun, but it's almost incidental.

I'm kind of sorry to see this one end, but at the same time I know you have other things in the works. I look forward to reading them as well.


Author's Response: Oh, thank you Doug. There are times I feel I have to go back in and add the magical stuff because I focus so much on the people. It's coming easier though. And the story's not over yet, but nearing its end, I believe. Thanks for sticking with me, though. :o)

Name: war and peace (Signed) · Date: 31/03/2008 11:45 am · Chapter: Coming Home

I signed up - I told you I would, didn't I?
Anyways, I have already said my thoughts on this chapter -at least I thought I did between the vicious comma-hacking - but I will repeat myself. IT IS WONDERFUL! I love it to bits, and that's not only because I beta it. My favouite bit of this chapter (if you can call it a bit) is Luna - you characterise her so well and I can just see her saying and doing all those things.

I am obviously a perfectionist.. I shall never be satisfied! Smile and laughed hysterically as you know I shall be pouring over my annotated version of this chapter, and the one you've posted, to see if I missed out some mistakes (not that there are many... But still).

Anyways, I am on to read the next chapter. By the time I post this it will probably be midnight and you will be screaming at me to go to bed, but hey.

Love always,
The Comma Nazi

Author's Response: Ah, my sweet Emma *coughCommaNazicough*. I have not had the opportunity to go back and edit in your corrections in the majority of my story, love. I will get to it, though, I promise. Thank you so much for joining this lovely site, and for reading and leaving a review of my little story. I will be sending some more of it your way shortly. And yes, midnight on a school night is far too late to be up. You must be well rested to go and learn the proper use of commas so you can continue your eradication of them ;o).

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