Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 27/03/2008 01:02 pm ·
Chapter: Boys and Their Egos
It's okay Taryn, I have a comma addiction too! :P I have so much respect for you, because I know that you love Ron almost as much as I do. I find it physically impossible to write him in a bad light! In my novella, he's actually become Ron-Stu he's so OOC! So, very well done for that, because I imagine it must have been hard! This chapter was great (didn't I tell you I'd review before you asked me to?), I really enjoyed it. Typical Hermione using the silencing charm...LOL! You showed Ginny's emotions very well too! Like I said - a great job! :D Update soon, jah? x x x
Author's Response: Yay!!! I was wondering if you'd see it. This is a really short chapter, I was just so anxious to get it written, and posted. And it was beginning to affect my work because I was thinking about this instead of what my kids were reading in reading groups, lol. I really do have a problem throwing commas in where they're not needed...and I swear there are some places in this chapter where I really think there should be one, lol. I'm so glad you read, love! :o)
Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) ·
Date: 26/03/2008 05:21 pm ·
Chapter: Boys and Their Egos
Yes, this chapter is short. But it says plenty. Even if it is missing a comma or two. :)
Boys And Their Egos, huh? You know, I think I caught some of the discussion over this chapter's title. Hmmm. :) Anyway...
I like Ginny's words to Harry: "Asking for help doesn't make you weak." And I like the contrast between Hermione knocking Harry down a bit and trying to build Ron up.
I guess women just have their work cut out for them, don't they? But you didn't hear that from me.
I love reading your stories, Taryn. They're very practical, down to earth, and to the point. And I think you have a very good handle on where these kids have been, and where they're going.
Author's Response: Oh dear, how could I have forgotten to respond to you, my dear Doug? I apologize profusely, I've been out searching for the errant comma, warning it away from the wrath of my beta, the Comma Nazi. I apologize, also if my title offends, lol...blame that one on Jessi! We were having quite a bit of fun at the expense of boys trying to come up with it ;o). The contrast between Harry & Ron's egos was what I was trying to go for in this chapter. I'm working on Chapter 7 as we speak. Trying to bring this story to a close. Thanks for sticking with me! :o)
Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 22/03/2008 01:21 am ·
Chapter: Midnight Discussions
Oh Ron! Don't be a fool, I beg of you! I can tell this chapter was harder for you to write, simply because it's shorter - but, nevertheless, you've done a wonderful job of it. Not enough authors explore Harry and Hemrione's relationship and the conversation was lovely. He did need to be told! Typical Ron at the end there - this had better be resolved! Update soon and I'll review on time! :P Brilliant! x x x
Author's Response: After all my griping about Erised, what do you think? Although...payback's a twisted lovely ;o), so I may have to toy with you a bit more...bwahahahaha. This chapter did come easier than I thought it would, but I can only tackle the angst for so long, and even still, this chapter is longer than Foolish, I think. You've made my whole night, Andy Pandy! Oh, and of course I had to add you into my A/N. I don't think I'd have ever had the courage to attempt this if you hadn't done Erised, which I'm still drying my tears over. *huggles* :o)
Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 22/03/2008 01:12 am ·
Chapter: Happy Christmas
My favourite chapter so far, and not just because of that gorgeous A/N at the end. :) You are too sweet! :) But, yes you are doing an incredible job of characterising everyone, especially since you haven't written many of them before! I don't know what I loved the most - the Ronmione or the Neville/Hannah! The argument at the start was so perfect - I'm glad that they haven't lost their spark! :D And when Hannah and Neville discussed problem solving - well, that would have been enough for me. That ending was better than a million cherries. :) Brilliant stuff! Never stop writing, okay? :D x x x x x
Author's Response: I'm so excited, you always make me smile so hard my cheeks hurt. As much as I love Neville and Luna, I figured I needed to figure out how he ended up with Hannah. I'm so glad you're reviewing, it's making my whole night! And I'll keep writing as long as you keep writing stuff that makes me feel inferior and I have to prove myself all over again ;o).
Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 22/03/2008 12:56 am ·
Chapter: Of Snogging and Snacks
Another wonderful chapter. You have got me feeling really nostalgic again. I burst out laughing so hard when Dean and the gang caught Ron and Hermione together that my mother asked me what was wrong! :P It was such a strange transition from high to low as the second they entered the kitchen, I realised that Dobby wasn't going to be there! :'( *cry* You've characterised both Ron and Hermione perfectly though and I really like your Seamus. The toast scene was beautiful and Hannah's words at the end really made me smile. Very well done, again! You are fantastic! x
Author's Response: *hugglesquishglomptackle*...I think that's the first time I attempted that, lol. I was worried that the toast scene was a little...much? I second guess myself so much with this fic. I'm glad you're enjoying it though, love, means the world to me. :o)
Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 22/03/2008 12:35 am ·
Chapter: Settling In
Squeee! I read this chapter before, but I don't think I ever told you about how much I adored it. One of my favourite things about the first time I read each HP book was reading about that wonderful feeling of sheer experience that ran through the characters upon seeing Hogwarts castle, the Great Hall and the Common Room for the first time each year. I'm so pleased that you included it, but it makes me, personally, feel a little nostalgic. You know how it occasionally hits you that after years of obsessive reading (nay on 10 years for me) the Harry Potter experience is really over...? Sometimes it makes you really sad, and other times you are filled with relief that fanfic exists. This time it's the latter. Brilliant chapter - I especially enjoyed your description of Hermione leaning on Ron! :) 10! x
Author's Response: Well it's about time you leave me another review, young lady!! I've been dying to know your opinion. Now, keep going!! *huggles*
Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) ·
Date: 21/03/2008 09:00 pm ·
Chapter: Midnight Discussions
Damn, Taryn! You hit so many good points with this chapter, I almost don't know where to begin. But I will say this: BINGO!
This is exactly the sort of thing that got me into fanfiction in the first place. These kids went through the wringer, psychologically, emotionally, physically. And yet, what did we see at the end of Deathly Hallows? They all got married and had a bunch of kids and lived happily ever after. We got to see them go through hell, yet we never saw them come back. Healing. They needed healing.
I think your depiction of what Harry is feeling is very good, and very believable, just like Hermione's nightmare's about the torture. I also believe that having her serve Harry up some tough love is exactly what he needs. There's the feeling that they went through it all together, and now they'll heal together. I like that.
No doubt, angst is harder than fluff. But you do both very well.
Author's Response: YAY!! I'm glad you liked it, Doug. I've been dreading the drama, I really have, but I knew I wouldn't do this story justice if I didn't add some of it in. I don't think you can come away from all that they went through without it taking its toll, but it doesn't have to define your life if you don't let it. Thanks again for reading! :o)
Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) ·
Date: 20/03/2008 09:08 pm ·
Chapter: Happy Christmas
First of all, GO NEVILLE. It seems everyone is growing up, aren't they? But seriously, Taryn, this is quite nice. Talk about warm and cozy. I love the casual feel of this chapter, and your character portrayals are really good. And the business about splitting Christmas Eve and Christmas Day between two families is spot on; it works for more than just fictitious families, that's for sure. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response: I *adore* Neville. He's second only to Ron in my eyes. I've loved him since he stood up to the Trio in book one and Hermione put the poor guy in the Full Body Bind.. It was so nice to see him grow into the true Gryffindor he is over the course of the books. I would have liked to have seen him with Luna, because I really think they bring out the best in each other, but maybe after a year of fighting the Carrows he doesn't need anybody else to bring it out of him anymore. I'm trying to set the stage for him and Hannah getting together. I thought it appropriate that despite being brilliant, Hermione couldn't come up with the *simple* solution, and learning how to blend families is part of being in a mature relationship, which they're still trying to figure out. Thanks so much for reading, it always makes me smile! :o)
Name: andharrywokeup (Signed) ·
Date: 18/02/2008 08:37 pm ·
Chapter: Coming Home
I am so excited to see this finally up considering how much you were taunting us with the idea of a new story down in the c-box and like I said, I feel like this is the fic I've been waiting for. There don't seem to be enough realistic and immediately post DH ones.
I really, really liked how you didn’t refer to you characters with there names for the first section of this chapter, because it emphasised how this was the beginning of a completely different life. It's heartbreaking that starting a year of school with nothing to fear is something new to them and it is almost like they could be completely different people. And then with a tactless shout from Ron (obviously the only bit I didn't like :P), you tie them back down to their pasts. They're veterans and no matter how different things are going to be, life will never be normal. You showed this beautifully through you depiction of Lavender, who unlike our protagonists, would have experienced many more of the things that we conventionally face whilst growing up.
What else? Hmmm...I should say thank you for including your little conversation about the term veterans. You are completely right about the word of course...I've just finished reading Breslin's 'Remembrance', which is a WW1 piece, and it really made me see how young the fighters actually were. Thankfully Harry Potter is less heartbreaking as we know the cause behind such conflict was worth it. My other great fear was that it seemed OOC and almost big-headed to have them refer to themselves as veterans; since we know that Harry is very modest, but the way you've brought it in through Hermione and Seamus is truly perfect. An incredible beginning to what I know will be an incredible story. :)
Author's Response: Thank you for the lovely review!! I see them referring to themselves as Veterans, in a sort of tongue in cheek way. The way Seamus refers to it in a glib manner is how I'm hoping to accomplish that. And Ron's matured, but not quite all the way yet ;o). I think you'll enjoy chapter 3 when I get it finished! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, if it hadn't been for your prodding I don't know that it would have ever come about!