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Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 21/05/2008 05:48 am · Chapter: Epilogue - Avrille
I love happy endings! Okay, so it's not the perfect happily ever after ending, and I didn't expect it to be since there is a lot going on with Voldemort rising, but it was as close to happy as it could get. I loved it. I loved this whole story and I really can't believe it's now over. :( I really hope you write a sequel.. I just can't part with Avrille and Sevvy yet. And they had their baby.. yay! I know Sevvy will be an awesome father. I love how he's really protective - you don't want to mess with him or his child. I don't think Voldemort could come between him and his son or his love for Avrille.

So this story was awesome and I think you're an amazing writer. I'm ready to see your name on a book cover one day.. really I think you can do it and make me fall in love with another set of character. For now, wonderful job with this story and I hope you continue to write. This was the perfect ending for me!

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 21/05/2008 05:37 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Severus
I have such a huge smile on right now. Yay! But boo for the last Sevvy chapter. I can't believe this is coming to a close after everything you've taken these two through. I loved the part with Dumbledore - I think you really got his character right. I was wondering if he was going to say anything about the wedding.. hehe that part was cute, as well as that whole conversation. I had a feeling that Dumbledore had noticed and I loved how he recognized that it was around Christmas time that their relationship started. That man is pretty brilliant. Man, one more chapter to go. As always, great chapter!

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 21/05/2008 05:28 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Avrille
Okay, I don't know what took me so long to get to this chapter, but I'm finally here and this has got to be the best chapter so far. I've been looking forward to this one for a long time and it didn't disappoint at all.

Avrille saving Severus was just amazing. I knew she would end up doing it, but the way she did it was great. You can totally tell from this how much she loves Severus and even how much Charlotte fought to keep her grandson alive. For some reason I thought Charlotte came from Snape's mother's side, but I guess not. I loved the description of the house.. as always your details really tell the story and put me in the position. I felt like I was watching a movie, following Avrille along.

I just love Avrille/Sevvy and I love how you've made the couple. You've made me fall in love with Severus so much and I'm sad that there's only two chapters left. Maybe that's why it's taken me so long to come back - I've been waiting to savor some Snape/Avrill-ness.

Oh, and I loved Snape's reaction to the whole pregnancy thing. Yay.. he's excited about a baby! I know it won't even matter that she'll have to end the apprentage because she'll have Sevvy and she'll have his baby and everything will be alright. Yay.. awesome chapter! I love this story!

Name: Shellee (Signed) · Date: 06/05/2008 01:27 am · Chapter: Epilogue - Avrille
I have just one word to tell you;


I love this story and I love you for writing it. I'm definitely demanding a spot at that campfire and you can be proud to say that you've turned me into a Snape fan. Even though I love how you pictured him, my thoughts of giving it a try myself scare me because I will never capture him as well as you would. =)

Name: Shellee (Signed) · Date: 06/05/2008 01:09 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Severus
See, of course Dumbledore knew! I knew it really. He's such a great man! He did seem rather excited about the baby but I think in a way, he does see Snape as a son of his, so he'd be a grandfather in a way. It's o looooovely. Poor Snapey being scared. I loooove it, whoop!

Name: Shellee (Signed) · Date: 06/05/2008 12:54 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Avrille
Avrille has gotten there whoooooo! She's the savior. Blasting the hell out of the Revenant, I feel so bad for her that she had to be sad and such. She's such a hero no and she saved him! He's going to be a daddyyyyy Snapey's going to be a daddyyyyyy, whooooo!
Heheh lalala. Well, who wouldn't want to sleep with the love of his life when she came to save him from his death, have his baby and stuff. Hehe looove it

Name: Shellee (Signed) · Date: 06/05/2008 12:13 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Six - Severus
Nooo! Poor Snapey nooooo! Oh, no. The poor thing. He couldn't handle it anymore. The breadstick Revenant found it. Aw, nuh. Shouldn't Snape know it's the Revenant? That he's doing that to break him? Even though it must be very hard to see and such, you know? He should know, the poor thing. Avrille loves him and she's almost there. Aw, I love it!

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 15/04/2008 05:21 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Six - Severus
Awesome chapter there! The Revenant's really messing with him now. I hope he doesn't believe it.. he really can't. Avrille and Lucius.. he can't think that had ever happened. Poor guy, with the Revenant messing with him. Oh, and I'm not sure if I this was the right reaction, but I kind of laughed when Avrille said James asked her to marry her. Avrille/James - don't think so. How terrible for Snape though - he better not even think that's true. I'm glad Severus's mother is still hanging on - Avrille better figure this thing out soon. Another great chapter here - the next chapter looks really long, but I'm sure I'll be reading it soon!

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 15/04/2008 05:14 am · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Five - Avrille
Alright, I got impatient of waiting for the next chapter, so I just had to read it here. I'm glad Avrille's finally taking some initiative on going to find Sevvy, though it seems like there's not much she can do. I don't know how she's going to find him, but I guess going to the house is a good first step. It is definitely better than just hoping that he'll show up at some point. I really wonder how she's going to figure it out and I can't wait to find out. Another great chapter as usual!

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 11:00 pm · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Seven - Avrille
WOWWWW! I really like the way you describe - I want to say characterize - Greyadder House. It's almost like a character in the story. Again, I love how Avrille can sense the imprints of various kinds of magic, and it's so foreboding that she felt the Dark Magic by his father's bed. It was really amazing the way his mom helped, and I just LOVED it when she found him! The description of that part was sooo good. I felt so sorry for him.!! And then, preggo that she is, Avrille blasted the crap out of the demon! I LOVED that she kind of had to face her fears and then told it not to f/with her really scarily and annihilated it! Woot! Go her!!! And her destroying Septimus's tomb later was so me - I would have totally done that!!! The scene where she and Severus gave each other their revelations was also awesome!!! It was great that he finally opened up to her, and I love the way he is so excited about the prospect of their child. It's sooo great!!

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 10:59 pm · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Six - Severus
I really liked this chapter a lot, too! Yay for angst and flashbacks, even if they are demented and inflicted by a Revenant! I love the way the demon knew just the way to twist the various scenarios we've already seen to try to break him and discourage him from ever hoping he can get out of there. The Lucius Malfoy scene was just the worst of those (for Sev), in my opinion.

I really like the way you have his mother talking to him, though, reassuring him that help is coming.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 10:58 pm · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Five - Avrille
This chapter was really good, too .. Avrille is definitely one smart/logical cookie! I would just be laying in bed crying if this whole situation happened to me. I love the way you describe her expertise in identifying basically the imprint of who cast certain spells. I thought the whole scene with her trying to apparate and then walking around the grounds of the old house was really cool. I bet Sev is glad he helped her get her powers back before he bedded her, else, well, he'd be a goner! I'm off to the other chappies.....

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 04:28 pm · Chapter: Epilogue - Avrille

I love stories that end with babies.. I guess it's just the whole new aspect, and in your story she has the baby AND the man.. so it's doubly happy. I'm really interested to see how a sequel would go!! You kind of hooked that possibility in there, you evil girl!

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 10/04/2008 04:21 pm · Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Eight - Severus

Awww... I knew Dumbledore wouldn't be the type to go all crazy about rules when true love was involved in the rule breaking. I think you handled his reaction in perfect canon, and I'm glad things turned out like they did for them. Also, I think it's very angsty/good that Severus feels very skeptical as to whether or not he can be a good father. It's very smart and sad all at the same time. I love it when men share their emotions, though... Too bad most of the time it's fictional when they do. ;) I think this is a beautiful chapter.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 28/03/2008 02:50 am · Chapter: Chapter Five - Avrille
Renny, I agree with Ford about how your novel starts feeling very historical after a while... You insert so many "facts" and "events" that everything seems authentic and real even though it is totally the realm of fantasy! Now that I think about it, that quality really puts it on part with some of the squee-worthy themes found in classic literature!

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks so much, Jessi! And what are you doing leaving a review, anyway? You already read the story, silly! Haha. I think I had it easy since JKR did about 98% of the word making stuff seem to plausible even though it's completely fictional. But I'll gladly accept the compliment for the couple things here and there that I thought of myself (like I always liked those book titles I made up in Florish and Blotts...random.) Thanks again! You rock!

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 25/03/2008 02:27 pm · Chapter: Chapter Five - Avrille
I wish I had more time for reading, because I'm really anxious to find out where you're going with this.

With this chapter, it occurs to me that the story is beginning to feel kind of like an historical novel. You know, where the story is wrapped around establish historical facts. Of course, the 'facts' that your story wraps around are just as fictitious as the story itself, but you know what I mean. The point being that it's interesting to see things that we've already read about in other places, but from a different point of view and with a bit more detail (seeing Colin, Luna, and Ginny sorted, for example). All good stuff!

I wanted to add a comment about chapter 3 that I neglected to include in that review (such is my attention span). You referred to Hagrid as Mr. Hagrid, which is okay, except that you did it a LOT, repeatedly. It gets a little awkward, especially considering that once you've introduced other characters, you usually just refer to them by their last names, or Professor whoever (in the same chapter, you frequently refer to ol' Twinkletoes simply as Lockhart). I'm just suggesting that you might want to break it up a bit; Mr. Hagrid, Hagrid, Rubeus, That Big Hairy Guy, etc.

I like this, Renny. Very much.


Author's Response: Thank you! And I definitely see where you're coming from with the Mr. Hagrid thing. The reason I did it that way was because, in my mind, Avrille has no respect for Lockhart, hence why she only refers to him by his last name without "Professor" in front of it like she does with Snape and Sprout. I will get on that, though, and change some of it around. The chapter after next (I think...) she does start just saying "Hagrid," but I can have her do it mentally before Hagrid actually tells her that the "Mr." isn't needed! I want to re-read through the first few chapters I posted and check for comma errors, so I'll fix that as I go! Thank you for reviewing!!

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 24/03/2008 08:20 pm · Chapter: Chapter Four - Severus
Hello Renny,

I don't always review individual chapters, but you pack yours with a fair amount of info. Once again, I find it interesting to look inside of an individual's mind, especially an interesting person such as Snape. the only comment that I would make there is that he seems to have fallen for Avrille rather quickly. Too quickly, perhaps? But then, I'm a fine one to talk. I find it hard to resist an attractive woman with an accent, especially an intelligent one. :) I also liked the part with Lucius; a little behind-the-scenes stuff always adds a bit of spice.

As always, looking forward to reading more.


Author's Response: Yes, that seems to be the one thing that people mention. I dunno...I guess I just kind of like him falling in love so fast it's like him being hit by a truck :) That's the main reason, I think, that it annoys him so much since it's so not like him. A lot of people were confused about this because they thought that I was keeping it canon and making him have been in love with Lily. But, since I wrote most of this before DH came out (meaning that Severus loving Lily has only been truly canon for about 8 months, guys!), I didn't go that route. If he had been desperately in love with Lily, then I agree 100% that it would be WAY too soon for him to fall in love with Avrille. But my Severus has, by conscious choice (the reason why being revealed later in the story), has been keeping himself away from attractive young women. So, when Avrille crashes into him, the physical shock of meeting someone so pretty and intelligent sort of makes his emotions run wild. Man, does this make any sense? Sorry if it seems babbly. It makes sense in my mind, I swear! Thank you, anyway, for the review! There's a lot more "behind-the-scenes" and Missing Moments in the story, so I hope you like those too!

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 20/03/2008 10:24 pm · Chapter: Chapter Three - Avrille
Renny, this is beggining to feel less like a piece of fanfiction, and more like a book. I can't imagine the enormous amount of time and effort it must take to produce such a well-crafted story. You've mentioned that it gets off to a slow start, but that's how we get to know people and places and things. And your portrayal of Lockhart is wonderful... and hysterical.

I'm liking this, alot.


Author's Response: *squeeing!* Thank you so much! Yeah, it took me a VERY long time to write...technically 4 years, but there was a solid year and then months at a time where I didn't write anything. I waited until it was totally completed, too, before posting any of it online because I'm always going back and adding things. I honestly can't remember exactly *why* I chose the Chamber of Secrets year, but I think it *was* because of Lockhart! He was REALLY fun to write about! I highly recommend him. XD Thank you again! Hopefully next week I'll have a day or two off from work to read your writing! <3 Renny

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 20/03/2008 12:13 am · Chapter: Chapter Two - Severus
Renny, I'm diggin' it. It's interesting to see things from Snape's perspective. And of course, Avrille's story is getting more intriguing. I like your style of writing, and your attention to detail. I'll be back for more.

Author's Response: Woooot! Thank you! If you like it now, then you'll definitely like it a bit more later. Since the story is so long (longer than Chamber of Secrets itself!) it takes a couple of chapters to really get the action going. I must say I am beyond honored to have a GUY like my story! Yay for guys!rnrnI guess this means I have to get my tail in gear and upload more chapters...eep!

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 19/03/2008 04:58 am · Chapter: Chapter One - Avrille
I'm liking this story. It's getting off to a good start, and it's well-written. And I like Avrille too.

Author's Response: Thank you thank you! If you're a hopeless romantic, then you should really like it :) I like Avrille as well...I'm always telling my husband that I wish she was real so she could be my friend!

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