Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 03:51 am ·
Chapter: Deceptions
Ah, I have finally caught up. I can't believe I have read it almost in one go but then again your story has really caught my attention.
Now, I'm very intrigued about the letter, bad Labby! and I totally understand that she wants to find out more about Charlie and that he may not be there for ever but I guess unless she takes care of her friendship with Talia this may deteriorate and perhaps backfire in some way.
Mind you, in real life I try to please everybody and I end up pleasing no one, so there your are.
Owl me when you update. Can't wait to hear what's going to happen to the dragons!
Author's Response: Yay, you've made it to the end.. or at least the end for now! I appreciate you reading it all and I'm glad it has caught your attention. The next chapter should be up soon, so hopefully it won't be too long of a wait. I will definitely let you know when this is updated.. thanks again for all your reviews and all your help! I appreciate it!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 03:18 am ·
Chapter: Letters
Again, I did lost my review. I think if I take too long it tells me that something doesn't match!!! Anyhow, I really enjoyed this chapter as well.
I thought that the Ministry's response was very realistic, regardless of the fact that Shackelbolt is friends with the Weasleys as well as the fact that owl was read in first instance by the Secretary. Beuracracy prevails even in the magical word!
Now the triangle is getting interested with Tally changing her mind but I guess that she was right and that Emilia is more the commitment type and probably more suitable for Charlie in the long run.
Now, I want to prevent dragons from being place at Gringotts!! How do I join? Never mind SPEW!
Author's Response: Yay, I'm glad you liked it! This chapter kind of annoyed me because not too much happened. I'm glad the ministry's response was realistic.. the first one I kind of had fun with because I took it like it being one of those automatic email responses that always annoy me. You get a response, but not always what you want. Anyways, yes, it is getting complicated with Talia and Charlie and Emilia.. my intent from the beginning. Ah.. the drama. Haha.. anti-Gringotts dragon club! Sign me up as well! That's a good idea.. I do find it kind of cruel.
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 02:51 am ·
Chapter: Healing
Oh, everything is working out just fine so far. Now, I want to see the baby dragon. I think you're turning me into Hagrid!
Author's Response: Haha.. don't worry the baby dragon will be coming, though it may not be the main focus when it is actually born. Umm.. did I say that? Hehe.. thanks again!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 02:26 am ·
Chapter: Revelations
Ah, things are moving along now. Ok they still have to heal the dogs discretly and catch Linnie (hopefully alive and well) and please, please, don't allow them to take her to Gringotts again.
I think Emilia has reacted rather well considering.
Nicely done, again!
Author's Response: Ah.. don't worry, Charlie will fight against everyone so that Linnie doesn't go back to Gringotts. We'll see if that works though. Thanks for continuing on with this!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 02:11 am ·
Chapter: Weakness and Stupidity
Oh, this is hilarious, when she finds herself floating and she thinks she's on her way to the after life. Mind you, what would we all think? I'm quite logical that she thought that in fact.
I'm glad that she has now found out and she can forgive Charlie for being secretive.
I really look forward to the full explanation though. I think I remember you mentioning not long ago that you enjoyed one of my chapters and that you needed to introduce a Muggle to the magical world too. Ah, it's all being revealed now!
Really, really funny this one. One thing I like about this story is that there is a bit of everything, romance, sadness and comedy.
Author's Response: Haha.. yeah, I'm not sure exactly what I'd be thinking if that happened. It was fun to create a scene like that though because Emilia certainly has no clue what's going on. Yep, I think I was about to post this awhile ago when you posted about introducing the Muggle. It's a difficult scene to write and I liked how you did it (it seemed really realistic).
It's fun to be able to take this story and to turn around the seriousness at some points and add a bit of humor. I wasn't quite sure how well my humor would transpire onto paper, but it seems to be doing okay so far. I'm glad that you like it. :)
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 01:07 am ·
Chapter: Taffy
Arg!! Sorry Jamie, second time today that I lose a long review!
I wanted to say that this was again a wonderful chapter. I love how she opens up to him and the story about her father and the first "Taffy" is truly terrible. The only point I made is that I'm not entirely sure than an alcoholic would kill a dog randomely like that unless he was say, jealous of the attention the kids gave the dog of something. In my humble opinion this behaviour may be more consistent with someone on very powerful and paranoia induccing drugs, but ok I'm no expert really.
Now, I'm glad that she opened up and it's obvious why she is so mad at his secrecy.
I would have thought that there may be exceptions when he can breach the Statute of Secrecy (I'm a lawyer in real life and hell I would have broken it if I've been Charlie), the poor girl wants to know, also in a professional capacity.
Wonderfully emotive chapter again. I'm a sucker for that. I was joking that you should get a sponsorship from Kleenex if all readers are like me (but I meant that as an absolute compliment lol)!
Very well done again.
Author's Response: I'm sorry you lost your review - I hate it when that happens. I've started copying my reviews on HPFF since it times out sometimes. Anyways, this chapter worked well to get a bit about Emilia's past in. I purposely did not want to go into too much detail about exactly what happened with her father and the originally Taffy, but it did have a bit to do with jealousy and much more happened than what was actually depicted. I'm no expert either on that, and I didn't want to talk so much about something that I'm not too familiar with and I didn't want you guys to have to read so much about his cruelty. Ah.. the exceptions.. I wasn't quite sure about that. I'd think it would have to be approved first, which is why I don't go into that right away. I don't think Charlie knows Emilia enough either to tell her right now. Haha.. a sponsorship from Kleenex.. that would be nice. :) Thanks again for the review.. I really appreciate it!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 03/06/2008 12:24 am ·
Chapter: Discovery
I knew something had to happen to Taffy. I guess Emilia is now about to find out about the magical world. I very much wonder who is the person who can help, I think Charlie said "he"...
It's good of Hermione to have worked out at least one of the mysteries.
It's hard to put this story down, honestly!
Author's Response: It was so difficult to have something happen to Taffy, but I had planned that from the beginning. It was a good way to get some more Emilia/Charlie interaction, and it was something that had to happen with all of the attacks happening. Yep, Hermione sure is able to figure that stuff out pretty quickly. It's good to have her brains in this. I'm glad you want to keep reading. :)
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 10:51 pm ·
Chapter: Imperfections
Oh, my God! The first part about Linnie the dragon made me cry, honestly! How sad am I? or how good are you at conveying her feelings, even if she is a dragon! Now, I wasn't too sure when she got pregnant, is the father the first dragon she loved or is it someone else she met in her troubles after the breaking by Harry & Co? Obviously I have no idea how long they take to hatch or what's their life span and at what age they stop laying or anything...
Now, the mobile phone thing was hilarious and I'm glad that things between Charlie and Emilia are progressing just a little...
I think this may be my favourite chapter so far.
Author's Response: Aww.. I'm glad you liked that part. It was so much fun being able to write from a dragon's perspective. Sorry about making you cry though. :( Yes, the father is the first dragon she loved. That's a fact.. there's no other dragon that she's met after being released from Gringotts. There's really no information about how long they take to hatch, but I'll have a little bit more about that fact later. Hehe.. I'm glad you liked the phone thing. That part was fun to write.. just a bit of humor going in there. Thanks again for the wonderful review!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 10:02 pm ·
Chapter: Home
I was wondering how the dragon had managed to escape from Gringotts, so it was the dragon that trio "liberated?" I see... I quite enjoyed this part. Also the scene in the appartment helps us to get to know Emilia and her surroundings a bit better.
Interesting story and chapter.
Author's Response: Yep, it was the Gringotts dragon. I thought that could be an interesting concept, and I did wonder what happened to it after escaping from the bank. Somebody would need to go check it. Thanks again for the review!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 09:43 pm ·
Chapter: Missing Pieces
I said I was feeling sorry for the dragon, so she is hatching an egg, I see...
I hope Charlie is alright though. Now, if she has an egg, does this mean that she's been mating with a male dragon that's also lurking around somewhere?
I'll just have to carry on reading.
You're very good at keeping the mystery going and revealing only a tiny bit at a time.
Author's Response: Yep, yep. It's easy to feel for the dragon here. I got into that as well. Hmm.. I won't answer that question, but I'm sure you already know that by now. Hopefully it makes sense. I'm glad you like the mystery of this.. it really wasn't intended to be such a mystery when I first started writing it, but it fell into that, and I've enjoyed the genre.
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 06:19 pm ·
Chapter: The Date
Oh, this is getting yet more exciting! So he likes Talia but he is more worried about the dragon! he,he!
Now, the only think that in my opinion seems a bit odd is that Talia seems a bit too forward, especially given that they work together. I understand that she is bored in such a small town but also people in small places tend to be very gossipy (trust me, I live in a small town! lol) and things like that tend to create problems at work if people get to find out.
However, I like that although she is jealous of Charlie thinking about Emilia, she feels guilty about her friend.
Now, the green substance??? I must say, I do feel a bit sorry for the dragon, don't ask me why! lol
Very good story so far.
Author's Response: Hehe.. I'm glad you liked this one! This was fun to write with the whole date scene and all. Yeah, Talia is a bit forward.. I guess maybe a little bit to the extreme. That does calm down a bit, but it is a lot what her character is like, though I see your point. Yes, the green substance.. that's a point that takes awhile to be answered, but it is important. Thanks again for the reply!
Name: morgana (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 05:14 pm ·
Chapter: Newberry Animal Hospital
Hi Labby, sorry to have taken so long to continue this story, especially because I really like it!
Great chapter! Charlie appears relatively mysterious here. I do wonder about the attacks, everything seems to point to dragons but I just have a feeling that there is more to it than this.
Poor Emilia, she is too shy around her and now her friend, seemingly effortlessly has invited him out! I guess that Emilia is not aware of her feeling for him yet...
Lovely chapter. Off to the next one!
Author's Response: Hello Morgana and thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you've decided to start reading again. Ahh.. Emilia and Charlie.. the budding romance. Their relationship is so awkward at first, and Talia just steps in and takes over. I'm glad you liked tihs chapter!
Name: Faded (Signed) ·
Date: 31/05/2008 06:59 pm ·
Chapter: Newberry Animal Hospital
Another nice chapter, once again a nice healthy length with enough description and action to actually flesh it out nicely. It seems a little fillerish to me, but then again I shouldn't be criticising that, as all books have their seemingly filler chapters, but then have some underlying meaning and/or purpose.
I have one little thing that I noticed. I have never heard anyone in England use the term 'shots'. Now I don't know whether you are English and have heard that term over here, in which case I am sorry. I was always under the impression that it is an Americanism. Most people I have heard use the words 'vaccines' or 'boosters'. Sorry if that is a little picky, but it was something I noticed. Apart from that once again nicely written.
I do like the abruptness that Charlie has about everything. It is very simple, straight forward and no beating around the bush. Pretty much how I imagine him in some respects. However I personally would not see him as detached to the plight of the animals as he seems for quite a lot of the part, I realise it could be just trying not to arouse some suspicion. I would just have liked to see a little more visible care for them, as he must like other animals apart from dragons! But apart from that detachment I really like how you have characterised him.
One thing that confused me a little in this chapter was basically the inner thoughts and dilemmas of Emilia. Perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention (in which case I am profusely sorry) but her thoughts and feeling seemed very hit and miss for the most part. Which is not entirely negative, it could of course be a suggestion of the stresses and strains she is under. But just how her concerns seemed to swap from the animals, to not trusting Charlie, to being interested in Charlie, to then wondering why she cannot talk to guys. I dunno quite what it is, but something little seemed missing there.
But overall another pretty good chapter, I personally preferred the first one myself. But this one is still good.
Author's Response: Hello again and thanks for another review! Yes, I've either gotten people really liking the first chapter and seeing this as a bit of a let down or really liking this chapter as opposed to the first one. I guess a bit less happens here. It's not necessarily a filler chapter, but it's less action-y than the first. Ah.. no, I'm not English at all and I'm glad you've pointed that out. I will change that right away. Let me know if you find anything else that seems like an Americanism. I've tried to do my best with not filling it up with Americanisms, but it's hard to think about everything. Yay.. I'm glad you like Charlie so far! He's been fun creating. Thinking about his character I think I was watching one of the movies where Hagrid was taking care of some creature and for some reason I got the impression that the magical creatures were what he cared about.. not really regular creatures. I think I added that with Charlie's character, having him care more about magical beings than creatures that are cared by Muggles. He's just more interested here in the dragon than in the dogs. I will definitely read over this once again to see what you're talking about with Emilia. Thanks for pointing that out and thanks again for another great review! I appreciate it!
Name: Faded (Signed) ·
Date: 31/05/2008 06:14 pm ·
Chapter: Killings
A very nice opening chapter you have here, I like how you introduce us to both of the leading characters in the first chapter rather than giving them one each. It gives this one a nice comfortable length and a good amount of time to get to know the characters relatively well.
I already love Emilia, probably because she is shy around people, something that I always warm to. But also because she is a vet! I'm a budding vet myself and knew that this story would be right down my street. Animals + Dragons + Charlie = Love! (for me anyway). I've seen you around the HPFF forums quite a bit, and it seems that you are very keen on animals yourself! Yay! I love animal people. :)
I also adore your mixture of personalities, your shy and retiring Emilia, the quick tempered Charlie, the outgoing Talia and of course the rather odd Irma! I like a book with lots of different personalities running around realistically, it makes for a good read. Which this is obviously going to be.
As for the writing side of it, seems lovely and legible to me! I never spotted any horrible spelling/grammar/punctuation faults in it myself, but then again I rarely do. :) Needless to say I found this very well written and even more important nicely balanced, wordy enough to paint a vivid picture of the scene, but not too flouncy as to make it sound like poetry.
Overall a wonderful read, I will be back shortly for some more.
Author's Response: Thank you for coming here and reading and reviewing! I tend to jump around in chapters a bit, but I'm glad that you like that I've introduced both character. I did want to give a little bit of a feel for both of them right away. Yay, I'm glad you like Emilia! She is a lot like me on the shy side, and she's been fun to write so far. I'd always wanted to be a vet as well, at least until I took biology. It's nice to be able to write a character having a job that I wish I could have done. Yep - I'm definitely an animal person, dogs especially. It's been fun being able to create all of these OCs and keeping track of them. I usually don't do that so well, but I feel like I know my characters well in this story. Thanks so much for your kind words. :)
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 26/05/2008 04:39 pm ·
Chapter: Deceptions
I think Talia needs to back off, lol. I laughed at Charlie explaining training the owls. It's time for Charlie and Emilia to stop pussyfooting around and just admit their attraction to one another. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response: Well Talia doesn't exactly know what's going through Emilia's mind right now. Maybe if she knew that she'd back off a bit. Haha.. the training the owl part was fun to write.. that must be a difficult thing to explain, and not something you see every day. Thanks muchly for the review.. I'll try to get the next one up asap!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 19/05/2008 02:56 am ·
Chapter: Letters
Is this the end? Not of the story, but of what's written? Get writing, girl! Now that I've read the whole story in one weekend I don't want to have to wait for updates ;o). I'm glad that Linnie will get to go to the reserve (although I wonder if the boss man will allow it), but it makes me sad to think another dragon will have to go back to Gringotts. If you do, indeed, plan on sending another dragon, I would send one that is older and won't be around long, that way Hermione can work on getting some laws in place banning dragons from being subjected to something like that by the time the dragon dies. Just a thought, lol ;o)
Author's Response: Nope, this isn't the end of what's written. I actually just finished chapter 22, and I should be updating pretty soon. I'm almost ready to send the next one to be beta'd and then it'll be up. Thanks so much for trekking through this story.. I really appreciate all of your comments and you reading it all! rnrnThere's still a lot that's going to be happening with Linnie and the boss and the Ministry's regulations on everything. There's a lot behind that that will come up much later, which might even help stop any more dragon's from having to go to Gringotts. Alright, I'm going to shut my mouth now before I give away any more clues. :) Thanks again for all your comments! I really do appreciate them!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 19/05/2008 02:39 am ·
Chapter: Healing
Gotta love Hermione and her distractions! Another good chapter! I can't believe I'm almost caught up...on to the next one.
Author's Response: Hehe.. yeah, I wasn't quite sure how to distract Baker there, but Hermione did the trick. Yay.. you're almost caught up.. thanks for all of the awesome reviews so far!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 19/05/2008 02:11 am ·
Chapter: Revelations
I really liked the argument between Charlie and Hermione, and you did a good job of give a brief overview of wizarding history without going into to much detail. One thing, and I don't know that it matters too much, but JKR has since said that the final battle happened on May 2, so Fred died in May, not June. Just something to think about if you go back to do any edits.
Author's Response: Yeah, I didn't think it would be important for Emilia to know too much about the history, but it still helps to let her know a bit about Voldemort. I hope Emilia's reaction seemed pretty realistic here, as I wasn't too sure how it would come across. Whoops, you're right about the final battle thing. I think I wrote this part without my computer near by to check the facts and I completely forgot to check it over. Thanks for pointing that out - I'll change it right away!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 19/05/2008 01:54 am ·
Chapter: Weakness and Stupidity
LOL...priceless. I love it! Having Emilia go into the forest and then spotted by Linnie and have to be rescued by Charlie. Excellent!
Author's Response: Thanks! Charlie has to rescue her of course.. at some point.
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 10:17 pm ·
Chapter: Taffy
Gosh, if only he could just tell her about magic. She probably wouldn't believe him right away, though. I imagine he'll have to tell her at some point, though. I didn't mention it in my last review, but I loved how Hermione showed up, books in hand, with the answer. She'd never let the chance to figure out the answer pass her up. Good job!
Author's Response: Oh, that would make it so much easier, wouldn't it? Like I said before, Hermione comes to be a big part of this story, even though I didn't even really plan on her. I thought I was escaping the trio in this story, but I guess not. If you've got one Weasley to write about, the others seem to pop into the story as well. They're such an awesome family. Again, thanks for the review and thanks so much for reading!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 09:38 pm ·
Chapter: Discovery
*gasp*...a cliffhanger! I have to wonder is the person Charlie is going to get one of the dragon workers...or Hagrid? And if it's Hagrid, how is he going to explain that half-giant? Oooh...on to read the next chapter!
Author's Response: Yeah, I've gotten quite a few remarks that it might be Hagrid, but I didn't even think of him. Hagrid would be a difficult person to explain about.
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 06:59 pm ·
Chapter: Imperfections
I think this is my favorite chapter so far! I loved the part at the beginning from Linnie's PoV...who knew, lol. And I loved your description of Charlie with the telephone...that was wonderful!
Author's Response: Yay, I'm so glad you liked this chapter! I was a bit hesitant when I first posted it, but I've gotten pretty good comments about it. Linnie's thoughts are quite interesting and there will be another chapter soon where her POV comes across. I don't know why I decided to do it, but it was fun creating a dragon's POV chapter or part of a chapter. Haha.. glad you liked the telephone part.. my attempt at a bit of humor there. :)
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 04:20 pm ·
Chapter: Home
Brilliant for Charlie to Apparate home. And I loved seeing the Trio wanting a new adventure. I'm sure they're thrilled that Voldemort is gone, but after 7 years of action, things probably seem a bit dull now.
And it was nice to get a glimpse of Taffy. I'm looking forward to the next chapter where Charlie and Emilia are together again.
Author's Response: Yep, I couldn't leave the trio out of this story no matter how hard I tried. Hermione comes to be a big player as the chapters progress. I do imagine them to be a little bored now that Voldemort is gone.. even Hermione. I really appreciate your reviews!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 04:07 pm ·
Chapter: Missing Pieces
I was right...the dog Charlie saved was Bailey. I loved that you have Charlie experiencing some hearing loss. That's not something that would have occurred to me, but of course being around a dragon's roar would cause damage. And where's Harry and his Firebolt when there's a Hungarian Horntail protecting her egg, lol?
Author's Response: Thanks.. I'm glad you liked the hearing loss thing. I just got into the perspective and realized that would probably be a disadvantage to being a dragon healer. He has scars already.. I'm sure he's been through flames before. Hehe.. that's funny you mention the Firebolt because that may be coming up later.. :) Thanks again for the review!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 18/05/2008 03:49 pm ·
Chapter: The Date
Talia seems nice, but I want to see Charlie and Emilia together.
I know that he's in a muggle town, but within the confines of his hotel room or the forest, couldn't he use a little magic? Change the color of his shirt, save the dogs? Of course, I'm sure that having to watch one of the dogs die is pivotal to the plot, just thinking out loud.
And the black and tan dog that he did save...was that the one we saw Emilia give the shot to in the last chapter? I can't remember his name, but I'm intrigued. Off to read more.
Author's Response: Yeah, Talia is a nice girl, but it is more about Charlie and Emilia's relationship. She adds a dramatic effect though. I guess Charlie could use a bit of magic, but changing the color of his shirt isn't really that big of a deal to him in comparison to everything else. He didn't want to use magic to save the dog yet, as that would announce his presence to the dragon and he wasn't ready for that yet. He just needed to observe.rnrnYes, that black and tan dog was Bailey.. the one from before. I couldn't kill off a character that was already knonw. :) Thanks so much for the review!