Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 09:09 pm ·
Chapter: The Worst Day Ever
That was the most bizarre little story and the strangest part is . . i understood it!
Honestly, you are a wildly demented soul.
And I love that in a writer.
Your thought patterns warrant scientific investigation and
you should be under supervision at all times.
"Plays well with words, runs with scissors"
Author's Response: Hey, I don't need supervision! James does :P Lol, thank you so much reading and reviewing. I gather you liked it...?
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 07/06/2008 06:14 pm ·
Chapter: The Worst Day Ever
LOL! I laughed all the way through. It does sound like something Fred would do. I like how you wrote it in 1st person and how it was if a person was really telling the story and straying off topic (I'm famous for that myself, lol). And what a winner Maria is, that she's able to stand by and give him another chance!
Author's Response: Zomg, thanks so much, Taryn. Glad it made you laugh. I love to make people laugh. Loveya!
Name: Jen (Signed) ·
Date: 02/06/2008 04:26 am ·
Chapter: The Worst Day Ever
Oh Dear *wipes tears away*... I didn't stop laughing the whole way through your story. Just brilliant, well done.
A small error in your introduction though - should be "loses", not looses.
Author's Response: Hmm, I think I need to sort out my confusion of "lose" and "loose" *hurries off to check the dictionary for correct meaning* Thanks for pointing it out and I am thrilled to know that the fic made you laugh. *does a happy jig* Thanks a billion for your wonderful reviews, Jen *glomps*
Name: Labby (Signed) ·
Date: 31/05/2008 06:41 am ·
Chapter: The Worst Day Ever
Haha.. that was great and hilarious! I love the ogre idea and I love the whole plot of this. Aw.. I guess going out with James wouldn't be dull. He certainly will keep it interesting. Poor boy.. such a terrible day, but he still landed a date. Cute story!
Author's Response: Thankies, Labby. Such a nice review you gave me. For that, you get giant hugs :D I am really glad you liked this fic. I kinda adore James Jr. in this. My best character ever...apart from Salma, that is *blushes* Thanks again for reading and reviewing!