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Reviews For Auld Lang Syne

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 05:57 am · Chapter: Our Confusion

Okay, Ron reacted as I expected he would, considering he's going with Luna. Can we say 'double standard' , boys and girls.  And that's not even including the 'creed'!

Oh, yeah, Ginny will hit the ceiling!  I just hope Bill's there to have his share of the fall out come down on his head.

At least Charlie and Hermione are on the same wavelength and know that they love each other.

It'll all work out, right after the explosion at the Granger house.


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 03:45 am · Chapter: Our Family

First Molly, then Fred and George!

If it weren't for bad luck . . . at least they were able to get away!  And the ending was very sweet.



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 03:34 am · Chapter: Our Announcement

Group toidy! HE!HE!HE!HE!HE!HE!

What a place to have to make "THE ANNOUNCEMENT", but then this IS the Weasleys we're talking about.

Molly . . . well intentioned but if it weren't for Arthur, she'd have just made a hash of the entire thing.

OH, I have GOT to get to the next chapter and see what's gonna happen!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 03:26 am · Chapter: Our Misunderstanding

And I quote "You handled that well"

Okay, so Hermione didn't even give the boy time to absorb the situation before popping off to The Burrow.

Bravo to Charlie for having HIS priorities straight and - the job be damned - following her, even tho he didn't know where she'd gone.

"Sheer dumb luck" he landed right in the right spot!

HE!HE!HE!  "This is getting good"

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 05/09/2008 03:18 am · Chapter: Our Mistake

As usual, these things start off badly, and it takes FOREVERfor the two people to wade thru a veritable swamp of angst, but at least Hermoine had the courage to go straight to him and tell him.

Let's hope they get to the heart of the matter and don't screw it up and spend MONTHS apart, beating themselves up with "coulda . . woulda . . shoulda"!

Hermione's only 'mistake' was running away from that bed in the first place. Since she woke first, she should have just lay there until Charlie woke up and taken her cue from him.

Snuggle up, it's ok!

"Oh, crap, I'm sorry . . I was Drunk", shrug it off and part company.


At least THAT didn't happen, so I'll stop blattering and go to the next chapter and see what's next, ( I think Charlie's got more brains than Ron, so he'll not only do the right thing, but SAY the right thing.)

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 30/03/2008 10:50 pm · Chapter: Our Confusion
I think the chapter came together nicely, juls! I liked that Luna kept Hermione from hitting the ground. But surely Ron isn't so easy to come around? ;o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 30/03/2008 04:22 am · Chapter: Our Confusion
I am really loving this story. They're both in such an uncomfortable situation, and it's so sweet to see how they are dealing with it. You make Charlie so gallant and sweet. I like it how he really wants to take care of Hermione. The Creed thing is funny to me and very Weasley-men-ish... And the thing with Luna and the tree cracked me up. So, so in character! :)

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 23/03/2008 02:48 am · Chapter: Our Family
Awwww! Very sweet, juls. I can't help but wonder what Ron's reaction is going to be, though. I look forward to reading more, love.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 12:18 am · Chapter: Our Family
Awww.. I love their kiss and the way their romance is blossoming over the presence of their child. I think that they seem to be two awesome, responsible people who would make wonderful parents ... I really like the way you are putting them together.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 12:09 am · Chapter: Our Announcement
Oooh.. it takes a lot of courage to admit that to Molly! I'm glad that they're standing together with it. The bit about the Bill's birth date and the date of their wedding was cute, and I could see that happening in real life.

Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 16/03/2008 03:20 pm · Chapter: Our Announcement

You hate me, don't you? You hate me that much that you'll leave me with ANOTHER cliffy!!!

Charlie in this, is just...*sigh*...Wonderful. Although he still doesn't quite know what's going to happen, even though he has accepted his child, he's being so sweet and understanding.

I hope that you make a happy ending...The waiting is killing me and I just wanna know how everyone's going to react??? Ginny seems to already know, as does Arthur, but what about the others???...update again soon...LOL..I know I say that, but I mean it!!! I must know what happens!!! 

Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 14/03/2008 05:06 pm · Chapter: Our Misunderstanding

*pokes* You can't leave this here!!!!

What's wrong with you??? So emotional and I'm in tears too. Why didn't Charlie just say what he was thinking earlier when they were in Romania? Why hadn't Hermione admitted how she felt the day after New Years??...Why are you making this so sad????


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