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Reviews For Remus's Secret

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:33 pm · Chapter: Chapter 4
Thisis really a well done Marauder story, and that is a compliment because you know as well as I that most are completely idiotic. You managed to make us like all of them, including Peter, even though you showed us a few signs of what he would eventually turn into. Developing each character, we are allowed to see into their minds and what makes them the way they are at age fifteen. I especially love the way you wrote Sirius. He is so reckless and determined, but you hint at the damaged boy he is inside. This is very good.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I've had people tell me that they completely hate Marauder stories but like mine. I think it's probably because so many are written by younger writers who only write about crazy pranks but don't put any depth into their characters. I wanted this story to be fun but to also examine the Marauder friendship. I try to always put something like that into each one in order to balance out the insanity.

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:20 pm · Chapter: Chapter 3
Poor Severus. Really, he should have just kept walking, and not started asking about Remus. Look what it got him! I love the dedication Sirius and James have to Remus. No matter what he is, he is their friend first and foremost. I also like that James seems to be the most magically talented of the lot. That would make sense of Harry's inexplicable talent later. It's hereditary. This is really a fun story, but with parts that show their friendship so well.

Author's Response: In POA Remus tells that Snape was "very curious" about where he went every month so this is the start of that. Snape is my second favorite character in the series but you'd never know it here. He's just too much fun to make fun of. James was the ringleader and known for being very talented anyway. It's always fun to sort of work backwards from a child to a parent to see what similarities they share.

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:07 pm · Chapter: Chapter 2
Peter is an idiot. Is there any amount of admiration that is worth it to put up with him? Gez, James needs a fan club or something, but not Peter. If his parents don't kill him, Sirius will. Remus may be glad, for once, that he was somewhere else on this night. I did like Sirius hoping the mermaid would shift a bit in her portrait. That was great. Excellent writing.

Author's Response: Well, Peter was never known for his intelligence and he was always over eager to please. Sirius...he's just so fun to play with. Remus is my favorite Marauder but Sirius is still the most entertaining.

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 04:52 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
I love how protective Sirius is of his friends. His family sucks, and his friends are all he has. I don't blame him for getting a bit violent when one of them is insulted or threatened. Peter is done well, too. He's not smart or talented, but he's got a way of getting information that is beneficial to him. He can work a situation out to his advantage. We see that later in life, don't we. Well done.

Author's Response: I tried to be as fair to Peter as possible but keep him true to himself. I always wondered how he became a Marauder in the first place. Something about him must have appealed to the others. This was my attempt to find out what.

Name: fhestia (Signed) · Date: 07/03/2008 01:40 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Absolutely loved the interaction between the Marauders! You're very good at writing natural-sounding dialog between the characters in your story and characterizations were handled nicely as well. Looking forward to an update!

I did notice one thing that confused me, though: "Look." growled Snape "He is a Marauder. Run him down and you run me and James down. If you don't like him then quit tagging after us." Was that actually Sirius speaking?

Author's Response: Ooops...yes, it was. Sorry about that.rnrnI'm really pleased that you like this story. It was actually written way back in 2004 and (I think) I've improved a lot since then. Thank you so much for your complements. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible.

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