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27 Minutes to Midnight by speed of dark
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Hibiscus, fiendfyre, lullaby, eleven; four seemingly random words. Alone, they mean nothing. Alone, they have no significance. But together, they reveal a sinister plot that will tear the lives of four people to pieces. Every one of them has a secret to protect; every one of them has a burden they cannot share. Every single one of them has a nightmare to endure; and the very thing that will drive each of them over the edge is realizing that they are the ones behind it all.

Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: Canon Character/s, Original Character
Genres: Horror, Mystery/Suspense
Ships: Draco/Hermione, Neville/Hannah, Other Pairing, Sirius/OC
Warnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse, Mild Teen Language, Mild Teen Romance, Mild Teen Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 0
Series Type: Closed