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Name: wytchkitty13 (Signed) · Date: 06/06/2015 11:31 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1-Tantrums

Thanks! I'm sorry it has been so long since I've been writing and submitting. Lot of real life things going on. I am hopefully going to be back to writing again soon. Thank you for your input and I'm glad you liked this chapter better. I'm trying to improve my writing more and more.

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/2012 11:48 am · Chapter: Chapter 2-Arrival and Thoughts

Nice place to live! hehe...I enjoyed the flashback,too. That was well placed and I think vital to her character, which isn't nearly so bad in this chapter! :)

Name: granpa harry (Signed) · Date: 06/12/2012 01:57 am · Chapter: Chapter 1-Tantrums

Wow nice beginning

I can see this going in a few different directions

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see if I guessed correctly.


Author's Response:

Thank you for reading my new story, I have to say that sometimes I do these weird things like challenge myself with out of the ordinary plot ideas. I have some thoughts on which way to go, but I don't want to rush it there. I'm so happy that the story has already caught your interest lol. I'll update again soon. Thank you again!!

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 05/12/2012 09:22 am · Chapter: Chapter 1-Tantrums

While this story theme isn't really my "cup of tea," it does seem interesting - if I can get past the main character. I think some time on her own on the streets or in a shelter is just what she needs-but that's just me. Will be interesting to see where you go with this one.

Author's Response:

It's a story I wrote from a lot of notes for a year or so ago and finally created something out of them. I do appreciate you giving it a chance even though it's not usually your cup of tea. To be honest it isn't really mine either but once again I am attempting to step out of my comfort zone in order to expand my writing into other directions. I wouldn't call it my best work, just my best attempt at something new lol.

Yes, the main character is quite annoying and ungrateful and yes she could do with spending some time on the streets. Thanks for giving it a read, and I'm even interested in where it will go. Happy reading!

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