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The Life and Times of Leander Cross by juls
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Summary: A Series of one shots surrounding the life and afterlife of Leander Cross. A vampire born in the fifteenth Century under the rule of of four separate kings in his life time.
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fluff, General, Horror
Ships: None
Warnings: Mild Adult Language, Mild Adult Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 4
Series Type: Closed

The Fountain of Youth by juls

Rated: R15+ • 2 Reviews

Sir Leander Cross, at the urging of the father of the woman he wants to marry, heads to Florida to search out the Fountain. But what is the price of Eternal Life?

When Leander Met Gillian by juls

Rated: R12+ • 2 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: As a young boy, Leander didn't want to go to a fostering at a neighboring Duke's Kingdom. He preferred home - but off he went like any other youth of his day.

A Knight's Honor by juls

Rated: R15+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Hundreds of years later, Leander Cross returns to England and remembers the last battle of the War of the Roses on Bosworth Field.

Vampiric Reflections by juls

Rated: R15+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: A knight, just like any other knight... just with a difference brings on thoughts and doubts.... and a hunger.