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Confessions of the Heart by PhoenixRoseQueen
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Summary: A compilation of one-shots regarding relationships of true love. I've used various Harry Potter characters and pairings ranging from Neville and Luna's first meet, Harry's proposal to Ginny, even Canon/OC relationships. I don't particularly discriminate against pairings, so if you have a favorite ship you want me to write, or a story you would like to submit, don't be shy. Any and all ships are allowed, as well as characters.
Categories: Harry Potter, One Shot
Characters: None
Genres: AU, Drama, Fluff, Humour, Romance
Ships: None
Warnings: Fluff, Mild Teen Romance
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Moderated

First Impressions by PhoenixRoseQueen

Rated: GA • 2 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: One of the coming soon Confessions of the Heart series, this story depicts Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood's first meeting on the Hogwarts express.

Honest Conversations by PhoenixRoseQueen

Rated: R12+ • 1 Reviews starstarstarstar
Summary: The Next in the Confessions of the Heart soon-to-be series. Remember Sixth year, when Ron and Lavender seemed to be, well, snog-happy? Well, this is how it all started. Okay, not all, but here is the first date.