Genres: General
Rated: MA18+ •
0 Reviews
The battle was over. The victors woke into a new dawn, a new era had been born. They were free to live, free to find happiness, free to love. But a cloud drew across their world almost unnoticed, a darkness gathered strength. A new plot conceived. Vengeance approached. Harry must face a new battle, a war for his very being. A story of the 14 months after the battle of Hogwarts.
First published on HPFF, since re edited and expanded, this novel length fic was the first I wrote after a three decade break from creative writing.
Banner created by the Author
Categories: Harry Potter,
Post Hogwarts
Characters: Albus Dumbledore,
Andromeda Black/Tonks,
Arthur Weasley,
Bill Weasley,
Charlie Weasley,
Draco Malfoy,
Dudley Dursley,
Fleur Delacour/Weasley,
George Weasley,
Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Harry Potter,
Hermione Granger/Weasley,
Lucius Malfoy,
Luna Lovegood/Scamander,
Minerva McGonagall,
Molly Weasley,
Narcissa Black/Malfoy,
Neville Longbottom,
Original Character,
Other Canon Character,
Percy Weasley,
Petunia Dursley,
Ron Weasley,
Rubeus Hagrid,
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington,
Vernon Dursley,
Viktor Krum,
Xenophilius Lovegood
Genres: Action/Adventure,
RomanceShips: Canon Ships,
Other PairingWarnings: Contains Spoilers,
Sensitive Subject,
Sexual Content,
Strong Adult Language,
Strong Adult Violence,
Series: None
Chapters: 36 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 474274 |
Hits: 25 |
Published: 28/12/2018 |
Updated: 05/09/2021
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Rated: R15+ •
0 Reviews
Summary: All I ever wanted to do was fit in and be normal. I wanted friends, a nice boy, marriage and kids, the usual stuff. It wasn’t much to wish for.
Fighting a war can leave scars, and you can't always hide them.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: Angst,
GeneralShips: None
Warnings: Mild Teen Language,
Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 4498 |
Hits: 28 |
Published: 12/05/2012 |
Updated: 02/10/2019
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Rated: R15+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: The first school term after the War. New students arrive, the Sorting takes place, and one boy finds that Hogwarts isn't what he'd expected. (repost) Characters: OC, Harry, Pomfrey, Slughorn, Dennis C (implied)
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: Harry Potter,
Original Character
Genres: Angst,
GeneralShips: None
Warnings: Mild Teen Violence,
Sensitive Subject
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5308 |
Hits: 30 |
Published: 09/03/2014 |
Updated: 02/10/2019
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Rated: R12+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: For Anne -- In the end, the measure of your life is not how much time you had, but what you did with it. Moments scattered throughout history tell a larger story as Minerva ensures her story will go on. ***Written for SAYS Facebook Fic Exchange***
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5579 |
Hits: 101 |
Published: 13/06/2018 |
Updated: 13/06/2018
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Rated: R15+ •
11 Reviews
More than fifty people died in the Battle of Hogwarts. There are many untold stories of loss, betrayal, heroism and sacrifice.
Here are some of those Tales of the Battle.
Categories: Action/Adventure,
Characters: Angelina Johnson/Weasley,
Cho Chang,
Draco Malfoy,
Gregory Goyle,
Hannah Abbott/Longbottom,
Neville Longbottom,
Original Character,
Other Canon Character
Genres: Action/Adventure,
Mystery/SuspenseShips: Canon ShipsWarnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Mild Teen Language,
Mild Teen Romance,
Sensitive Subject,
Series: None
Chapters: 16 |
Completed: No |
Words: 31154 |
Hits: 321 |
Published: 10/01/2012 |
Updated: 01/12/2017
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Rated: MA18+ •
6 Reviews
Summary: People are disappearing. Wealthy people, people with immense power and influence, people, whose decisions can shatter the world.
The Muggle authorities are helpless. By a coincidence, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement gets involved in the vortex of the events.
Categories: Action/Adventure,
Post Hogwarts
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure,
GeneralShips: Canon ShipsWarnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Contains Spoilers,
Sensitive Subject,
Strong Adult Language,
Strong Adult Romance,
Strong Adult Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 16 |
Completed: No |
Words: 41502 |
Hits: 79 |
Published: 08/06/2009 |
Updated: 18/01/2017
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Rated: MA18+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: When a teacher's secret is revealed, a campaign begins to have them removed from Hogwarts, a campaign backed by somebody with their own agenda. But how much support has the campaign within Hogwarts and what lengths are they willing to go to.
Sequel to, and contains spoilers for, The Writing on the Wall.
Categories: Next Generation,
Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: Angst,
Mystery/SuspenseShips: Teddy/VictoireWarnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Contains Spoilers,
Drug Use/Abuse,
Mild Adult Language,
Sensitive Subject,
Series: None
Chapters: 6 |
Completed: No |
Words: 21608 |
Hits: 5 |
Published: 25/10/2014 |
Updated: 30/01/2015
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Rated: R15+ •
0 Reviews
Summary: Harry and Ginny travel to Portugal for sea, sand, sun, and something else.
Can Harry avoid being torn apart by Harpies?
Categories: Harry Potter,
One Shot,
Post Hogwarts,
Characters: Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Harry Potter
Genres: Drama,
RomanceShips: Harry/GinnyWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7291 |
Hits: 25 |
Published: 16/11/2014 |
Updated: 16/11/2014
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Rated: GA •
1 Reviews
Summary: In which William Arthur Weasley meets, and eventually loses, a beautiful girl. It is something that happens to all fathers.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Next Generation,
Characters: Bill Weasley,
Charlie Weasley,
Dominique Weasley,
Teddy Lupin,
Victoire Weasley
Genres: Drama,
RomanceShips: Teddy/VictoireWarnings: Fluff
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1978 |
Hits: 1046 |
Published: 30/08/2014 |
Updated: 30/08/2014
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Rated: MA18+ •
2 Reviews
When a call to Fred for help is a little odd, even by Weasley standards, does it bode well for Ginny's plans to disrupt the oppressive administration of the school before Christmas. Written in the style of and in tribute to a british dramatic farce.
Additional Warning: This story contains what is probably the worst ever chat up line in Fan Fic. The author accepts no responsibility for the consequences should any reader choose to use it in the real world.
Sexual content warning is simply because the story contains undescribed character nudity.
Story idea inspired by Patty
Banner by Author.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure,
HumourShips: None
Warnings: Contains Spoilers,
Mild Adult Violence,
Sensitive Subject,
Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5917 |
Hits: 5 |
Published: 05/08/2014 |
Updated: 07/08/2014
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Rated: GA •
1 Reviews
Summary: Hogsmeade visits are restricted to pupils in their third year, and above. And even then, only those students with a valid pass can leave the school. Somehow, second-year Dennis Creevey managed to get to Hogsmeade. Not even Harry Potter managed to achieve that!
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: None
Genres: Drama,
GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2309 |
Hits: 596 |
Published: 27/06/2014 |
Updated: 27/06/2014
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Rated: R15+ •
16 Reviews
Summary: When Albus Potter and Rose Weasley start their first year at Hogwarts. they're targetted by what seem like malicious practical jokes, which invoke the name of the Dark Lord. Even after so many years, who would joke about a man who caused so many deaths. The wizarding world may again have to face up to the issues which still exist and may again prove divisive.
Thanks to MrsJaydeMalfoy for her help with the summary.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Next Generation
Characters: Albus Potter,
Fred Weasley II,
George Weasley,
Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Harry Potter,
Hermione Granger/Weasley,
Hugo Weasley,
James Potter II,
Lily Potter II,
Louis Weasley,
Lucy Weasley,
Minerva McGonagall,
Neville Longbottom,
Original Character,
Other Canon Character,
Percy Weasley,
Ron Weasley,
Rose Weasley,
Scorpius Malfoy,
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington,
Teddy Lupin,
The Grey Lady/Helena Ravenclaw,
Victoire Weasley
Genres: General,
Mystery/SuspenseShips: None
Warnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Contains Spoilers,
Mild Teen Language,
Mild Teen Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 26 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 85141 |
Hits: 419 |
Published: 01/08/2013 |
Updated: 06/05/2014
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Rated: GA •
1 Reviews
Summary: After the final battle with Voldemort's followers the magical community was devistated. Many deaths occured in the months prior to the war.
But the magical word has its own methods of keeping its numbers.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 1119 |
Hits: 868 |
Published: 12/03/2014 |
Updated: 12/03/2014
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Rated: GA •
1 Reviews
Colin Creevey deserved so much more than he got. A short little one-shot, from the POV of an unknown student.
Categories: General,
Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: Fluff,
HumourShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3304 |
Hits: 835 |
Published: 01/03/2014 |
Updated: 01/03/2014
Report This]
Rated: MA18+ •
4 Reviews
Supercalifragilistic banner made by chiQs09. Vielen Dank, Mitch!
These are a few vignettes from Harry Potter's life.
Characters: Harry Potter,
Hermione Granger/Weasley
Genres: Angst,
RomanceShips: Harry/Ginny,
Harry/HermioneWarnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Sensitive Subject,
Strong Adult Language,
Strong Adult Romance
Series: None
Chapters: 4 |
Completed: No |
Words: 11473 |
Hits: 21 |
Published: 12/05/2010 |
Updated: 10/01/2014
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Rated: R12+ •
8 Reviews
Summary: Hermione Granger was the most gifted witch of her age. but do you know of the unforgivable promise she made prior to discovering she was a witch. Read about her closest friend she never remembered she had until it was almost too Late.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 |
Completed: No |
Words: 12650 |
Hits: 86 |
Published: 13/09/2012 |
Updated: 19/06/2013
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Rated: R15+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: Is it possible to live forever? More importantly, is it possible to try to live forever and not end up as a monster? As one person sets out to answer the first question, he encounters a woman who thinks that she knows the answer to the second. Are they both killers?
Categories: General,
Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: Drama,
HorrorShips: None
Warnings: Mild Adult Language,
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2057 |
Hits: 9 |
Published: 20/02/2013 |
Updated: 20/02/2013
Report This]
Rated: GA •
2 Reviews
Summary: After the battle for Hogwarts many of the students in Slytherin house never returned to school.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2507 |
Hits: 693 |
Published: 25/11/2012 |
Updated: 12/01/2013
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Rated: R15+ •
4 Reviews
Ruenissa Starling has just graduated from American high school but now she and her family are moving to England, the homeland of her stepdad. She's always scared people into believing she could cast curses and bring back the dead. What happens when her lies become reality?
Characters: Fred Weasley,
George Weasley,
Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Harry Potter,
Molly Weasley,
Original Character,
Ron Weasley
Genres: Angst,
RomanceShips: None
Warnings: Contains Spoilers
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 3754 |
Hits: 44 |
Published: 05/12/2012 |
Updated: 07/12/2012
Report This]
Rated: R12+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: Its been five years since Harry and Ginny were Married. Harry figures it time to show Ginny his vault at Gringotts.
Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: None
Genres: GeneralShips: Harry/GinnyWarnings: Sensitive Subject
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2097 |
Hits: 15 |
Published: 23/08/2012 |
Updated: 28/09/2012
Report This]
Rated: R12+ •
3 Reviews
Summary: Hannah Abbott is a typical Hufflepuff, isn't she? She's loyal, safe, boring.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: Hannah Abbott/Longbottom
Genres: Action/Adventure,
Mystery/SuspenseShips: None
Warnings: Mild Teen Language,
Series: None
Chapters: 3 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 8388 |
Hits: 58 |
Published: 22/03/2012 |
Updated: 22/09/2012
Report This]
Rated: R12+ •
2 Reviews
Summary: As a young boy, Leander didn't want to go to a fostering at a neighboring Duke's Kingdom. He preferred home - but off he went like any other youth of his day.
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Fluff,
GeneralShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: The Life and Times of Leander Cross
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1329 |
Hits: 12 |
Published: 14/08/2012 |
Updated: 14/08/2012
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