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by Elena @ 16/04/2010 08:52 am  

ATT: ALL MEMBERS: Temperance is going through an update to try and clear a few errors. Please be patient with me while I re-install a few things. If you need to contact me, please use the Contact feature on the site, or: admin@gluttonyfiction.com

Reviewers needed

by Elena @ 04/04/2010 01:52 am  

With Gluttony's new News site being opened, I am in need of a reviewer. Basically, your roll will be to read and review stories (fan fic), for the Newspaper. If this is something you'd be interested in, please contact me: admin@gluttonyfiction.com

Also I still am in need of a couple of reporters.

April's Featured Stories

by Elena @ 03/04/2010 01:29 am  

I have updated this months Featured Stories. Congratulations to all who made it in this month.

New Project

by Elena @ 26/03/2010 08:33 am  

Hello everyone :)

I have decided that its time for some new things to happen, here at Gluttony. So I will be opening up Gluttony's own news paper/magazine. This will feature the Author of the month, featured stories, general news from the fan fic world, and loads more.

If you would be interested in working (volunteering) to be on the Staff for this project, then please email me: admin@gluttonyfiction.com

Submission Rule Update

by Elena @ 14/03/2010 07:42 am  

I have changed a couple of rules. Here they are:

  • Self-Harm - This is NOT allowed at anytime. Writing an angst-y piece can be quite descriptive enough without needing to venture into self-harm.

  • Suicide - Descriptive, or glorifying cases of suicide is NOT allowed at anytime. However, you may deal with these issues in a tactful manner. Stories of this nature must hold a rating no less than R15+ with Strong Teen Violence warning. The staff reserves the right to accept or reject stories of this nature on a case by case basis.

Welcome and a reminder

by Elena @ 26/02/2010 12:49 am  

I'd like to welcome ALL the new members we've had recently :) It is exciting to see some new names.

With that said, I'd like to remind you all of the Tutorial section. This is designed to help you get used to how Gluttony works. You can access the tutorials via the category section on the side menu (depending on which skin you are using).

Also, the forums are a good place to post your questions, so don't be afraid to sign up :) We do have a Blogging system over there and this is used as a 'Get to know you' feature. It is not for personal blogging, but more for your stories, to give updates, your thoughts or any other news related to writing :) So I hope to see you there.

Remember, participation here is completely up to you :) However, if there is anything you'd like to see happen here, any suggestions, or if you have an idea that will help you settle in better, just let me know.

A Reminder

by Elena @ 22/02/2010 12:55 am  

Hello my lovely members :)

With a new influx of members, which I am very happy about, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all of a few things.

There are many sites we all frequent, and every site has its 'issues'. Gluttony isn't without its own either (my poor ghost town of a forum!). Regardless of all this, I would like to present you with the Virtual Closet! *shows off the closet*, Pretty, huh? What ever issues we have attached to us, in regards to other places on the internet, belong in here. Hang them up, and dust off your feet before you enter here.

Outside of Gluttony, I am a member of other sites, participate, and post my stories on other archives too. So I know what it is like to be just a 'member' as well as a site owner. However, when it comes to Gluttony, all other issues are left behind. With that said, if any member here, at any time, has an issue in regards to the rules, other members, the staffing, with me, or any other question or concern, I am just a PM or email away :)

We are a friendly bunch of people here, and I'd like to keep it that way :)

Okay, so the serious stuff is over, back to the fun stuff :) I have updated the Featured Story list. There are 10 new stories now featured to make up for February and March. These stories are to honour the Review-A-Thon particpants and also the new/older members who have jumped right in and have shared their work with us.

Over the next few days, I'll be fixing up places around the archive and updating outdated information etc. If you have any suggestions or would like to see something added here, please let me know. This place is just as much for you all, as well as me.

New Validator

by Elena @ 20/02/2010 08:06 am  

Please welcome and congratulate ForgottenFace :) She is a new edition to the Validator's team here at Gluttony.

EDIT: Also, congratulations to kaityb, for becoming a new Admin/Validator/moderator :)

Staff Applications

by Elena @ 20/02/2010 05:59 am  

Just to let you all know that I have recieved your applications, and am diliberating over them. I will get back to you all soon. If you are interested in becoming a Staff member, please head over to the forum and fill out the application form :)

New Affiliate

by Elena @ 19/02/2010 09:36 am  

I am proud to announce that Gluttony is now an affiliate of The Golden Snitches :) Please check out their site if you have a chance, the people there are very lovely and helpful.

The Golden Snitches is a site dedicated to improving the quality of an author's writing. Each year will be spent primping, preening, pruning and generally helping authors reach new levels writing. During October, there will be a massive awards ceremony where authors will have the chance to win a coveted Golden Snitch award to proudly display for all to see. Every month you have the chance to be promoted. Author Promotions are a privilege earned by the best and most respected authors who have both talent and commitment. TGS image by Lee

Fixing some code

by Elena @ 17/02/2010 12:48 am  

EDIT: Okay, Validators, you can access the queue again, and everyone should be able to see the status of the queue again now. If the queue is cleared, look here to understand what I am speaking of: Queue Status

datbenik513, I'm leaving your story in the queue for a bit, while I fix the coding :) Sorry mate, it will validate soon. VALIDATORS, please leave the queue until further notice!

tinyMCE feature

by Elena @ 14/02/2010 08:36 pm  

The tinyMCE feature has been restored. I apologise for any inconvenience caused. If there are any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact me :)

If you do not know what the tinyMCE feature is, please go here to find out: Formatting

Also, if you use the tinyMCE to insert images, you may need to enter in the image description and title to accept the image: Submission Tutorial

Review-A-Thon and Happy Birthday, Gluttony!

by Elena @ 13/02/2010 11:54 pm  

Edit: BKL8008 is the winner of the Jan/Feb Review-A-Thon, with a total of 59 reviews.

In second place, we have Holly Ilex with 26 reviews, and in third place, SiriuslyPeeved with 5 reviews.

It was wonderful to see members participating, even if it was just 1 review, as I know life is busy.

Thank you, and CONGRATULATIONS BKL8008!!!!


The review-a-thon is now closed. Official results will be posted shortly.

Today marks Gluttony's 3rd Birthday :) Thank you all so much for being here, and making Gluttony what it is.

Happy Birthday!!!


Edit 2: Another reason to celebrate. For a long time now, Holly Ilex has been a fantastic and valuable member here at Gluttony. At some point, EVERYONE, will get to know this lovely lady, because she reviews almost everything here. Holly Ilex has a remarkable 700 reviews!! I feat that not even I can match. So a HUGE thank you must go out to Holly, I don't know how Gluttony would be without her! HEHEHE! ;)


by Elena @ 10/02/2010 02:00 am  

Just reminding you all that I have Staff positions open. Gluttony is a slow archive, Temperance is a virtual Ghost town, so it isn't like much is needed :) I am busy though with kids, Uni, and life, and it would be nice to have some helpers, and more minds to make the place more exciting and alive.

I am now inviting members to apply for positions on Gluttony and Temperance. These positions are:

Admin - Must be 18yrs and over, and your main duties will be to help me make the executive decisions and help with activities and all-round fun for the archive and forums, plus anything else we may decide.

Validators x 1 Positions - Must be 18+ due to the content that may pass through the queue. Submissions are low and your time needed here is minimal, however, I will need more people willing to help in this area as there are other areas that need to be looked at and not just the story validating.

Moderators x 4 positions - Must be 15+. Main duties will be to moderate the archive and forums, report any TOS violations, and help with activities on both sites.

Time required: As much or as little as you can give. These positions are voluntary, so I will only request that you spend as much of your free time that you are willing to provide. Not much is required; however some more hands on deck would help things move more effectively.

You may now apply to be a staff member at any time. To do this, you must be a member of Temperance and use the Application Form. Once it is submitted, I will look over your application, and get back to you once I have reached a decision.


by Elena @ 09/02/2010 01:24 am  
Okay everyone, there is only 4 more days left of the Review-A-Thon. Get those reviews in and post them in your threads. I'll be closing the threads up at 11:59pm on the 13th. To keep an eye on Australian time, see the clock on the main page of Gluttony, or the forums. I am in GMT +10 (day light savings time).

eFiction Upgrade

by Elena @ 02/02/2010 01:21 pm  
I have just upgraded the eFiction software (the archive). If you run into any bugs, or errors, please let me know ASAP.


by Elena @ 30/01/2010 06:16 am  
We are officially half way through the Review-A-Thon. There is 2 weeks left to get your reviews in :)


by Elena @ 15/01/2010 02:34 pm  

EDIT: The forums are unlocked. Happy reading and reviewing, everyone :)


The Jan/Feb Review-A-Thon begins in 1.5hrs. I will open the official threads then, so you may review and post your links.

If you wish to sign up, you may do so by going to the forums and posting on the sign up thread. You may enter at any time during the 4 weeks, as the winner is determined by how many non-one liner reviews are made, within the 4 weeks the competition runs for :)

Have fun, and good luck :)

New Skin

by Elena @ 13/01/2010 01:52 am  
I have added a new skin called 'vision'. This is a very plain, basic skin meant for mobile devices or for the visually impaired.

Featured Stories

by Elena @ 11/01/2010 08:34 pm  
I have updated the Featured Stories list for the month. Congratulations to all who made it in. I selected the first 5 stories in the most recent list, that have banners, and the first story by an author in the list (if more than 1 story is in list, the first story gets selected.

Affiliate News

by Elena @ 09/01/2010 09:38 pm  
OpenBookSociety.com needs your help. We are looking for dedicated hard-working individuals to help keep this site running. All positions are volunteer.

Open positions:

  • News blog posters (writing experience helpful.) We need someone to cover the morning shift, posting news about an hour each weekday.
  • Book club chapter summaries (read book, write chapter summaries.)
  • YA Book Club managers/chapter summary writers.
  • OBS Speaks Out Writers (writing articles on anything relating to a supernatural series, character(s), authors, etc.
  • Supernatural TV/Movie Reviewers
  • Book Reviewers
  • Original content writers
Join our team and have fun while you read, write and discuss your favorite Supernatural series, books, movies and television programs. If you are interested in any of the above positions, please contact us for more information. Thanks! -- ~Christina OBS Staff http://openbooksociety.com/

New Admin

by Elena @ 07/01/2010 05:45 am  

Georgia_Weasley has been promoted and is a new Admin on Temperance :) I'm sure she will be an asset to us all.

If you would like to apply to be on staff, please go here: Staff Positions

Jan/Feb Review-A-Thon

by Elena @ 05/01/2010 03:41 pm  

The sign up thread is now open. You must be signed up to the forums and sign up on the proper thread to participate :) To sign up now, go here: Jan/Feb Review-A-Thon Sign Up

The Review-A-Thon will go for 4 weeks and will start Midnight, January 16, 2010 (Standard Eastern Australian Daylight Savings Time) and ends at 11:59pm, February 13, 2010 (Standard Eastern Australian Daylight Savings Time).

The Official Rules are as follows:

1. No one liners - The point of this competition is to generate some good reviews for the authors. Be CC or as fangirl as you like, but I want to see reviews that contain more than one line.

2. You must be a member of Gluttony and Temperance.

3. You must post your reviews in your official thread. This way, I can keep track of what's going on, check your reviews to make sure they count and YOU can see everyone else's progress.

4. You must be 18+ to enter. If you are under this age, please ask your parents/guardians if you may enter.

5. By signing up, you agree to abide by the rules stated here.

6. Have fun!! - You have 4 weeks to read and review, plus add more stories to the archive to be read and reviewed!

The Prize: 1st Place - A $30 Amazon gift voucher.

The Official Threads:

This is where you'll see your penname. When you have reviewed, you must post the story title, link to the review and how many reviews you made for that story. I'll have this is a general 'code' in the first post of your thread, as well as the total count of your reviews.


by Elena @ 05/01/2010 04:11 am  

Temperance, the forums, has a brand new look :) Over the coming days, there will be a selection of styles to choose from, so you can alter the way the forums look yourself.

Also look out for the sign up thread for the Review-a-thon. I will open that up over the next couple of days.

Staff Positions

by Elena @ 04/01/2010 11:09 am  

Gluttony and Temperance do not run by themselves. Although we are still a small community, I hope to see more activity over the next few months, especially with Gluttony's 3rd birthday approaching.

I am now inviting members to apply for positions on Gluttony and Temperance. These positions are:

Admin - Must be 18yrs and over, and your main duties will be to help me make the executive decisions and help with activities and all-round fun for the archive and forums, plus anything else we may decide.

Validators x 2 Positions - Must be 18+ due to the content that may pass through the queue. Submissions are low and your time needed here is minimal, however, I will need more people willing to help in this area as there are other areas that need to be looked at and not just the story validating.

Moderators x 4 positions - Must be 15+. Main duties will be to moderate the archive and forums, report any TOS violations, and help with activities on both sites.

Time required: As much or as little as you can give. These positions are voluntary, so I will only request that you spend as much of your free time that you are willing to provide. Not much is required; however some more hands on deck would help things move more effectively.

You may now apply to be a staff member at any time. To do this, you must be a member of Temperance and use the Application Form. Once it is submitted, I will look over your application, and get back to you once I have reached a decision.