If I seem to be MIA, its because there has been a death in my family. Sadly, my three nephews lost their father today.
Hold on to ya hats, people, cause its that time again.
The Sign Up Thread on Temperance, for the May Review-A-Thon, is now open.
The Review-A-Thon will start on May 1st at Midnight (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and run for 4 weeks, ending May 29 at 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) - Check the little clocks on the main page of Gluttony and Temperance.
For the official rules, see the Sign Up Thread now. remember, to participate, you must be a member at both Gluttony and Temperance :)
Staff Needed:
Volunteer Basis Only, no money is paid.
Moderators - Positions 1
Moderators are open for all ages. The job requires that you moderate the forums (which are dead anyway ;) ) and Gluttony. Basically you need to randomly select stories and do a quick scan that banners are the correct size and that content is appropriate.
You can dedicate as much time or as little time as you like, again, Gluttony is small and fairly easy to manage, however, extra hands is always great to have ;)
If you think you are interested then please email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com
Closing the archive for a software update. Will open again shortly :)
Update is complete. I'm fixing the Mods that were over-written in the update, so some site weirdness might happen. If any serious bugs happen, just let me know :)
Added: A New Skin. Have fun with the Scribble skin!!
The Forum is closed for a little while. It seems spammers moved in, which is exciting and unnerving at the same time. Its exciting, as its the most postings I've had in ages..LOL..Cause Temperance is dead, but also unnerving as these spammers could also plant viruses in their posts. All posts have been deleted and the 'user' removed and IP's blocked.
A reminder to everyone to NOT click on any suspicious looking links. I highly doubt any user was on Temperance to notice the spammers. So, how's that for excitement for the day??? :)
Hope you all had a great Easter and happy reading and writing to you all :)
Congratulations to Bella_Portia !! Bella is April's Featured Author of the Month. If you wish to congratulate her, you may do so here: Author thread.
I'm sorry that its late, I'm very behind at the moment as the family has the cold/flu bug going around.
However, I have updated the March's Featured Story list. Congratulations to all who made it in this month :)
Easter is almost upon us and regardless if you celebrate it or not, I hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter.
With that in mind, I'll be holding Gluttony's next Review-A-Thon either starting mid April or the start of May. So get your stories in, so we have plenty of stories to get reviewed.
As more details come to hand, I'll announce the start and open up a sign up thread on Temperance.
The prize will be a $20 Amazon gift voucher once again.
I'm very late, and I'm so sorry, but I'm proud to announce that Holly Ilex is March's Featured Author.
Holly had made her presence known quite clearly since she joined Gluttony and most of you will have, at some point,gotten a wonderful review or 10 from her :) She is a wonderful member and I'm glad to have her here as part of our community.
If you wish to congratulate Holly, you may do so here: Forum Thread
I apologise for it taking so long, however, the treasure hunt is NOW open. There is no dead line to complete, so have fun :)
To start hunting, please go here: Gluttony's Birthday Treasure Hunt
You must be a member of the forums to play and please read the rules before starting :)
EDIT: I have updated the featured stories list. To view this months stories, please go here: Featured Stories
The poll is closed and we have a winner. SiriuslyPeeved wrote a wonderful story called Portraits and is the winning entry. Holly gave in a fabulous story too, so thank you to both :)
The poll to vote for the best birthday story closes at around 7pm tonight, so please read and vote ASAP!
The Riddle Comp is still happening. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I've been fighting with the forums to do what I want it to do..LOL...All shall be revealed soon though ;)
The Treasure Hunt is still happening :) I'm just having an argument with the forums!! LOL I'm sorry about the delay.
The stories that were entered for the writing competition are up and can be found here: Gluttony's Birthday Writing Competition 2009
Please be sure to vote for your favourite here: Vote For the best Birthday Story
I'm a bit late in my time, but Happy 1st Birthday to Gluttony.
I'll be posting the stories I have for the writing comp shortly and open the voting polls.
Also, keep your eyes open as we also celebrate Valentines Day. Two different treasure hunts will open soon as well. You will need to be signed up to the forums to play, so if you aren't a member there yet, join up so you can join in. It is okay if you are only signing up for the competitions, participation is up to you :)
With everything going on in the world, no-one could see this coming. Victoria, a state in Australia, has been, and still is, being attacked by the worst bush fires. The death toll is at around 130 and it is simply devastating to have to watch on TV, let alone to actually experience it.
To those affected by the bush fires, to the survivors and their families and for those we lost, you are in my thoughts and in my heart.
Show your support, Australia! All Spotlight Outlets are giving away free yellow ribbons for you to show your support.
Congratulations to Apollyon!!
Apollyon is a rather quiet member, but someone who is always sharing with us here.So a huge thank you goes out to you, and congratulations.
To view the interview, please go here: Featured Author
To ask Apollyon a question or to congratulate him, please do so here: Forum Thread
On the 1st of February, I'll be announcing the details of the Writing competition. Also, on the 14th, I'll be launching two different treasure hunts, so have your thinking caps ready :)
To participate, you must be signed up to the forums.
Hi everyone and welcome to our new members.
If I seem a little 'lost' or MIA, there are 2 very good reasons.
1. My 3 month old is still a bit ill with a cold - Nothing major, but just very fussy.
2. I'm preparing for Gluttony's First Birthday. Valentines Day this year will be very exciting. However, to execute my 'grand' plans...I actually have to do some work...lol..So I'm trying hard to work on it now.
If I can pull it off...There will be loads of fun to be had. I did have some great prizes lined up, but due to lack of $$, I may have to delay those prizes for another comp, but we'll see :)
I'll keep you posted at any rate!
February 14th will mark Gluttony's 1st birthday. To celebrate, I will be launching a few competitions to participate in. There will be a writers competition, with various categories and more....
Stay tuned for more information :)